F-3 Awd Fire EquipmentI}[:~F'ARTF~!~NT OF .qAi'h~l'Y H. J. July 1.8, 1972 ~'0: FROH: SL t-,Jt',C ]: MR. N. D. OLSON; CITY i~L~!N~GER E. C. }3~08S, ACi].N~ FIRE: CHIEF }~ld ~ ' }LopoxL of F:[xe Apparatus ~' },eva. ew 'We ]lave reviewed the bids, lnc]_ua:l, nU alternates and exceptions, from the followJn9 three manufacturers: Clintonville Fire Apparatus, Inc;., P~ner_ican LaFrance and American Fire Apparatus. We have tried to be as c:oncise as possible by dividing the report into three sections. Number ].: Bidder's name, truck (aerial or pumper), base bid, alternate cab, alternate transmission, optional equipment and exceptions to our specifications along with any addition or sub~.raction ~o the base bid reflected by the exceptions and the delivery date. Numbar 2: Explanation of bids. Number 3: Our recommendation for purchase, including just:[fication. ~ }',C.[ IOB~ NUHP, ER ]_ C].intonvil Pumper: Ford Commercial Alternate Ca]} Alternate Transmission Optional Equipment Delivery date 240 calendar days Pumper: Internationel FTCO - 20'~0 Custom' Alternate Cab Alternate Transmission Delivery date 240 calendar days American Fire Apparatus Pumper: Ford Commercial Alter~ate Cab Alternate Transmission Optional Equipment Delivery date 150 to 180 working days $53,432.00 1,880.00 N/A 11,91]..00 $58,472.00 Included 3,000.00 $5]_,388.00 2,050.00 N/A 9,295.00 (Continued) i~N~.. N. ]). ©LSON Ju]_y IS, 1972 Page Pumper: C'(~tury Crt S'hOnL Alternate Cab Alternate Transmission Exceptions: }]ale Relief Valve Valved 6" front suction J.n lieu w~lved 6" right gnd left suet-; ohs Delivery date 185 working days Aerlal: Custom Cab Alternate Transmission Exceptions: None taken Questionnaire contains blank spaces Delivery date 265 working days American LaFrance Pumper: Pioneer II Custom Cab Alterna%e TransmissJ on OptJ onal Equipment Exceptions: Valved 6" front suction in lieu of valved right and left suctions, DEDUCT De].ivery date 180 to 200 working days Aerial: Cus fora Ca]) Alternate Transmission · Exceptions: Valved 6" front suction in lieu of right and ].eft valved 6" suctions, DEDUCT Engine governor in lieu of Ross Reliof Valve Delete louvers in battery compartments, DE])UCT Delivery date 220 to 240 working days $55,351.00 Included 4,200.00 No cost difference No' cost difference $92,789.00 Included 4,200.00 $55,356.00 Included 4,000.00 10,268.00 688.00 $92,902.00 Included 4,500.00 263.00 No cost difference 20.00 SECTION NUMBER 2, EXPLANATION OF BIDS On our bid form, exceptions to our specifications were required to be noted in writing.. There were actual]_y very few exceptions taken, and most of these offered an improvement at no ch~n~je in the base bid. There were~ however, two exceptions on the aerial bid involving deduction and one w~th no cost differential, which we recommend. Thel:e were two exceptions, with no cost differential, which we recommend on the pumper. (Continued) July IS, ].972 Tho pumper s]?ec'.ifJcations called for a conuttorc:ial chassis. I't wa~s our belief this .would be considerably Jess expeusive and adequately serve the purpose, lC lur~s out we wore wrong a]:)out the commerc, ial chassis, as compared to the custom unit, costing sJgnJ:ficantly less. The base bids on the American Pi re Apparatus and American LaFrauce ¢:ustom pumper were ouly si>: del_Jars ($6.00} apart, and less than two theusand dollars ($2,000.00) over tile lowest- priced commercial unit with c:ab. The advantages of a custom unit are: shorter turning radius; shorter wheelbase for more m~nnverability in traffic, alleys and parking lots; lower overall height reeking the unit easier to werk from, better visibility and accessibility of components for service. The custom units bid by both American Fire Apparatus Company and American LaFrance meet or exceed our chassis requiremen{.s. Considering the lif_e of the apparatus, those advantages more than justify the higher initial test, and we recemmend the custem trucks. Exceptions taken by bidders on the aerial wore minor and mainly offered improvemen-ts over our specJficetio.us. There were seine questions not answered on the American }'ire Apparatus questiennaire. The deduction for front suction, elimination of louvered battery compartment, doors and a statement concerning paint and }lose guarantee were received by separat, e letter frora American LaFrance and made a part of the bid. Proposals received from C].intonvi].]e Fire Apparatus did not make our specifications a part of the bid packet and did not inc]ude ¢:omp]_ete drawings or descriptive literature. Neither of inheJr bids was low. Both trucks, as bid, will be complete with hose, ladders, nozzles, extinguishers, forcible entry too]s and adapters requ]red to make an efficient apparatus. Both American LaFrance and American Fire warrant the hose for ten (10) ~ears. We apparent].y will not be able to accept the bids on the optional, equipment and autoraatic transmissions, as this would 'exceed the total money allotl:ed. In discussions with sales representatives, since the bid letting, we have been to_Id that automatics are not reco~maended fer simultaneous operation of the ladder and fire pump. We should have determined this earlier. Concerning the optional equl]!nent, we could, if the commission desires, establish priority iiems frem the total and purchase as much as possible with the funds remaining. SECTION NUbI¥~ER 3, RECOblNENDATION AND JUSTIt"!CATION We recommend purchase of the Araerican LaFrance Aerial Quint. Base bid, regular 5-speed transmission $92,902.00 Front suction, DEDUCT 263.00 No louvers in battery door, DEDUCT 20.00 TOTAl, COST, EQUIPPED $92,619.00 Our present Aer]al, an American I,aFrance, will be 25 years o]d in September of this year. We have. received highly satisfactory service from it. On the very few occasions we have needed parLs, they have been and still are available. Our fire fighters are familiar with the ladder and have confidonce Jn its safety and performance. (Continued) I.i14.. l']. 1). O],SON ~ CiTY b~].y .~,, 1972 The front sucLJon ~s a de~;irab]e feature;and wi'l:h the deduction, this is the lowest bid. Det~ro~t-. diesel enc3ines warranted two (~ years in American LaFrance Delivezy time: ~7ork~[ng days - 220 to 240 as comloarcd to 2G5 working days for ortner bidder. We recomme~d purchase of the American Fire Apparatus Company Custom Pumper. Base t2id wi'th regular 5-speed transmission $55,351.00 No cost dif[erential for front suct;~on TOTAl, COST, EOUIPI-'ED $55,35]_.00 Reliablo appara'tus; local dealer; 185 working days do].ivery time. If you have any questions, please do I~o~2 hesitate to ask us. S~ ncere].y, Salina Fire Department