Est Housing Board of AppealsTO' N. D. Olson.,_ c~i_ty~_M_an~ager ........... FROM: Bi !1 Harris ,_ pS_r_. _of_A_dmi_n~!s~t~.atig? Hou s inq. _Bo~ a_r d___o_~_Appe~ ~a_l_ S__ CI/Y OF SALINA, KANSAS INTER-DEPARTMEMTAL MEMO .................................... IDATE June 16, 1972 SUBJECT M ESSAG E: In discussing Ordinance No. 8209 (Minimum Housing Code) yesterday with Ron -Barta and Ron Tren~lay, we became aware that the ordinance does not include the membership or terms of appointment for the Board of Appeals called for in Section 16-24(4). This board should be established in the near future. In order to do so, it appears it will be necessary for the City Commission to pass another ordinance and Ron Barta advises that Section H-203 of the Uniform Building Code, Vol. III, Housing (copy attached), should be used as the basis of such an ordinance. It is not stated in the section, however, it would appear that initial terms of the appointees should be one for a one year term, two for two year terms, and two for three year terms with subse- quent appointments for three year terms. ' ORIGINATOR DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE REPLY TO -> SIGNED REPL~h~- -'~i ty Commm S S m on mz gh~ grove co~-i-d~~o-n--t-O-~~~g==~h~~-~i-~ Relations Con~aission to also serve as the Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. It would seem that the two functions would be compatible since the Co~unity Relations ConNnission administers the Fair Housing Ordinan'ce.' cc: Ron Tremblay :.' ~'D'~' C-//~''( ' DATE SIGNED INSTRUCTIONS TO SENDER INSTRUCTIONS ~0 RECEIVER: KEEP YELLOW COPY. 2. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBON INTACT, 1. WRITE REPLY, 2. DETACH STUB, KEEP P~NK COPY. RETURN WHITE COPY TO SENDER· RETURN TO ORIGINATOR AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND AUTtIORIZING A HOUSING ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD, ENACTING SECTION 16-24 OF THE SALINA CODE. .?~[DITIOH' $~'CTIO?IS tl-20'1--H-20~ the-'&~'sdllihg or dwelling unit or prom{scs which ha occupies ~d ~neral controts,~t~ dispose of all his rubbish, garbage, and other organic (Continued) wastc in a n{;mtxer required by the heal~ ordinance and approved by the health o~e~ . - EveW occupant shall;*whcre required by this Code thc health ordnance or dm health o~b'er, fnmish and mah~tain approved de- ~ces, equiptnent or facilities ~eec~ary to keep his premises safe and sanitary. Sec. H-202. All buildings or porHons O~er~bf which are deter- Substandard mined to be substandard as defined in this Code arc hereby de- clared to ~e' public nuisances and shall be abated by ~epair, re- habflitatbn, demolition, or removal in accordance w/th the~pro- cedure specified in Section }I-1101 of this Code. See. It-203. In order to provide for final interpretation of Otc Housing provbions of this Code and to hear appea~ provided for hereunder, ~ere is hereby established a Housing Advisory and Appeals Board ~ng Appeals corm[sting of five members who arc not employees of ~e city. Thc Beard Budding O~cial shall be an ex o~cio member of and shall act as Secretary to said Board. The Board shall be appointed by the (Mayor or Cib' Council) and shall sen'e at (his or its) pleasure. The Board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations for con- ductlng i~ business and shall render all decisions and findings in writin~ to the appellant with a copy to the Building O~teial. Appe~x~s to d~e Board Shall be processed in accordance with the provisions contained in Section H-1201 of this Code. Copies of all mbs or regulations adopted by the Board shall be delh'ered to the Bni!ding Official who shall make them freely accessible to the See; ti-g04. No person, firm, or corporation, whether as owner, lessee, sublessee, or occupant, shall erect, construct, enlarge, alter, lepair, move, improve, remove, demolish, equip, use, occupy, or m~ntain any building or premises, or cause or permit the same to be done, contraD' to or in violation of any of ~e provisions of Code or any order issued by the Buildh~g O~cial herem~der. Any person.violaUng d~e provisions of this Section shall be guilty of a m~sd~iheanor for each day such violation mn~n,es. 9