Statements (2001-A/B) • • • Account Title Salina KS GO 01 NB Refunding Escrow 1 UMB Corporate Trust Services P.O.Box 419692 Salina KS GO 01NB Refd Esc Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Statement Period 05/01/2010-10/31/2010 Administrator: Bonnie Mosher 316.267.1191 Bonnie.Mosher @umb.com Senior Officer: Douglas Hare City of Salina Kansas ATTN:JASON GAGE CITY MANAGER 816.860.3006 300 W.ASH Suite 202 Douglas.Hare @umh.com SALINA KS US 67401 • Investment Summary Cost Basis Market Value Fixed Income Securities 2,206,510.00 2,206,510.00 Total Invested Value $2,206,515.46 Cash & Equivalents 5.46 5.46 Total Assets 2,206,515.46 2,206,515.46 .100.00% Fixed Income Securities Account Total 2,206,515.46 2,206,515.46 [ ! Cash&Equivalents Famoi ='s3 y Please review this statement carefully and notify us in writing within 30 days if you have any questions or concerns about the information it contains.Unless we receiSTas UMB...61100.0106911006.04329.04329.EO1uMBP I.cuSTOMB5TMT00000D002546OOMBSTMT 136863.1..5SWPDETAII written notice within 30 days,we will assume that you have approved the statement. Account Title Salina KS GO 01 NB Refunding Escrow 2 BCorporate Services P.O.Box Corporate Trust Salina KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc rust Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Portfolio(s) Included in Statement Portfolio Number 136883.1 Portfolio Name Salina KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc Transaction Summary • Cash Cost Balance as of 05/012010 Receipts 2,206,515.46 Acquisitions (2,206,510.00) 2,206,510.00 Balance as of 10/31/2010 5.46 2,206,510.00 Statement of Investment Position Units Market Value Original Face Asset Description Cost Basis Total Price Fixed Income Securities Gov't&Agency Bonds 48450 State & Local Government 48,450.00 48,450.00 100.00 DTD 10/29/2010 0.150% 3/28/2011 1820057 State & Local Government 1,820,057.00 1,820,057.00 100.00 • DTD 10/29/2010 0.200% 9/28/2011 6498 State & Local Government 6,498.00 6,498.00 100.00 DTD 10/29/2010 0.250% 3/28/2012 331505 State & Local Government 331,505.00 331,505.00 100.00 DID 10/29/2010 0.320% 9/28/2012 Total Gov't & Agency Bonds 2,206,510.00 2,206,510.00 Total Fixed Income Securities 2,206,510.00 2,206,510.00 • .1 ! • UMB..'61100^.0106911006.04330.04330.EO IUMBPICUSTUMBSTMT0000000025460UMBSTMT 136883,I..SSWPDET4IL • • • Account Tide Salina KS GO 01 NB Refunding Escrow 3 BCorporate Services P.O.Box a Trust Salina KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc rust Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Statement of Investment Position (continued) Units Market Value Original Face Asset Description Cost Basis Total Price Cash & Equivalents Cash 5.46 Cash 5.46 5.46 1.00 USD Total Cash 5.46 5.46 Total Cash & Equivalents 5.46 5.46 Total Assets 2,206,515.46 2,206,515.46 Account Total 2,206,515.46 2,206,515.46 Transaction Schedule Date Description Units Cash Cost Beginning Balance 10/29/2010 Purchase Cash Settlement 6,498.0000 (6,498.00) 6,498.00 State & Local Government DTD 10/29/2010 0.250% 3/28/2012 Trade 10/27/2010 @ 100.00 10/29/2010 Purchase Cash Settlement 48,450.0000 (48,450.00) 48,450.00 I,�M�IIS �k, State & Local Government "`��=�k; DTD 10/29/2010 0.150% 3/28/2011 Trade 10/27/2010 @ 100.00 10/29/2010 Purchase Cash Settlement 331,505.0000 (331,505.00) 331,505.00 =_ State & Local Government DID 10/29/2010 0.320% 9/28/2012 — Trade 10/27/2010 ® 100.00 10/29/2010 Purchase Cash Settlement 1,820,057.0000 (1,820,057.00) 1,820,057.00 State & Local Government 529786 UMB..