2010 Trash Program SALINE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSION Randall E.Duncan First District Board meets Tuesday 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 PM. - 1:30 P.M. to 4 P.M. John A. Reynolds Meeting Room 209- Office Room 211 -300 W.Ash Second District o n� w�r.yKi P.O.Box 5040 Salina,Kansas 67402.5040 Jerry L.Fowler Third District -,ppp Phone(785)309-5825•FAX:(785)309-5826 www.sallne.org June 28, 2010 Jason Gage 300 West Ash Street P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Dear Jason As you can tell from the attached Road Side Trash Pickup Summary for 2008 and 2009 once the bond is paid off the County will continue to experience an impact on its roads due to the location of the solid waste landfill in Saline County. In your report you indicate that by reducing the tipping fee you might attract additional out of county trash haulers. If this should happen there will be an even greater impact on the County's roads. Saline County is requesting the opportunity to renegotiate an agreement to compensate for the wear and tear on the roads and cost of trash clean upon termination of the existing agreement. Si rely, Jerry Fowler Chairman SALINE COUNTY ROAD`&BRIDGE DEPARTMENT. ROADSIDE TRASH PICKUP SUMMARY FOR 2009 I. Trash pickup on primary&secondary routes 1.98 Tons II. Trash pickup countywide: 17.68 Tons 19.66 Total Tons III. 19.66 Tons $589.801andfitl Cost:. lv:. 20.0.9 Cleanup Expenses: LABOR. EQUIP TOTAL COST COST COST Primary Routes;: $416.54. $34.62 $451:16. Secondary Routes: $252.91: $24.55 $277:46 County Wide: $8,965:88 $2,085.70 $11,051.58 TOTAL $9,635.33 $2,14407 $11,780:20 V. 2009'Cleanup Expense Per Trash Haul Route: Burma; $151:47 $23`.04 $174:51 'Water Well $265.07 411:58 $276165 Centennial $101.1.7 $12:03 $113.20 Ohio. $0.00 $0:00' $0:00 Crawford $151:71 $12:52 $164.23 `-Water Well(Secondary) $0.00 '$0:00 $0:00 TOTAL $669.42' $59.17 $728.59 vl:. 2009 Maintenance Expense Per Trash'Haul Route- LABOR EQUIP MATERIAL TOTAL COST COST COST COST Primary Routes;: Burma. $1,070.75 $1967184 $4;24014 $6,207.98 Water well '$2,081.25 $2,399:32 $11,,965.26 $14;364.58; Sub-Total ,$3,152.00 $4;367.16 $16;205.40 $23,724:56f Secondary- 'Route's: Water Well $168.60 $308.77 $669.67' $998.44 Centennial $2;788.65 $955.56 $20,682.39 $291637:95' Ohio $140.44, $432.21 $8;438.46, $,6,8766,T ,Crawford $478:17' $411,21. $339.05 $750.26 SutrTotal, $3,575.26 $2,107.75 $301149.57 $32,257.32: TOTAL $6,727.26 $6,474:91 $46,354.97 $55,981.68 VII, Number of.tires;ACs and refrigerators picked up: TIRES REFRIGERATORS/AC Trash Haul.Route:. 24 1 County Wide: 38 3 TOTAL 62 4 VIII. Funds Deposited to the Tipping Fee Acoount 1/1/2009 $461;220.27 (Balance on;Hand) 1!23/2009 $82,987.78 (Deposit) 8/31/2009 $94,486.68 (Deposit) Bond&Int:Pymt(2009) $157;262;50 (Payment) Balance $481,432.23 SALINE COUNTY ROAD'&BRIDGE DEPARTMENT ROADSIDE TRASH' FOR'"900$ I. Trash.pickup on prirnary&secondary routes 1.67 Tons IL Trdsh pickup county wide: 127 Tons 14,37 Total Tons Ill. 14.37 Tons = $431.11 Landfill Cost 'IV. 2008'Cleanup,6cpenses: HOURS LABOR EQUIP TOTAL COST COST COST Primary,Routes: 68.00 $866:18 $64.59 1$930r.77 Secondary Routes: 32.010 . $447.91 $26319 County Wide:: 714.00 $14,029.13: $21,459.71 $16,488,84 TOTAL 804.00 $16,343.22 '$2J87.49 $18,130,71 V. 1008.Cfeanup Expense Per Trash Haut Route, Burma 23.00 $59,4.30 $76.46 $670-76 Water Well 35.00 $866:18 . $93037 Centenrizil. 32.00 $447:91 $263.19 $711.10 0 Ohio .0.00 40.00 $0100 Craw.ord 0.06 40,()0 $0.00 KOO WaterWefl(Secondary) 0.00 ;$0:00; $0.00 $Om' TOTAL 90.00 $1,908:39 2 $,494: W $231263; V1. 2066 Maintenen[66 ExpeinsezPdr Trash!Haul:Rdut6'; LABOR, EQUIP M4TERIAL, TOTAL ST CO COST dO' ST" COST ' Primary Routes: 6urrna $1,281.50 $74816 $50410 $2,534'66 Water W611 111 3315.133 $529;85, ��34.4_5 $2,399:61 18.ub=Total $2,616:8,3 $1,278:81 $1.039.15 $4,934;59 Secondary Routm Water Well $EI17-412, $305A2 $278.64, $1,40136' Centennial $711-73: $415.28 $32.00, $1,159.01 Ohio $118.26 '$6781 $30.55 $216.62 Crawford $41757 :$221.17 $663.9-1 Sub-Total $1,669.68 $366.28 $3;440.92 TOTAL $4j681.81 $2,286.29 $1,465.4): i8,375:51 VII. Nurnber.of tires, ACs and iefrigerators picked up: TIRES: REFRIGERATORSIAC; Trash HaUIr Route:: 10 1 County Wide: 104 2 TOTAL 114 3 VIII. Funds Deposited to the.Tippft Fee Account I71'/2008 $297,144.07 (Balance on Hand) 1/1812oog $201,252.40 (Deposit) 8/18/2008 $116,,648.80 (Deposit) IhVYr:(2008) 0 (Deposit) Bond& Int Pymt(2008) $153,825.00 (Payment) Balance $461;220.27