H-2 Taxi Fare IncreaseHonor~bie Na~oz and City Commission of the City of Sa!ina Salina, Kansas 67401 Phone 825-4646 III E. Walnut SAr. INA, KANSAS 67401 ~ Ho~?zzber 20,1972 .... Re~. Ta×i rates Attn: Mrs ~[orris Olson : City Mar,:. gar Dear Mayoz' ayzd Cor~issio~era;: Due to the steady incz'case Jn co~t of insura~cc, parts and maintenance plus the increaaes in the miniz~uz~.~, wage law and the steady increase in the S~cial Security De~efits it has becor~ta necessary for the Radio Cab Co,,of Sa!ina~ aud the YelRow Ta:ci Co._, of Salina, to request d in¢~rease of fares in order that we m~'y offset the inflationary ezpenses that I am Sure evos:~y bus:~.ness ic e~perion, cing~ ~br last raise or increase in fares was su%mitted and app~'<c.;.od on a trial, bases,. Since that_ time wa hava tried ~o z:'.aintain that approved .rate .by controling and .......... ' ..... ~ ........ ' ...... rea~:.czcn/; c~o, Zv additional e.-t.,,~ .... e ~na cost thau · was possible, but under the pz-esc:nt rate a~.d with the continuing increases of our operatf, ng expenses it J_s impossible for us.to continue %o maintaizt a fleet ~-hich renders the type of sor~qice that the' public demands and service that the City of Sa!ina cat.~ bo proud of~ Therefore~ tt is mequested qhat the rate structure be increased from %he present rate ~o a rate which r/ould al.].ow a charge of ~0~ for the first ~/~ mile of %ranspoi-tation and 10~ for each t/~ mile thereafter,: with 95~: for %he firs% 1/5 mile from midnight %o 5:00 a.m. remaining~ Respectfully sub~_Itted,. E,M.. French. President of Radio Cab. Coo.-Ye~!ow Taxi,. of Solina~ Kansas