12-10629Publisher's Affidavit 1. Christy Fink . being duly sworn declare that I am a Legal Coordinator of THE SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper published at Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of general circulation in said county, which newspaper has been admitted to the mails as second class matter in said county, and continuously and uninterruptedly published for five consecutive years prior to first publication of attached notice, and that the Ordinance 12 -10629 Notice has been correctly published in the entire issue of said newspaper one time, publication being given in the issue of March 33,n 2012 Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5—ot, day of 1 7 ' (Lruh A.D. 20 i L Notary Public Printer's Fee $1,869.00 NOTARY PUBLIC •State Ot Kansas WENDYCNRCBAK. Ab AIM. Exp. Qom_ I 12_ 10529 and lot size 'ago a- (88) Newspaper offices AN ORDINANCE tions,permitted in and printing; AMENDING CHAPTER section 42 -203 and (89) Office building on 42, ARTICLE VI, DIVI. - parking shall be pro- same site as industry SION 14 BY AMENDING videtl in confer /factory); '- SECTIONS 42 -268, 'mance with section (9 ) Mice equipment 42 -283, 42 -318, 42.333 42 -553; and supply manufac - 42 -362, AND 42 -M b. Conversions of ex. lure; PERTAINING TO CONDI- istinp nonresidential (91) 'Optical goods TIONAL AND PERMIT. buildings shall born. manufacture; TED USES IN THE C -2 ply wilh the require - (`92 Organ manufacture; C3, C -5, C -6,1 -2, AND 1 -� ments of the R -3 (93� Overalls manufac -' DISTRICTS' AND _ district, with the ex. ture;. AMENDING ARTICLE IV caption to lot size (94) Paper products. GENERAL USE REGUI regulations permit. manufacture; LATIONS BY AMENDING ted. in. section (95) Pencil factory; SECTION 42 -60131 BY 42 -203 in addition to (96) Perfumery; ADDING TATTOO VAR- the bulk regulations 97 Pest control and ex- LORS AND BODY In the C -5 district , terminators; PIERCING STUDIOS TO and parking shall be (98), Pharmaceutical: THE LIST OF PROHIB. -' provided in cgnfor- Fro ducts manufac ITED HOME. OCCUPA- mance with section 'cure; , TIONS AND REPEALING' 42-553. (99) Phonograph manu -: THE EXISTING SECTION (11) Outdoor theatres;. facture; 42-60(3). - - (12) Tadob parlors and body (100) Photo engraving BE IT ORDAINED by the piercing studios; company; governing body of the city ((13) Taverns; (101) Piano manufac of Salina, Kansas: "(44) Telephone ex lure; - Section' 1. Thal. Sec- changes and tale 102) Plumbing shop; Hens 42 -268,. 42 -283, phone transmission (103) Popcomfactory; 42 -333, 42 -362, 42 -382 of egmpment structures. Sea 442333. Conditional ((104 Pdnting plants; Chapter 42, Article VI, Di- (10�) Pro duce ware . vision 14 of the .Salina Code are hereby uses. Conditional uses in the 'house' (1 06) Public utility plants amended as follows: C -6 district are as fob and services, includ. "Sec. 42 -268. Condi. .lows:. ingsubstations;- tioneluaas. ((1)),Dog mci (107) Publishing cam Conditional uses in the ,tracks; (2) Horse roc ng tracks; parry; C-2 district are fol. (3) - Outdoor theatres;. ' (108) Pump station; . - lows: (4) Tattoo parlors and (109) Radio manufac (1) Hardware stores; bWy piercing studios; "" lure (2) Package liquor (5) Tire rapers shops,, (110) fSecycling center; stores;. recapping, etc.; (111) Refrigerator manu. . (3) Research laboralo- (6) Warehouse and facture;' ties (limited to medi. wholesale houses. . (112) Refuse service; - _ cal records, statistical. Sec. 42 -362. Permitted (113) Relay station (ra. research, etc.); (4) Restaurants, exclud. uses. Permitted uses in the 1 -2 dio, television etc.); (114) Research facili. Ing drive -up window district are as follows: ties;' { service and drive -in (1) Any retail or com- (115) Rug cleaning; - establishments- mercial use, exceppl (116) Saddle. manufac-' fm (5) Small ana(.hospi- those listed as candI. - lure; tats, roviding that Providing tional uses in the 1.2 or 1 -3 districts - (117) Screw and boll) such Is corn plaely enclosed and . (2)'Adding machine manufacture; manufacture; (118) Seed company, (that no odor or noise is discernible outside (l3) Armories;: - (processing); (1 