Agenda 05-01-1972REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COb~ISSIONERS May 1, 1972 Bo C. D. Call to Order Opening Ceremony Roll Call Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting April 24, 1972 E. PROCLA~MATIONS The Month of May, 1972 - "POPPY MONTH" and May 6, 1972 - "POPPY DAY". The proclamation will be read by Mrs° Harold Scribner, President of the American Legion Auxiliary. She will be accompanied by Bessie Edward, Poppy Chairman. F. STAFF AGENDA SET THE DATE to receive bids on the Gasoline Supply for Central Garage and the Fire Department, and for the Diesel Fuel Supply. (Suggested date to receive bids - May 15, 1972) LETTER FROM THE SALINA CITY PLANNING COP~ISSION recommending the approval of Petition Number 3230, which was filed by Ronald P. Thompson, 1416 South Santa Fe, requesting amendment of Section 11, District "D" (Local Business District), Sub-section 20, of the Zoning Ordinance Number 6613, defining schools as primary and secondary. e REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY on the City's liability for mini-bike riding on City owned property. (Referred to the City Attorney by Commissioner Cooper at the April 24, 1972 meeting) REPORT FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY on the procedure to eliminate the approval of appropriation ordinances. (Referred to the City Attorney by Commissioner Losik at the April .24, 1972 meeting) e REPORT FROM THE CITY ENGINEER on the intersection of Fourth and Crawford, and Broadway and Crawford. (Referred to the City Engineer at the April 17, 1972 meeting) CITY ENGINEER files Final Estimate on Engineering Project 71-536 for water main improvement, for J. S. Frank Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $1,974.17. CITY ENGINEER files Estimate Number 1 on Engineering Project 72-542 for street improvements, for Smoky Hill, Inc., in the amount of $18,741.15. CITY ENGINEER files Estimate Number 1 on Engineering Project 72-546 for the Demolition of Unsafe Structures, for Bob Albers Construction, Inc., in lhe amount of $1,980.00. Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners May 1, 1972 Page 2 COMMISSION AGENDA "DISCUSS AND RECONSIDER THE CITY OF SALINA'S POSITION ON S.B. 333, PUBLIC EMPLOYER - PUBLIC EHPLOYEE RELATION LAW, AS REQUESTED IN LETTER DATED ~RC}I 7, 1972 FROM LOCAL # 782~ ]iNTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS." (Commissioner Losik) (Tabled for one week at the April 24, 1972 meeting) DISCUSS THE CITY PROVIDING OFFICE SPACE FOR CULTURAL ~d~TS COMMISSION prior to the letting of bids for the construction of the Salina Community Theatre Building. (Commissioner Losik) (Referred from the April 17, 1972 meeting) e "CLARIFICATION OF THE COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF CO~'IISSIONERS AND OTIIER PERSONNEL CO),IPRISING A QUORU~Xl OF THE BOARD, AND THE VOTING PRIVILEGE OF EACH." (Commissioner Losik) "POTENTIAL TRAFFIC HAZARD AT S. 9th, 81 BYPASS NEAR THE Y AND BRANNS NEW STORE." (Commissioner Losik) H. PUBLIC AGENDA I. ADJOURNMENT