10-16-2002 MinutesSALINA ARTS & HUMANITIES COMMISSION October 16, 2002 The monthly meeting of the Salina Arts and Humanities Commission was held in the Smoky Hill Museum community room on Wednesday, October 16, 2002. In attendance were Jane Alsop, Patrick Bihlmaier, Tom Claman, Jim Colahan, Debbie Divine, Tom Gates, James Hall, Luci Larson, Bill Medina, Linda Smith, Sydney Soderberg and Paula Wright. Staff present: Barbara Koostra, Dee Harris, Sharon Benson, Karla Prickett, Brigid Hall and Darlene Stottmann. Also present: Carmen Wilson, League of Women Voters. Absent: Peggy DeBey and Abby Maxwell. Benson introduced dancer Marion Willis, in Salina for a September-October residency funded by Earl Bane Foundation grant. Marion gave an update on residency activities: Pleasure to be in Salina again - quite a journey- worthwhile - great process this time to be in schools consistently - has a curriculum, sees students improve, kids look forward to him coming, can set standards. Kids have opened their minds, dance is challenging to them. Finding middle school a bit harder than elementary - need to go in with discipline base. Teachers so supportive and informed - makes job easier because kids recognize that the teachers put importance in dance. First Saturday workshop at Y very successful - 25 attended and expect more for second week. Also working with Ben Picketing, scholarship student -rewarding to see how he's improved and flourished in the past year - tenacity, determination, the will to stay committed is key - shows Peggy Simms is doing a lot for him. Because they see a male presence, many male students are really interested. He shared stories from teachers: football players in the dance class surprised at how hard it is, finding respect for it, many movements/things they can't do! A Heusner 2nd grade boy commented, "We never see black men in school." Benson said she was struck by the students' need to listen when Marion is in room to know what comes next - developing listening skills, patterning, rhythm skills - many essential objectives going on besides dance. Teachers are keeping Journals during the longer-range projects to document changes. Marion will be working next semester with the South High drama students and Peggy Simms for the theatre production of West Side Story. Gates asked who is eligible? Benson: Scheduled from teacher requests, can accommodate nearly all. Were notified about workshop through PE classes. Trying to do at least once a week working with the 4-6 grade levels at each school. Soderberg: Has there been a direct link with Earl Bane Foundation? B. Hall: Are in touch to invite Sandy Buster to spend time in classroom. Benson noted that she's working on the possibility of Emily Thompson as scholarship student this year. MINUTES Gates moved to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2002, meeting as written; Bihlmaier seconded. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS Divine asked if there is a catalog of the Public Art Collection - would be a nice piece to showcase Salina. Prickett: Not a catalog, but the collection has been inventoried (including photos); however, primarily because of changes in schools, it needs to be updated. Koostra said she has a meeting tomorrow with Bethany re interns; may be good project for them. Medina asked who owns the Collection (City, Festival, Foundation?), is it insured, and if so, through whom? Staffwill research and have information at the next meeting. Prickett said she is also interested in getting documentation, visually and in text form, from the artists for Salina's public art projects. Soderberg: There is a large collection of Terry Evans photographs at KWU; per Terry's wishes, if anything were to happen to affect KWU stewardship, ownership, of the collection would be transferred to the Arts and Humanities Foundation who would, make appropriate arrangements for exhibiting them. Soderberg asked for clarification about "identifying way to use and recognize radio sponsors." B. Hall: Because the radio media gives to Festival "in-kind," it is difficult to track:; discussing ways to better do that. RIVER FESTIVAL 2003 BUDGET Koostra: Took conservative look in budgeting this year because of economy trends - low on both income and expenses. Came out ahead this year, but mainly because money wasn't spent on capital improvements in 02 as planned; needs to be done in 03. J. Hall asked for clarification about the bottom line on the 02 financial report - dollars taken in for 02 were lower than year before; can't figure out how we could have made that much. Colahan: Revenue was similar - up $2,000 - but expenses were $32,000 less this year, primarily due to less programming expenses. Benson explained: Didn't spend as much on music; and did not complete several projects as planned, i.e. Dean Ruck's Art Car (artist was injured and couldn't follow through, $5,000), and major renovation of storytelling stage. Koostra said Lana Jordan has been involved in the budgeting on a volunteer basis. Item D 'Foundation Support' is budgeted as carry-over from 02 proceeds. Bihlmaier said it's exciting [that expenses were less] because he didn't notice a change in the Festival, especially the entertainment. Benson: Spent less for hotels this year also because of Brigid's involvement with making arrangements. Soderberg asked about the line item 'Staging - Bi-Center'. Benson explained it's to set up the sound system/staging in that facility in case we need to move inside due to bad weather, which until a few years ago was used also for the Saturday night inside act. J. Hall said we now have a covered stage; historically have only moved inside once - why continue include that in the budget? Thinks dollars; could be spent better elsewhere. Benson: If people aren't able to come, we'll lose gate income during downtime and won't recoup dollars paid out for entertainment. A lengthy discussion followed. J. Hall maintained that since it's an outdoor festival, people don't expect to go inside; may go home briefly but will come back to the park. Gates agreed. 