19) Sheet metal shop; the structure; (4) Artificial Hower (120) Shinfactory; - (6) Tattoo parlors and: V4 manufacture; (5) Automobile assent (121J SignFainting (122 Small has. piercing studios; E7) Taverns; B)' Telephone ex bk,: (6) utomobile and truck' animal pitais' (1 23) $oap manufac changes and tale washes; - lure phone transmission (7)' Automobile rental (124) §oda water manu. equipment structures; . (9). All pennidetl end agency; (8) Automobile repair facture; (125) Sporting goods conditional uses in the . (no wrecking yard); manufacture; R -3 district, - provided -(9) Bakery, whe us (a; (126) Stair manufacture; Thai they shall be gov- (10) Beverage manufac (127) Storage ware erned by the. require- - luring and bottling .house; ments of the R -3 dis- (excluding malts and " (128) Tailor shop; i - ds, spirits); __ (129) Tattoo parlors and Sec. 42.283. Conditional (11) Bicycle manufac lure; body DDiereirfp studios,' uses.., Conditional uses in the (12) Blacksmith (no sal. proided Ihef all faci4' ties used for tattooing C -3 district are aefol -. vage yard); .and body piercing lows: •13) Book publishing; shall' be located at (1) Bus stations; x'114) and shoe manufac- least two hundred •(2) Contractor's offices; ture: (200) feel from a' 3 Mini- warehouses; (15) Battling works; church, school, day -(4) u 1np le-fa milt' (16) Broom manufac care center, park or tlwel1,M ngs provided hire; residential zoning dis - `7 they shall be gov (17) Building materials trice; etoed by the R-3 mub - yard; (130) Taxicab storage, j. 'tiple- family. residential _(18) Cabinet maker, repair; - district requirements. 19) Candy manufac (131)'Tea and -spice Such .requirements shell Indutle canard lure' (20) Canning antl pre packing; (132) Television aerials eration of density, serving factory; (classed with building yards, off- street park - (21) Cap and hat manu to which attached); in g lot coverage and facture; (133) Television manu- . all other requirements- (22) Carpenter shop; 'facture; - • -' for multifamily devel- (23) Carpet cleaning; (134) Television sending opment as required in (241 Cleaning and press - or relay towers;' the R -3 residential dis. - Ing; (135) Textile manufac . trict, except that there (25) lock factory; ture; shall be one (1) addi- (26) Clothing manufac (136) Thermometer or tional foot of setback ture; I thermostat manufac- "' for each two (2) feet of (27).Coffin manufacture; ture; ' height over shiny -live (28)'Cold storage ware. (137) Tin products, feet; . house; wholesale: . -(5�35) Multiple-family (29) Commission house; t; 30) Tinsmith shop; dwellings for elderly (30) Concrete burial (139) Tire repair shop, and/or handicapped vault company;, recapping, etc;; ' -;- persons with the lot (31) Condensed milk (140) Transfer company, sowing permitted ex. manufacture; baggage storage; - ceptions to the re ' (32) Contractor's star (141) Truck sales, rental gmred bulk and lot age yard and offices; and service; size: (33) Cosmetic manufac. . (142) T uck terminals' -. a. Minimum lot area:. lure; (143) Trunk manu /ac five hundred 500) (34) Creamery, whole lure; ,. square feet per well- sale; . , 1 (144) Upholstery manu - Ing unit. b. Bulk 35 Dalryry wholesale; R6� Den at laboratory; facture; Vulcanizing regulations: 1. Maximum structure 1, height: one hundred (37) Drug manufacture; 38 Dry cleaning ¢stab- (145) shop (rubber) - (146) Wallpaper manu - fifty (150) feet ex lishment; facture; cent as provided in (39) Drygoods, whole. (147) Warehouse; YiIEH� CNN�K. Z7t- FAUDIARY PW" My Appt. eyo -(4) Multiple- family tlwellings provided ` -they shall be gov emed by the R -3 mul- j. 