03-15-2000 MinutesPARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes - Regular Meeting March 15, 2000 Members Present: Others Present: Richard Brake Jim DuBois Klm Kenison Bill Mercer John Reynolds Kristen Seaton Julie Quackenbush Steve Snyder, Director Randi Clifford, Recreation Superintendent Tim Kerbs, Athletic Director Corey Linton, Intern Alan VonFange, RC Airplane Club Don Apostolico, RC Airplane Club Mickey Nicholson, RC Airplane Club Don Moden, Don's Hobby Shop Mike McCord, RC Airplane Club Nate Jenkins, Salina Journal The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Chairman Jim DuBois. I. REPORTS A. Minutes Jim asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes; there were none. The minutes will be filed. B. Citizens Forum None C. Financial Report There were no questions about the financial reports. D. Activity Reports 1. Participation Report Randi Clifford reviewed the participation for February 2000 of 13,205 compared to 13,281 in 1999. All the numbers were very close to last year. 2. Recreation Report Randi reported the final ski trip would be leaving Friday night and we do have more trips planned for the future. We are now preparing for the summer season. The organizational meetings for softball are scheduled for the end of March/beginning of April. Randi is going to be interviewing summer applicants shortly. The Golden Years Spring Festival is Thursday, April 20, at the Bicentennial Center. The second sessions of our spring programs begin next week. High schools and colleges are practicing on our fields. We will sponsor the NYSCA clinics again this year. 3. Park Report Steve Snyder reported the new restroom at Bill Burke is now opened and the landscaping around it will be finished shortly. Work has started on the two new neighborhood parks at Kennedy and Schilling schools. This year's flowers (approximately 65,000) have been ordered. We reorganized the Parks Division with a supervisor for constructions and projects, and a supervisor for landscape and turf. II. PETITIONS and COMMUNICATIONS A. Letters 1. Tom Mulhern, PATH Coalition Tom Mulhern wrote to Janice Pankratz thanking her for helping with the PATH Coalition. 2. Jeff Boaz, South High School Jeff Boaz thanked Randi Clifford for participation in their Career Day program. II1. OLD BUSINESS None IV. NEW BUSINESS A. 1999 Summer Program Survey Randi introduced Corey Linton, our intern from Emporia State University. Randi reviewed the program survey from 1999. 1100 surveys were sent out and 237 were returned. B. Requested Model Airplane Restrictions at ECRA Steve explained the history of the model airplane group at ECRA. Alan VonFange spoke on behalf of the airplane club and explained that their club now leases a site on County property and they have exclusive use of that property. Their club is asking the Parks & Recreation Department to prohibit all drop-in flying at ECRA, except for the large scheduled events, because the new site is 2.2 miles from the runway and there are frequency problems that are a safety concern and a liability insurance issue. The airplane club wants this department to stop issuing permits to fly the radio-controlled planes at ECRA. Alan thinks there are approximately 25 people who are not members of their club. There was discussion on accidents and near-accidents that have happened at ECRA. The club does not document accidents. There was discussion on costs involved for the club. The club's insurance through AMA addresses the 3 and 5 mile rules and with the leased site being 2.2 miles, they are requesting prohibiting flying at ECRA. The insurance company says there will be no coverage if the planes are knowingly flown on both sites within 3 miles when there is no sharing agreement on frequency. There was discussion on our department issuing permits with the frequency number on it. The Radio Club is saying that flying at ECRA is not safe anymore. The Board wants Steve to check on optional sites, insurance, and possible rules, and present it to the Board at the May meeting. There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 5:29 p.m.