'Prickett recalled a year when it rained the entire weekend, and all three stages were accommodated well in the Bi-Center. Benson would like to hear the stage managers' views. Soderberg and Medina said a closer look at the issue is warranted - at next Festival talk with Festival goers and performers for their views. Benson will begin now talking with stage managers, sound company and some of'the performers. Larson asked for explanation of expense item 'BMI/ASCAP'. Benson: Is for music licenses - have to pay licensing fee for any music played at the Festival (money goes to the composers). Some discussion followed about royalty fees and whether that should be a Festival expense or the musicians' expense. Smith asked if there are specific plans for the Sunday Focus. Benson: Goal is to get more people in the park on Sunday; still brainstorming how that will be done. Regarding Community Art & Design, money was committed from Festival. Colalhan said it came from Festival surplus in 2001. Divine: Were those monies committed to Community Art and Design or Community Cultural Development? Koostra: The Community Art and Design program is still being launched in some ways and it's been necessary to use transl~erred funds to meet expenses. Recently we received approximately $4,700 from the City for Municipal Court associated finalist expenses. Koostra: There was a Commission resolution that $100,000 plus an additional 2.5.% per year be placed in liquid assets to "insure" the Festival in the event of rain-out, or other serious deterrent. Hall: What about money for trams and other upgrades? Koostra: Long-term planming committee has not met; could build in contingency. Colahan: Could vote to reserve some money for capital improvements. Don't put it in the operating budget because would have to show income side. Wright: Will that come as recommendation from long-range planning committee? Koostra said will be discussed at their meeting. Claman asked about the conservative revenue figures, i.e. Pre-Festival Button Sales. Koostra: Employee Button Sales is an example - Great Plains Manufacturing participated in 2002, but to be conservative won't count on ongoing relationship. Smith: Don't see that we're allowing for anything dramatic. Soderberg: Way of accomplishing capital improvements would be outside of operating budget as Jim suggested. Could take that up at another time. Medina: Ils the new Premiere category cash or in-kind? Koostra: Both cash and in-kind donors. Wright: By approving budget will not preclude amending it at a later meeting and either reallocating funds or taking them out of the budget. Koostra: Would like to gather more info on Bi-Center staging. Wright moved to accept the Smoky Hill River Festival 2003 budget as presented, with the caveat that it's a blueprint for action and could be amended in the future. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. (Wright left the meeting.) FESTIVAL LONG-TERM PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT Gates said that the committee has had one meeting and will be setting another date. Nothing to report at this time. FESTIVAL ANCILLARY EVENTS COMMITTEE REPORT Medina: Major topics are how to better recognize sponsors while trying to balance against commercialization of the Festival, and improving Festival/sponsor relationships. The committee asked that for their next meeting staff have a one page document detailing responsibilities and obligations of both sponsors and the Festival for ancillary events. The next committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 21, at 4:30 p.m. HORIZONS UPDATE Koostra said the decision has been made to hold the annual Horizons gathering on January 30, 2003, rather than in November to allow more time to plan and gather new donor ideas. Also, at the November 20 Commission meeting will conduct the grant session for the Lana Jordan Developing Artists category. Have three requests totaling $7,133, with $9,500 available. COMMUNITY ART & DESIGN UPDATE Prickett: Have reviewed the Public Art Guidelines with the task force and Gail Goldman - should have a final draft soon that spells out how the process works. Conrad Snider's design phase was approved; has received authority from City to begin his fabrication - is in process now. No new updates on North Ohio and North 9th St. Bridge - still in process with City and Wilson. The task force has been meeting to review the future of South 9th and how to proceed there - Koostra and Prickett will meet with Dennis Kissinger next week. Claman commented on the nice press for the Municipal Court project. (J. Hall left.) MUSEUM UPDATE Harris showed several of George Jerkovich's prims from the new Seasons of the Smoky Hills exhibit (which was funded with a Horizons grant). Staff researched local diaries to get quotes about each picture. Invitations went out yesterday for the opening event Friday, October 25, 7-9 p.m. Horizons donors were invited to private reception. Will be in the temporary gallery; when it closes here will travel to the Logan Art Center. Harris also talked about the Museum's new education booklet written by Loft Brack and designed by Pam Harris. Afterglows have been planned following three Salina Community Theatre performances. Poinsettia flyers have been mailed - huge sales already of new color, plum. Harris distributed copies of the Gallery Renovation fundraising piece; first mailing went out last week to Friends members. Major gifts category is being chaired by Don Loader and Jo Reed; have started planning gatherings at the Museum to invite people to socialize while learning more about the Museum and the gallery renovation campaign. Jane Alsop is helping organize those. Other major lead gifts being worked on. Medina said several potential big donors are in the works. (Alsop left.) Harris said the Museum was awarded a Kansas Museum Association grant of $400 and has applied to KDOCH Attraction Development Grants for $87,000. The benefit concert by David Morgenroth went well - 130 attended, raised $2,700 from ticket and CD sales and donations. Harris said David is a phenomenal pianist; hoping to convince him to do it again. OTHER Koostra reported on several staffing issues. Brigid Hall is now the Festival Operations Coordinator; still part-time, but added responsibilities such as monitoring Festival schedule timelines. Have hired Pam Macy as temporary, acting Program Assistant (new position). The position has been advertised for 10 days and as of today have 75 applications. There being no further business to discuss and upon proper motion, the meeting was adjourned. /dms