'tiple- family:residential. - district requirements. Such , requirements shall include consid for shall be one (1) addi. tional toot of setback for each two (2) feet of height over imrty -five 35) feet; (5 ngs f family dwellings or elderly and /or handi capped arsons with the - .Powing permitted ex ez cep lions 'to the re gmred bulk and Io1 size: a. Minimum lot area: five hundred (500) square feet per well. I., height one an lure; (17) Building materials g and pre II hat manu- Carpel cl Cleaning (26) Clothing manufac- ture; (27),Coffin manufacture; (28)�Cold storage ware. house; (29) Commission house; (30), Concrete burial vault company; , (31) Condensed milk manufacture; (32) Contractor's stop age yard and offices;' (33) Cosmetic manufao ture; (34) Creamery, whole sale. t residential zoning dis- trict; (1 30) Taxicab storage, repair; (131)'Tea and spice packing; (132) Television aerials (classed with building to which attached); (133) Television manu. facture; (134) Television Sending or relay towers; - (135) Textile manufao ture; (136) Thermometer or thermostat manufac- ture; (137) Tin products, wholesale; (138) Tinsmith shop; (139) Tire repair shop, recapping, etc.; (140) Transfer company, baggage storage; (141) Truck sales, rental and service; (142) Truck terminals' (143) Trunk manufao lure; (144) Upholstery manu- facture; (145) Vulcanizing shop (rubber)' f1 6) Walloaoer menu - cept as provided in - (39) Drygoods, whole. (147) Warehouse; ' subsection (5)b.2.it 1; 2. Minimum yard re- Sale; (40) Dyeing, and clean- (148) Washing machine manufacture; quirements: rn - (148) Watch manufao I. Front yard: thirty . (41) Electrical repair; lure; . (30) -feet on' all (42) Electrical sign (150) Water company. sides abutting.a manufacture; appurtenances; street.' - (43) Enameling and (151) Waterproofing if. Side yard: fifteen p)ainting; treatment and manu -' - - .(15), feel except there shall except pt (44) Engraving plant; ( 145) Envelope manulac- facture; (152) Welding shop (no additional side 46 lure- ( ) Press storage, saNage); (thous Wholesale - yard setback of one (1) foot for and delivery station; (47) Feed and seed houses' '.(154) Wholesale pro each two (2) feet of height over fifty stores; ,. duce storage and (50) feel. (48) Feed manufacturer; . market; - lit Rear 'yard: (49)) Feed, wholesale; (155) Window, shade ' - wehty -five (25) i 50 Flour and grain manufacture; teat: stamppe and elevators; ,- (156) Wire brush manu. . lot cover- (51) ootl products facture; . ,3.Maximum -age: forty (40) per. manufacture; {157) Wood products cent. (52) Frozen food lock manufacture; (6) Tattoo parlors and am (53) Omit and vegetable (156) Woodworking shops; body piercing studios; (7). Taverns. drying; - (159) Worsted goods - Sec.42 -318. Conditional (54)PUr warehouse; manufacture; uses. (55), Furniture ware (160) Wrecker service Conditional uses in the house /storage; (no impound yard but C -5 district are as fol- (56) Garage, repair; wrecking yard); Iowa: 57 Garment factory: (161) Woven goods' (1) Amusement parks. (58) Greenhouses, retail and wholesale; manufacture; ' 162) Accessory and and skating rinks; (2) Animal hospitals, that at (59) Grocery store, .wholesale; temporary uses as . permitted by adlcie IV, provided pens . shall be in an em (60) Gymnasium equip- of this chapter; closed structure; men manufacture;. (163) Signs, as permit- Automobile repair; (61) Hangars with repair led by article X of this . M Group care facilities;acilities; chapter; - (51 Group rehabilitation 162) Hat cleaning; (164) Off- street parking facilities; 63 Hatchery; and loading, as re (6) Hospitals, sanitari. (64) Hay, grain, feed, - quired by article XI of .ums, rest homes and homes; wholesale; - (65) Ice cream manulac- this chapter;, (165) Any other similar nursing (7) Lumberyards;, lure: industrial use, pro (8) Mini - warehouses; (9) 366 Ice manufacture; vided that it complies Multiple family 67 Jewelry manufao with the limitations in dwellings, provided lure (68) Knit goods manu section 42 -366. Sec. 42 -382. Permitted .. that: ' a. New buildings and additions to existing facture; - (69) Laboratories; uses. . - Permitted uses in the 1 -3 builtlings shall corn - - - ((70) Laundry; (71) Limb (artificial) district are as follows'. (1) Any retailer com- ply with the require- ments of the R -3 manufacture; (pros mercial use �exceppI district end,pafxing thesis manufacture);. - those listed as corn - shall be provided in R2)' Llme'aild cement tional in section conlormance with waretlousa; :. 