07-19-2000 MinutesSALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION July 19, 2000 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts & Humanities Commission was held at the Smoky Hill Museum community room on Wednesday, July 19, 2000, at 4:00 p.m. Present: Debora Cox, Lou Ann Dunn, Murray Gorman, Randal J. Graham, James Hall, Jeff Ingles, Larry Mathews, Bill Medina, Eleanor Seaton, Sydney Soderberg and Carmen Wilson. Staff present: Martha Rhea; Lana Jordan, Sharon Benson, Karla Prickett, Dee Harris and Darlene Stottmann. Hall called the meeting to order. FOCUS TIME: SMOKY HILL RIVER FESTIVAL Hall referred to the memo from Rhea and five-year Festival financial reports that were mailed in packets. Rhea: Festival about $6,000 in the red this year - has happened before, so that not as much a concern as fact that gate count was up while button income down. Expenses have gone up, especially entertainment and marketing, but in past income has allowed for that. In 1998 button price was raised from $4 to $5 (pre) and $5 to $7 (at gate). Secondly, income from Bi- Center has been decreasing - "big" act in the Bi-Center is not where the enthusiasm seems to be any longer. And third, Super Supporter income decreased - dealt often with "corporate headquarters" making decisions outside Salina and lost a number of past Super Supporters - Feist, Schlotzky's, Amarillo Grill, LoveBox, Central National Bank (said they'll support every other year), Bank of America. Graham asked if Pre-Festival button sales were down significantly in any one location? Rhea: About $1500 total at Dillons stores. Hall: Do we sell buttons at Wal-Mart? Jordan: No. Rhea said a concern is that with Jam buttons still at $5, people are waiting until Thursday evening to purchase; if Jam is ever rained out would lose those sales, and we need strong pre-sales. Medina said positive side is that Festival 2000 was budgeted for break-even and came within two percent of doing that. Rhea again reiterated the concern is the trend - gate counts increased but button sales decreased. Discussion followed. Consensus was to increase button prices in 2001, specifically pre-Festival price to $6 (while keeping gate price at $7), changing the Jam price to $7, and cutting off pre-sales by merchants at noon Thursday. Reasoning is that the Jam has evolved over the years as a part of the Festival and Thursday is a recognized "day" - crowds increasing, coming through the gates earlier in the day, and the same people are coming back on Friday through Sunday. Getting the pre-Festival button price at the Jam has been a convenience for people (but is an extra burden on gate volunteers) - will need to advertise that the Jam is the official opening of the Festival; maybe also have food booths ready to serve by 4:00. Some commissioners cautioned against raising the gate price to $8 or even $10 - costs inside (food) are always an issue, and did just increase button prices three years ago for first time in ten years. Other suggestions: Promote buying and wearing the button early for the 25th anniversary. Have some kind of incentive, like Salina Community Theatre's drawing for a trip, or offer chance at a gift certificate if seen wearing button downtown, etc. Also strongly encourage this year that by buying buttons everyone makes the Festival happen. Soderberg: People will be expecting something more spectacular for the 25th - translates into dollars. Regarding the Bicentennial Center, Soderberg asked what expenses are associated with that? Jordan: $8,000 for security, technical requirements, staging, plus fee for entertairnment. Will always be a $5,000 expense there because we have to be technically ready to mow~ inside in case of rain. No rental fee is paid to Bi-Center, which is significant. Discussion followed; consensus that the Big Band Dance works well and should continue; if paying fee for Center anyway, should continue to use it in some way, although maybe not as it has been in the pabst, i.e. Saturday night headliner. With'Super Supporters, Wilson said maybe a more personal approach is needed -.get employees more involved, i.e. send something that lets the employees know what their company is supporting. Medina: Give autographed CDs; stress the parking pass as a big benefit. Jordan: Many of the corporations have headquarters outside Salina; not a good understanding of that if they've never attended. Marketing directors are asking, "What does it do for us?" - that's hard to translate to someone not from this community. Graham: We're not commercializing like other festivals; is there some way to give more recognition on the grounds? Rhea: That is exactly what corporations are looking for, yet all feedback we get says to not make the Festival commercial but keep it like it is. Other discussion: Soderberg questioned the Sanderson Memorial income and why it was not reflected in "percent of budget" column. Rhea said that was budgeted revenue not. received this year. Graham asked what portion of the $66,000 marketing/promotion budget is l%r TV/radio advertising, and Jordan said about $40,000. Gorman suggested a beer garden be considered for the future. Mathews asked about the drop in Craft Demo revenue. Pfickett said the willow furniture artists are big sellers and have been part of Demo several years; this year moved them to the Craft Market. Soderberg heard fine artists complaining about poor Sunday sales, yet income in that area was up $30,000. Pfickett said artists expect Sunday to be as good as Saturday and it's not. Rhea smnmarized recommended changes that will be incorporated into Festival 2001: "officially" make the Jam part of the Festival, with buttons priced the same as the :rest of the weekend; raise Pre-Festival button prices by $1 to $6; and continue to use the Bicentennial Center in some way, though probably not for the Saturday night headliner. MINUTES Medina moved that the minutes of the June 28 meeting be approved as presented. Soderberg seconded. Motion carded. STAFF REPORTS There were no questions. COMMUNITY ART & DESIGN Personnel Implications: Rhea distributed the request sheet for a part-time person that was