Agenda 10-30-19721. Oi~[)ll'.."'..'.! 7: 2nd [L:~:,din~! - pr-ovidin:~ '[o; l i-:.~ a,:c~',cl'w:,! of Zor;ing: plopc::~ t~:.:::. -lh:::!'c-,f. ([ ~: '~[~'~ ~ C>~ I(~, -:X)~ C}~C>L~ (,Al~a-,' ..... ' ' D~:;Ir ~,(:,~), ~er:i',~::,~od'" in [:L::-i i i-i(>~ .~, ,'::: r: ;" .......... '5274, ei!,.": '~;m::(~y adk:,pic:t:i a~:{] [;,I cn,'id J~,~j 'roi' ',i~3't ozonir',9 of ' t[>tl 7 v'i'i~l;ii i'ly and t~r'c:scri , ' ~_ - s d 5, . . , ' I)islr-ic~ 't)' (toc:c~ [;~,i'.~e~;:~; Dis;-fr-ic-i), Filed Ly C. [. C!ar't'. and f i::.~rl }' Slcoi~) O~'di~ar~ce i',~mtbor (,C,i'; :::,~J 'ii~o ai~d -itietct:~y ado[,l,:,d ~:~c'. plovidii:9 for Ii:_ :c:xoning of ce~-lairi p~'op:~ >', / ,,,i-~t~ir~,,, ~ ti~c: ()iqy aqd pr':~s~.rii~ino. .. The proi,:::r u':.e':; lf',crc,.c~[. (i'of-ll;o r-czo~iing of -!i~:': Sou-ih 14-~ ',~o~:~-' of -lhe h'~:~s[' 1/5 :c~:i' of [:~o.:k. 1, Ei~..h-,.,_.._. .... Addi-iior,, Pcl i'I icxt Nunfi:,er N~80, filed Rf:SC)L_U1 t01~' deiet'rnil'~in{! !'ho advisahili iy of co:~c:re-':c [:;','irc), curt) in:i, 9L:I fer-'ili!.]., v.'::~ier rnaiit, 5,:.:ni'i'~y :;e,,.;er-arid storm sewer irnpr-ove!nc:~', s, c:;'i il.m , t~g he cosi -i her::) f del in ing flhe bou/~d::r ies of -lbo irnp:oven:r.,-i dislric'l, rr.,e-l'f~od of assessrr~er~-l, and al)po:l'ior'.~,ng lhe cos l bo',ween -i-he impt-ov~r~itu-~t dis1~ icl and -i-i~e Cil-y.-~l--laI'9~. (Irnprovon,'z'~:Is in Pa:kwood Vii i-::',~ /',ddil~or~ - Rngi~eer'ing Proj " 72.-.55' improvemenl-s, es~.imaling t'he cool- -il~eteof, bou;~dar'ios of 'i-i~e ir;:pr'ov:m:~n'l dis-ir-icl-, rr:elhod of assesb~nor ,~ and al.pot'! ion~ng -t,.~:~ cos1 L:.~,v/eon -l'he imp:ovcr:,enl disfr'ic'i- and 'lbo Ci-i-y--ai--!a::go. (Sanil'ary E'ngineer'ir/g [:'rojec'l 72--552) STAFF A(}:N',iDA (Cor~'l nuo~:l) o SE-/ 'Iii!- DATE -10 RFC. i I',,'L Is I[.~S fo;- [i~ i l.'. (:~-.'.~(~ i i ne for-' C:c;n Gar,-~._.qe, Fi r-e [)ep~!, r'i,'nc~ni ~_~ld [)i o.~;txl i-~l~;l., for- The per of k' .......u ,~ i.i,~y 17, 19'/!, ,~.. ........ c~r' 17, 1977 I. . (Suggo::~.-ied Da-l'(-to ia(.~.:ivc, bids Novc-n,ber !5, 1972) od S~_iT-IHE DATE-i0 RECi-IVF BIDS -for a l-lon Fla-I BcxJ D~.mp l'r'uck for -lhe Park Depu,~-'Irr. znl. (Trade--in a igSi Chevrole-i I -l'c)~ picluJp) (Sugg~sled [)a~',e ~o roc'oiv:: bids -- November i3~ i972) 10. ORD1NANC! lsl ~t~;:din_.q -- Ault~c,r-izir~g -!he C:i'iy of SaliI!a i'o ecluiprxx~i io bc ln~s~(; b.f .la~w~! in (;O~'l~oralion au-l!,ori'~x., aqd d irocl 'll~c~ i s'~r~ua~nce qf $400,000.C0 fie puy l!~o cosl 'Iho~-cor; oF~d -lo e>:c:cu'le as lease witl~ Jave! in (]o~-po~'ui io~ fo~ s~id p r'op:~rfiy. 11. AN OFFk'R OF Pipei', J~f'fray and l-lopwoc;d-i-o purchase $400,000.00 Cor'pot o!' ion. 1. "D I SCU$S t OH 01- VIAl [:7~ P,A] [{S'. Co!nmi."'ns lerner' t.osi k) PLtBL IQ FqEQLliZS'I to n~',--,+,% r'~ -l-~:~xicab~; in lhe City of Sa[ina, I_~,ainning wi-Ih one ar~ of .fariu~s~t), 1, ]91-15, wi-it~ pannissior~ 1o add o-lhets, as needed la:ct, 1o a lo-l-al of six, filed by A. L. Bolls. PETI-IION f]Ui4~r, rL['~ 5287 - fi led by F. F. Bar'ingor 1o change name of -l-he circle on ["as1' Ct-~'~v,'ford, fr-orn East Craw-ford 1o Aspen Cir-ele. o REQUES-I by i'4ar'y Wade Sir-o-l-her' Chapter', Naiional Socicly of the Daughler's of l-he American Revolu-iion Io erec! a melnoriaI plaque n Indian Rock Park. ADJ OLIRiqY, t~NT