•6 1200..0 106911006.0433104331.E0 IUMBP 1.CUSTUMBSTMT0000000025460UMBSTMT 136893,1..SSWPDETAIL Account Title Salina KS GO 01 NB Refunding Escrow 4 UIVIES P.O.Box Box 419a Trust Services Salina KS GO 01NB Reid Esc P.O. u Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Transaction Schedule (continued) Date Description Units Cash Cost DTD 10/29/2010 0.200% 9/28/2011 Trade 10/27/2010 Q 100.00 10/29/2010 Cash Receipt 2,206,515.46 GEO K BAUM CO. BD PROCEEDS-INITIAL ESC DEPOSIT Ending Balance 5.46 2,206,510.00 • • S UMB...61200..0106911006.04332.04332.EOIUMBPISUSTUMBSTMT0000000025460UMBSTMT136BB3.1..SSwPDETALL • • Account Tide Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 1 Corporate 419692 Trust Services P.O.Box 419692 Salina,KS GO 01A/B Reid Esc C0I Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.2 Statement Period 10/01/2010-10/31/2010 Administrator: Bonnie Mosher 316.267.1191 Bonnie.Mosher@umb.com Senior Officer: Douglas Hare City of Salina Kansas 816.860.3006 ATTN:JASON GAGE CITY MANAGER 300 W.ASH Suite 202 Douglas.Hare @umb.com SALINA KS US 67401 Investment Summary Cost Basis Market Value Cash 8 Equivalents 20,791.97 20,791.97 Total Invested Value $20,791.97 Total Assets 20,791.91 20,791.91 Account Total 20,791.97 20,791.97 1 100.00% Cash& Equivalents Nom_ Please review this statement carefully and notify us in writing within 30 days if you have any questions or concerns about the information it contains.Unless we rece5 786 written notice within 30 days,we will assume that you have approved the statement UMB..•61300..0106911006.04333.04333.E01UMBP I.CUSTUMBSTMT0000000025461 UMBSTMT 136683.2,.SSWPDETAIL Account Title Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 2 Corporate Services P.O.Box Corporate Trust Salina,KS GO 01A/B Reid Esc COI MB rust Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 1366832 Portfolio(s) Included in Statement Portfolio Number 136883.2 Portfolio Name Salina,KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc COI Transaction Summary Cash Cost Balance as of 10/01/2010 Receipts 44,891.97 Disbursements (24,100.00) Balance as of 10/31/2010 20,791.91 Statement of Investment Position Units Market Value Original Face Asset Description Cost Basis Total Price Cash & Equivalents Cash 20791.97 Cash 20,791.97 20,791.97 1.00 USD Total Cash 20,791.97 20,791.97 Total Cash & Equivalents 20,791.97 20,791.97 Total Assets 20,791.97 20,791.97 Account Total 20391.97 20,791.97 • • • UMB..'61300'.0105911006.04334,04334101UMBP LNSTUMBSTMT0000000025461UMBSTMT 136883.2-SSWPDETAII. • • • Account Tide Salina KS GO 01 NB Refunding Escrow 3 Onn13 Trust T Corporate Services P.O.Box Corporate 419692 Salina,KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc COI Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.2 Transaction Schedule Date Description Units Cash Cost Beginning Balance 10/29/2010 Cash Receipt 44,891.97 BD PROCEEDS-COI 10/29/2010 Miscellaneous Disbursement (3,000.00) To ROBERT THOMAS CPA, LLC ROBERT THOMAS CPA, LLC Escrow verification, Inv. #101810 10/29/2010 Miscellaneous Disbursement (100.00) To FINANCIAL PRINTING RESOURCE, INC. • Finalize OS, Inv. #38771 10/29/2010 Miscellaneous Disbursement (21,000.00) To GILMORE & BELL GILMORE & BELL Bd Counsel fee, Inv. #11624 Ending Balance 20,791.97 lfiNV key 529786 UMB..'61410t0106911006.0433504335.EO IUMeP1.CUSTUMBSTMT000000002546 IUMBSTMT 136863.2_SSWPDETAIL • • • Account Tide Salina KS GO 01 NB Refunding Escrow 1 UNIES Corporate 19692 Services P.O.Box 419692 Salina,KS GO 01NB Refd Esc COI Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.2 Statement Period 11/01/2010-11/30/2010 Administrator: Bonnie Mosher 316.267.1191 Bonnie.Mosher@umb.com Senior Officer: Douglas Hare City of Salina Kansas • ATTN:JASON GAGE CITY MANAGER 816.860.3006 300 W.ASH Suite 202 Douglas.Hare @umb.com SALINA KS US 67401 Investment Summary Cost Basis Market Value Cash 8 Equivalents 17.211.91 17.211.91 Total Invested Valise $17,211.97 1.97 Total Assets 17,211.97 17,211.97 Account Total 11,211.97 17,211.97 . 