included in the City Budget addressing issue of Community Art and Design (CAD). The staff time needed for that, specifically for Karla Prickett, has been an issue - are seeing the need for a part-time person to help pick up duties with Festival and some of the arts services (Web site, etc.). Having already met with City administration, Rhea is almost certain position will not be funded by City next year - program is so new, hard for City administration to understand the need, although internally we have a sense of how the demand for another staff person has grown. Staff will be meeting next week to look at rearrangement of duties, especially in light of public art. Hope to bring someone on board in the fall (September or October). At this point would be the responsibility of the Foundation to fund the position up front, with the understa~ading that we will 156 looking at other means in the future, i.e. City, Chamber, through bed tax dollars, or ways beyond the "normal" route. Looking at 20 hours per week (heavy January through July) - $14,000, reflecting appropriate position grade and step from the City pay plan. Requesting Foundation support for remainder of 2000 and all of 2001, with expectation of another source for 2002. Discussion followed: Graham asked about the amount of Karla's time now .spent in CAD -would need to be documented. Rhea: Not just looking at CAD projects, but other components such as education and resourcing, "learning alongside projects," which is not well tmderstood outside of this Commission. In addition to some of Karla's major responsibilities fi>r Festival, new person might also work in the areas of fund raising, Calendar, etc. Soderberg: Why not have someone handle CAD and let Karla do what she's already doing? Rhea: She has CAD background, worked with task force, resourcing - intentional training process has been ongoing so more of her full-time emphasis can be on that. Soderberg: What would be title of new position? Funding difficult when it's not more defined. Rhea: Arts Services Coordinator is position already in place. Medina: Understands need considering how Festival has grown with same number of staff. Would be in favor of expending $18,000 over next 15 months. Soderberg moved to move ahead with hiring new staff person; Ingles seconded. Motion carded. Rhea said the Community Art & Design policy was approved at Monday's City Commission meeting - truly exciting, many people there in support. Mathews: City Commissioners toured animal shelter - wonderful. Dunn: Think about what that building would be if the art wasn't there; then you realize what this is really about. Jordan pointed out the number of initiatives that have come from Arts & Humanities that are long-lasting - Festival, the Arts in Education/Infusion program, Horizons, now CAD - strong part of the future. Rhea said a public art element has been written into the renovation of the water department building which is under contract with Wilson and Company - very exciting; we'll be learning more as the project proceeds. (Wilson left meeting.) Graham and Soderberg requested that the Chamber and Salina Art Center be thanked formally with a letter from SAHC for their involvement in drafting the CAD policy. EVALUATION OF ARTS INFUSION PROGRAM AND HORIZONS GRAN:T PROGRAM Benson: Charlotte Talbert, Denver, who runs a program similar in application to ours, spent time last week with artists, school administrators, teachers, organizations and staff looking at the Arts Infusion Program's effectiveness. Spoke highly of the program, the organizational structure in place, and service delivery that happens here. Has suggestions for teacher training, etc., and will get a report to us. At some point may also go to Denver for resources. Rhea: Was time for outside evaluation of the program; received good input. Harris: As a participating organization, really great opportunity to get together and talk about common concerns, ideas, etc. - good outcome from the evaluation. Benson: Bus dollars, which came from Commission's listening session a couple of years ago, was something Talbert was very impressed with and how that supports organizations' educational initiatives. Jordan: Christy Fambauch, Ohio State Arts Agency, will be in Salina August 9 and 10 to evaluate the Horizons Grants Program - mechanics, guidelines, things that were brought up during the last listening session. Some Commissioners will be asked to be part of that process. Has 15~en awhile since Horizons has been evaluated; if necessary, outcome will be Fambauch's rewriting guidelines and application. 2001 BUDGET UPDATE Rhea said that other than the personnel issue which was addressed earlier, relatively uneventful year for City - have not heard of any problems with budget request. Medina: Why do you think City won't support extra staff?. Rhea: Don't think there's the understanding yet what CAD fully means. Working hand in hand with CIP is what they voted for; for City it's "in theory" right now, will take some time. Mathews: There are personnel increases in other departments too; pushing for decreased property taxes so poor time to ask for budget increase. Rhea: Important that it is on the table. Ingles: Realistically when could Chamber budget for it? Medina: Once a few projects get going, think they will jump on board. Graham: Chamber could participate voluntarily if they come to a level of understanding of importance; but if they wait for direction of city, that could take longer. Ingles: Do they have discretionary dollars to work with? Rhea: Think they have the flexibility to make that step if they want to. OTHER Hall: Today is last meeting for Jane Alsop and Randy Graham - have been "joined at the hip" with the SAHC for many years and are going to be extremely missed. Their work with the Community Art & Design program especially was fantastic. Everyone here really appreciates their years of service and hopes they'll come back soon. Graham said he wished Jane were here today because she is certainly deserving of that applause as well. There being no further business and upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned. /dms