2011 Budget - Amendment State of Kansas Amendment 2011 Amended Certificate For Calendar Year 2011 To the Clerk of Saline,State of Kansas We,the undersigned,duly elected,qualified,and acting officers of City of Salina certify that: (1)the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held;(2)after the Budget Hearing this Budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year. 2011 Amended Budget Amount of Adopted Proposed Amended Page 2010 2011 2011 Table of Contents: No. Tax that was Levied Expenditures Expenditures Fund K.S.A. Sales Tax Capital 1 3,990,580 5,285,211 Flood and Drainage Ord 97-9814 2 0 11,130 200,000 Risk Management 3 499,688 550,000 Central Garage 4 1,616,068 1,716,068 Water and Wastewater 1 5 23,992,559 23,992,559 0. Totals xxxxxxxxxi 0 1 30,110,025 1 31,743,838 Summary of Amendments 0 Attested date: County Clerk Assisted by: Address: Governing Body Page No.I State of Kansas Amendment 2811 Amended Certifieate For Cakadsr Year 2011 To the Clak of Salme,State of Kansas We,the mWersagoed,duly deceed,qualified,and actmg ofiaara of su.sf�u certify that (1)the banning mentioned m the attached publication was held;(2)after the Badger Hearing this Budge war dtdy M wed and adopted as the maumaa atpwdAm for the various hands for the year 2011 Amended Budget ! Amount of Adapted Proposed Amended Page 2010 2011 2011 Table of Contents: No.. Tax that was Levied Fjwvnditmee Fraud K�A Sales Tau Capital 2 3,990.580 585,211 Flood and Drai Ord 97-9814 3 0 11,130 100,000 _ Risk Marftemcnt 4 499;688, 550000 Camw Gamy 5 1.616,068 1,716,068 Water and Wastewater 6 23992 559 23,992,559 0 7 Torah toaooaooaac 0 30,110,025 31,743,838 ISummary of Amendments 8 Attested date: oLaty Ckrk Assisted by: Address Governing Body Page No.1