100.00% Cash&Equivalents fi-s% Please review this statement carefully and notify us in writing within 30 days if you have any questions or concerns aboutthe information it contains.Unless we recetvs_ UMB...18100.0136058022.0a993.08993.E01UMBP I.cUSTUMBSTMT0000000025072UMBSTMT 136883.2..SSWPOETAIL written notice within 30 days,we will assume thatyou have approved the stateme Account Title Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 2 MBCorporate Trust Services P.O.Box 419692 • Salina,KS GO 01 A/B Refd Esc COI Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.2 Portfolio(s) Included in Statement Portfolio Number 136883.2 Portfolio Name Salina,KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc COI Transaction Summary Cash Cost Balance as of 11/01/2010 20,791.97 Disbursements (3,580.00) Balance as of 11/30/2010 11,211.91 • Statement of Investment Position Units Market Value Original Face Asset Description Cost Basis Total Price Cash & Equivalents Cash 17211.97 Cash 17,211.97 17,211.97 1.00 USD Total Cash 17,211.97 17,211.97 Total Cash & Equivalents 11,211.97 17,211.91 Total Assets 11,211.97 11,211.97 Account Total 17,211.97 17,211.97 • • • UMB..'18100'.0 136058022.08994.08994,EO 1UMBPICUSTUMBSTMT0000000025072UMBSTMT 136883,2..SSWPDETAII Account Title Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 3 Trust T Corporate Services P.O.Box a Trust 419692 Salina,KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc COI Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.2 Transaction Schedule Date • Description - - Units Cash Cost • .Beginning Balance 20,791.97 11/03/2010 Miscellaneous Disbursement (3,580.00) To KANSAS STATE TREASURER CHECK # 455634 Reg/Trsf Agt Fee Ending Balance 17,211.97 • 529786 UMB.. 18210..O136058022.08995.08995.EOl UMBP1.CUSTUMBSTMT0000000025072UMBSTMT 136883.2.SSWPDETAIL • • • Account Title Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 1 UNIE3P.O.Box Trust Services Salina,KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc COI P.O.Box 419692 Account Number Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 136883.2 Statement Period 12/01/2010-12/31/2010 Administrator: Bonnie Mosher 316.267.1191 Bonnie.Masher @umb.com Senior Officer: Douglas Hare City of Salina Kansas ATTN:JASON GAGE CITY MANAGER 816.860.3006 3 Douglas.Hare�umb.com 00 W.ASH Suite 202 SALINA KS US 67401 • Investment Summary Cost Basis Market Value -Cash & Equivalents 7,417.97 1,411.91 Total Invested Value $7,417.97 Total Assets 7,41/.9/ 1,417.97 Account Total 1,417.97 7,417.9) 100.00% Cash&Equivalents wain F9�ffl Please review this statement carefully and notify us in writing within 30 days if you have any questions or concerns about the information it contains.Unless we receive UMB...70000#0458278059.09775.09775.E01UMBP I.CUSTUMBSTMT0000000045782UMeSTMT 136883.2..55WPDETAIL written notice within 30 days,we will assume that you have approved the statemei4tgres Account Tide Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 2 UNIESP.O.Box 419692 Services Salina,KS GO 01 A/B Refd Esc C01 P.O.Box 419692 milum Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.2 Portfolio(s) Included in Statement Portfolio Number 136883 2 Portfolio Name Salina,KS GO alA/B Refd Esc C01 • Transaction Summary CC h Balance as of 12/012010 17,211al7 Cost Disbursements (9,794.00) Balance as of 12/312010 /,41/.97 Statement of Investment Position Units Market Value Original Face Asset Description Cost Basis Total Price Cash & Equivalents Cash 7417.97 Cash 7,417.97 7,417.97 1,00 USD Total Cash 7,417.97 7,417.97 Total Cash & Equivalents 7,417.97 7,417.97 Total Assets 7,411.97 7,417.97 Account Total 7,417.97 7,417.97 • • • UMB..'70000 04582)8059.09776.0977 6.E0IUMBPI LISTUMBSTMT0000000045J82UMaSTMT 136883.2.SSWPUETAIL • • 110' Account Title Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 3 UNIES Corporate Trust Services P.O.Box 419692 Salina,KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc COI Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.2 Transaction Schedule Date Description Units Cash Cost Beginning Balance 17,211.97 12/21/2010 Miscellaneous Disbursement (399.00) To STANDARD & POOR'S STANDARD & POOR'S Cusip Issuance, Inv. #34920556 12/21/2010 Miscellaneous Disbursement (6,700.00) To MOODYS - MOODY'S Rating fee, Inv. #F1771840-000 12/24/2010 Miscellaneous Disbursement (195.00) To KANSAS ATTORNEY GENERAL CHECK # 462110 Document Review 12/31/2010 Fee Charged (2,500.00) To UMB BANK N.A. 136883 ACCEPT AND ANNUAL PE 9/30/11 Ending Balance 7,417.97 ERE 529186 UMB...70110.0458278059.09777,09777.E3 IUMBPLCUSTUMBSTMT0000000045782UMB STMT 136863.2..SSWPDETAII • • • • Account