Administrative BriefCITY COMMISSION INFORMATION MEMORANDUM August 9, 2012 ADMINISTRATIVE BRIEF FROM JACK ROLFS COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT The Computer Technology Department continues to focus on enhancing the city's ability to provide public services, through the use of technology. Some of the activities we have been working on, since our last update to you in May 2012, are listed below. A new Public Safety Intranet for the Police Department and the Sheriff's Office has been implemented. This is maintained by the Police Department and they can change content very quickly to suit their needs. Live news updates and the ability to enter some pertinent news information from the field that other field users can immediately see, are some of the features that make this new Intranet quite popular. We have implemented an internal Help Desk system for Computer Technology. We can now track work tickets much easier than before and the reporting capabilities are very strong. The fifty new desktops that were part of our PC bid this year ended up containing defective disk drives. All of the drives were replaced by the vendor and we are in the process of changing all of the purchased drives with new ones. It is taking considerable time to replace the drives that were already in production, but it is a necessary step to ensure we will have quality desktops in the field for years to come. We are continuing to virtualize servers using VMWare and we are in the process of working on desktop virtualization testing. We have completed the switch to a new firewall and it is working well. The new firewall has the capability to handle multiple Internet connections, so we have added a second line that has considerably sped up our Internet response times. CT should be popular for at least a week or two because of this speed increase! We have implemented Firehouse Web, which gives browser access to our Firehouse software. A package to aid our Fire Inspectors is next on the list. We worked with the Parks and Recreation staff to implement security cameras at Kenwood Cove. Illegal activity was "on film" within the first few days. Technology can be a wonderful thing! MONDAY'S MEETING Enclosed are other items on the agenda. If any Commissioner has questions or cannot attend the meeting, please contact me. Jason A. Gage, City Manager