42 -383; section 42 -553; (73) Looseleal book '(2) All permitted uses in - b. Conversions of ex- manufacture; the 1 -2 district except istin nonresidential (74) Lumberyard; _ those listed as condi- builTngs shall com- 75 Macaroni manulac- tional in section ply with the lot size requirements of the lure; . (76) Machinery and im- 42.383; (3) Airplane repair and R -3 district (section plement sales, rental, manufacture; 42 -204) in addition storage and repair; (4) Automobile manu - io the bulk iegula gdis- (77) Mattress manufao facturing' Lions in the C- lure; (5) Bag cleaning; trict and parking (78) Medicine manulac- (6) Bank equipment may be a, lure; manufacture; provided - one -half ratio set (79) Metal fabrication 7 Barrel manufacture; forth in section and assembly; 8 Beet sugar manufac- 42. 553. 80 Milk bottlin plant' 81 Milk depot, ture; Beverage manufac- (10) Multiple family who (9) dwellings for elderly and /or handcapped sale; (B2) Millinery making; ture and betting; (10) Bleaching powder persons provided that: (83) Mineral distillation manufacture; a. New buildings and and bottling' (11) Blooming mill; additions to existing (84 Mini - warehouses; (85) (12) Blueing manufao buildings shall com - Mobile home sales lure; I ply with the require- and service; 13 Boat manufacture: �14 ' ments of the R3 (86) Motorcycle repair; Box manufacture; 4151 Brass foundry; - ture; ,6) Brewery; (106) Starch manufac 17 Brick yam and kiln; lure; 18) Bronze manufac (107) Soybean oil lure; manufacture; - It9) Brush manufacture; (108) Stone cutting and 20 Can manufacture; screening; 21 Candle manufac (109) Stove and range lure; manufacture; (22) Car manufacture; (1 10) Sweeping com 23) Car wheel foundry; pound manufacture; 24) Cast iron pipe (111) Syrup and pre manufacture; serve manufacture' (25) Casting foundry; (1 12) Tack manufacture; (26) Celluloid manufac- If 13) Tattoo parlors and ture; - body piercing studios, (27) Chalk manufacture; provided that all facili- (28) Charcoal manufac- ties used for tattooing lure and pulverizing; 29) Cheese manufac and body' piercfn❑ shall be located all lure' . (30) Chocolate and co- .least two hundred (200) feet from a cooproducts; church, school, day (31) Cider and vinegar care center, park or manufacture; residential zoning dis- (32) Clay products; trict; Coal yards; (114) Terra cotta manu - �33) 34)) Coffee roasting; facture; (35) Concrete hatching or "ready mixed' (1 15) Tile manufacture; Tin plant;- ,- (36) Concrete products (116) foil manufac lure; company; (117) Tin products (37) Copper . manufac manufacture; -lure; - (118) Tire manufacture; (38) Coffon yarn manu- (119) Tool manufacture; facture; (120) Vinegar manufac -- - (39) Cuived pipe menu- lure; facture; (121) Washing powder (40) Electrical supply manufacture; manufacture; (122) Washing soda (41) Elevator manufac- manufacture; ture;. (123) Waste paper prod - (42) Emery cloth manu- cuts manufacture; facture; (124) Wire manufacture; (43) Engine manufac (125) Wood preserving . lure; treatment manufac (44) Excelsior manufac- lure; - ture; (126) Accessory and (45) Fire brick manufac -' - temporary uses, as lure; " permitted by article IV' (46) Fire clayproducis of this chapter;' - manufesture; ` (127) Signs, as permit- ' (47) flour and grain mill- ted by article X of this ing; - chapter; ,'- (128) Off-street parking 'j4%Foundry; !: 49 Fuel storage and and loading, as re . distribution; "(50) Furnace manufac- cluireu by article XI of this chapter." ture; .. Section 2, -That Section (51) Furniture. manufac- 42 -60 of ff hapter 42, Ani- ture; cle IV of the Salina Code - (52) Glass manufacture; is hereby amended as fol- (53) Hair products fac lows:` tory; "Sec. 42 -60. Home oc.. (54) Hardware manufac - 'cu 'ture: - to ations. ' Rome occupation may (55) Heating supplies be a permitted accessory and appliances manu- us in all residential dis - facture; - ' I toots if the following condi- (56) Hosiery mill; . tions are met. (57) Iron (ornamental) (1 Restrictions and limitations.' works; rods a premises; P (58) Lath manufacturei a: The Home occupa- 59 Laund, machinery lion shall be con manufacture; - ducted entirely (60) Leather and leather within the principal goods manufacture; residential building, (61)' Light and power except as provided manufacture; (62) Linen