Other ItemsSeptember 8, 1972 To: Ail City Commissioners From: N. D. Olson, City Manager Subject: Monday, September 11, 1972 Commission Meeting Agenda: Staff 1: You will recall throughout the discussions of the Cultural Arts Project that an award could not be made to the successful bidders until financial arrangements had been com- pleted. The ordinance authorizing temporary notes for this purpose was published last Friday, September 1. You are now in a position to award these bids. Staff 2: The contract for fire protection of Schilling Manor follows the same format as the contracts for previous years. The resolution is merely an annual formality required by Uncle Sam. Staff 5: The resolution requesting 30,000 acre-feet of storage is in keeping with the Corp of Enginqers letter, a copy of Which you received July 24, 1972, and confirmed by Wilson and Company's Long Range Water Study. This resolution is not a firm commitment,~, but required by the Corp to keep our option open. OTHER ITEMS: Mrs. Jim Wilson has been in and has talked to Richard Shulz with the Governor's Committee on Criminal Administration concerning a grant to the Salina Drug Action Council, Inc. A copy of the ~- application they wish to submit is enclosed. The Governor's Committee will provide grants only in the name of a governmental entity such as City, County, etc. They are requesting that the grant'be filed in the name of the City. This request would be ~simitar to the one made by S~. -Francis Boys Home iN 1970.- We · -~.~ are enclosing a copy of the agreement between the City and'StJ Francis that relieved the city of any financial obligations in that project. If you choose to go the game route with the drug ~ action council, we would prepare a mim%lar agreement with ~hem.~.'~ · We'.can place.'the item on the agenda at any time you may so request. The Corps of Engineers office in Kansas City has c6ntacted us by . .. telephone stating that their FlOod Plain Report for the Saline and Smoky Hill Rivers is now ready to present. You will. recall a similar report made by them relative to Dry Creek some 6 or 7 . · "months ago. The date for the meeting has been get for Oct. 3, 1972, 7:30 p.m. in the City C©mmission~Room, in.the event you want to mark your calendar. They advised information concerning the. report will probably be delivered to US'one week prior to the meeting. City Commissioners Sept. 8, 1972 Page -2- Last Friday, we received information from the National League of Cities in re: the 49th Annual Congress of Cities, Nowember 26-30, 1972, in Indianapolis. We did not receive our full complement of registration material so are xeroxing a copy for each of you. This year the registration process is simple, with one exception-- and that is the fact that each delegate must be registered on a separate card. We do have ample time to get these in, but if all 5 of you plan to attend, then we will need to write and request additional forms and this should be done within the next week. Also, you will note the distance of the hotels from the site of the conference--perhaps getting the hotel reservations in early might help you get a few blocks closer. Margaret will take care of things for you--so let her know your plans. We are keeping the cards we have received. Mr. Botts' letter: As you may have noted, this is not on the agenda because of his request. Last Friday he called to make sure we had read the part about his not wanting it on the agenda. In his phone conversation he said that if his request is granted, then he wouldn't mind if it was on the agenda, but for personal reasons, he just wanted it considered in private. · .. ~