Title Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 1 Corporate Trust Services P.O.Box 419692 Salina KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc u Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Statement Period 06/01/2011 -10/31/2011 Administrator: Bonnie Mosher 316.267.1191 Bonnie Mo she r©urn h-cam Senior Officer: Douglas Hare City of Salina Kansas 816.860.3006 ATTN:JASON GAGE CITY MANAGER Douglas.Hare@umb.com mb.com 300 W.ASH Suite 202 SALINA KS US 67401 Investment Summary Cost Basis Market Value Fixed Income Securities 338,003.00 338,003.00 Total Invested Value $338,008.60 Cash & Equivalents 5.60 , 5.60 Total Assets 338,008.60 338,008.60 100.00% Fixed Income Securities Account Total 338,008.60 338,008.60 Cash&Equivalents Please review this statement carefully and notify us in writing within 30 days if you have any questions or concerns ahoutthe information it contains.Unless we receive uMe...s0000..6079'900R0311 1,05347.E6lUMBPI.cusruMasTMT0000000016988UMBSTMT 136683.i.ssweo6TAit written notice within 30 days,we will assume thatyou have approved the statementjss • Account Title Salina KS GO 01 NB Refunding Escrow 2 UIVIEB Corporate Services P.O.Box Corporate Trust Salina KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc momlol rust Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Portfolio(s) Included in Statement Portfolio Number 136883.1 Portfolio Name Salina KS GO 014/B Refd Esc Transaction Summary Cash Cost Balance as of 06/01/2011 5.37 2,158,060.00 Disbursements (1,823,926.25) Income 3,869.48 Dispositions 1,820,057.00 (1,820,057.00) Balance as of 10/31/2011 5.60 338,003.00 Statement of Investment Position Units Market Value Original Face Asset Description Cost Basis Total Price Fixed Income Securities Gov't&Agency Bonds 6498 State & Local Government 6,498.00 6,498.00 100.00 DTD 10/29/2010 0.250% 3/28/2012 Case# 2010-04741 SLUG190K4 331505 State & Local Government 331,505.00 331,505.00 100.00 DID 10/29/2010 0.320% 9/28/2012 " Case# 2010-04741 SLUG19QL2 Total Gov't & Agency Bonds 338,003.00 338,003.00 Total Fixed Income Securities 338,003.00 338,003.00 UMB.'50000i.. 9190017.03112.05348.E01UMBPI.CUSTUMBSTMT0000000018988UMBSTMT1368a3.1..SSWPDETAIL •• • • • •• Account Tide Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 3 UMB Trust Corporate Services P.O.Box Corporate Trust Salina KS GO 01A/B Refd Esc Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Statement of Investment Position (continued) Units Market Value Original Face Asset Description Cost Basis Total Price Cash & Equivalents Cash • 5.6 Cash 5.60 5.60 1.00 USD Total Cash 5.60 5.60 Total Cash & Equivalents 5.60 5.60 Total Assets 338,008.60 338,008.60 Account Total 338,008.60 338,008.60 Transaction Schedule Date Description Units Cash Cost Beginning Balance 5.37 2,158,060.00 09/28/2011 Interest Payment 1,820,057.0000 3,330.95 State & Local Government DTD 10/29/2010 0.200% 9/28/2011 Case# 2010-04741 Payable 09/28/2011 09/28/2011 Interest Payment 6,498.0000 8.12 State & Local Government DTD 10/29/2010 0.250% 3/28/2012 Case# 2010-04741 Payable 09/28/2011 09/28/2011 Interest Payment 331,505.0000 530.41 State & Local Government DTD 10/29/2010 0.320% 9/28/2012 Case# 2010-04741 Payable 09/28/2011 UMB..'50110..0079190017.03113.05349.EOIUMBP1.CUSTUMBSTMT0000000019999UMBSTMT136993.1..SSWPDETAIL 529786 Account Tide Salina KS GO 01 A/B Refunding Escrow 4 Corporate Trust Services P.O.Box 419692 Salina KS GO O1A/B Refd Esc Kansas City,MO 64141-7014 Account Number 136883.1 Transaction Schedule (continued) Date Description Units Cash Cost 09/28/2011 Maturity (1,820,057.0000) 1,820,057.00 (1,820,057.00) State & Local Government DTD 10/29/2010 0.200% 9/28/2011 Case# 2010-04741 09/30/2011 Future Cash Disbursement (1,816,890.00) To KANSAS STATE TREASURER KANSAS STATE TREASURER 10/1 DEBT SERVICE 09/30/2011 Future Cash Disbursement (7,036.25) To KANSAS STATE TREASURER KANSAS STATE TREASURER - 10/1 DEBT SERVICE Ending Balance 5.60 338,003.00 •UMB,,.501000190017.03114.05350.EO1UMBP1.CUSTUMBSTMT00000000189B8UMBSTMT138B83.1..SSWPDETAIL •