goods manu- by this chapter, and - such use Most be facture;- (63) Linoleum manufac- clearly incidental -, - and secondary to. tune; - (64) Lubricating machin- the residential use . of the building; any manufacture; b. No more Than (65) Lumber mill; twenty-five (25) per - (66)Machineshop; - cent of the gross . (67 Machinery manu: floor area of a dwell facture; - (68) Mailbox manufac ing unit shall be de- voted to the home lure; (69) Malt products occupation, pro' video however, that manufacture; (70) Meat cutter and rooms let to roam ers are not subject coffee grinder manu to this limitation; . facture; c. No. alteration of the -1) Meatpacking plant; R2 Metal polish menu- principal - residential uilding be facture; (73) Metal weather - strip- shall made that changges the character of thal (74ing manufacture; ) Milling company; building as a rest dente; (75) Mini - warehouses; (76) d. No display of stop Monument works; _ age of egmpmenl or . '(77) Motorcycle manu material outside of a' facture; building or structgre 118 Nail manufacture;;. shall be permitted; 79 Needle manufac e. No mechanical or mre; electrical equipment (80) Oilcloth manufac other than normal lure; domestic or house' (81) Packing (meat, held equipment poultry) plant; shall be used and (82) Pa em shop; the home business (83) Pipe (concrete) must not involve the manufacture; , use of hazardous (84) Pipe (metal) manu- chemicals or Elam facture: - mahln linnirs ernes or dwellin 9 lions; e. Rental of trailers, units; j. The home occupa- cars or other equip. - ment; tion shall not gener- L Restaurants; ate traffic in a yet - g. Retail sales such ume that would cre. as antiques, sec ate a need for park- ondhand merchan- inggreaterthanthat -dise, salesman's which can be ac samples, etc; ' commodated on the h, Stables, kennels premises or which is and animal hospi. . - Inconsistent with the tals; normal parking us- I. Taffoo parlors and age of the district; body piercing stu k.. A home occupation dies. conducted in a ga (4) Special provisions. rage or accessor building shall not be home occupation in o eration earlier P cert sued by t mayy be is- sued 8y the of than 7:30 a.m.' 0 later than 10:00' eats the to Appeals for the to uses, if . p.m. 1. The operator of a - the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that the home business proposed use will not .must obtain a home have an adverse of occupation cerlifi' fact on neighboring cafe from the Zen -. properties; ing Administrator. a. Any of the uses The certificate is not listed in subsection transferable, it may (2) above may be not be transferred to conducted in a de- a different occupant tached garage or or to a new location. (2) Particular home oc- accessory building if cupations permitted... the Board of Zoning Appeals finds that Permitted home occu- the proposed use pations include, but will croniomi with the th are not limited to, the - performance following list of home .. quirements for .occupations, pro; in-home home oc vided; however, that .' cupations. each listed occupation b.. Bed and break - sstsubject to The re- fasts, provided the . rictions and limits dwelling has no lions above: a. Home teaching or - more than six (6) instruction, including guest rooms and no meeting rooms or music and dance, conventionfacllfties, Pharon v more and provided that at t3) stu thritler ee ( ( least one(1) parking dents are taught at space for every two any one time and no (2) rooms can be more than twelve (12) students per accommodated an day; b. Day homes site: c. Small engine re-' care for children, when - pair,' Including lawn .. mowers, provided Property registered that repair activity is with the Salina -Sa- .:_conducted within a line County Health structure. - Department, pro vi pro such ".d. Automobile window .homes shall have all yard, tinting, provided that there shall be no areas enclosed that outdoor storage of . are devoted to such '- materials 'and/or use; c. Artists, sculptors, supFlies Including vehicles or equip authors, composers, ment used in the photographers; d. Barber and beauty conduct of the busi- " shops, provided mat. cons. $Bunco 3 That the ez- only one chair and isting' Sections 42 -268, operator shall be.. 42 permitted; — -283 42 -333, 42 -362, 42-382, and 42 -60 are e. Dressmaker, hereby repealed. seamstress, tailor; fl4. That this or- f. .Minister, rabbi, finance s all be in full ,priest; - l,. force and effect from and g. Office facility for re- after its adoption and pub- oilers, insurance lication agents, brokers, city once in the official newspaper sales representa Introduced fives when no ex change of tangible February 6, 2012 on ' rods a premises; P February 27, 2012 h. Professional of (ices for physician, Samantha P. dentist, lawyer, Angell, Mayor o er- engineer,. SEAL (SEAL] accountant - accountant, bock keeper or other EAuAnn similar profession;: leu Ann Isey, CMC, I. Home crafts, bak City Clerk food prepare ti.,,, provided that no machinery or equipment shall be used or employed other than that -which would cus temerity be found in the home, including machinery : or equip. meet that would customarily be am- Vloyed in connec lion with a hobby or avocation not con- ducted for gain or profit. j. , Repair of items such as small appli. antes, - personal electronic goods . such as radios, tele. .visions and stereos, - - oumm�g as a -resb .which would cus O fvlilling company; 175)) Mini - warehouses; deuce;. - d. No display of stor. temerity be found in the home, including 76) Monument works; '(77) Motorcycle manes age of equipment or - machinery or equip - facture; material outside of a building or stmctgre - ment that would - .customarily be am- (781 Nail manufacture;: (79 Needle manufac shall be permitted; e. No mechanical ployed in connect . ture; (80) Oilcloth manufac or electrical equipment other than normal Lion with a hobby or avocation not con - ducted for gain or lure; (81), Packing (meat,. domestic or house- hold - equipment' profit. -_ j. Repair of items items poult ) plant; shall be used and such as small (82) Pattern shop; (83) Pipe (concrete) the home business must not involve the ances, - personal electronic goods manufacture; - use of hazardous . such as radios,tele- (84) Pipe (metal) mane- - facture; chemicals or flare visions and stereos, mable liquids; furniture and hunt- ((85)) Planning mill; (86) Plaster' of pans f. The home business must be operated by 'fug and llshing gear provided that the manufacture; (87) Plating works; a resident of the dwelling, employees -- use fully conforms with the perform (88) Poultry food manu- - or other assistance once requirements .facture; (89) Printing ink manu- shall be limited to immediate members for home occupa lions;' facture; ((90 Quilt manufacture; of the family resid. ingg on the premises k. Hobby breeders, that no (91� Radiator (heating) g. No stock in trade provided more than ten (10) manufacture; (92) Rivet manufacture; (except articles pro- duced by members - dogs are kept on 'a (93) Rope manufacture; of the immediate zoning lot and that the provisions of provisions (94) Rubber cement family) shall be die- Section have manufacture; (95) Rubber manufac played or sold- on the - been complied with. lure;. premises; h. (3)• Particular home oc- a - (96). Rug manufacture; No exterior signor display shall be per- cupations prohibited; a.. Automobile and (97) Salt manufacture; •. 98 Sand and gravel mitted, except that - one non - illuminated other motor vehicle repair and painting' storage ard; (99) Sandpaper wall sign not more services- except for manu- facture; than two (2) square automobile window_ (100) Sausage or son ', feet in sign area may be used to as tinting which is per -, - miffed under the I sage casing manufac - vertise the home oc- previsions of Sec I lure; cupation; ,' ., lion 42 -60 (4)'d. (101)Sawmill; (102) Sewer pipe manu- i. The home occupa- - tion shall not project b.' Funeral homes; c. Medical or dentaf facture; (103) Shingle manufac - any obnoxious noise, smoke, dust, ' � clinics; d. - Preschools and ture; (104) Shoe manufac - odor or glare so as to create a nuisance group day care cen- - ters, unless specifi- lure; (105) Shovel manufac- or adverse condition upon adjoining prop- cally permitted by - the district regula 0 e