12-10630Publisher's Affidavit
I. Christy Fink being duly sworn
declare that I am a Legal Cr nrdinatur
of THE SALINA JOURNAL, a daily newspaper
published at Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and of
general circulation in said county, which newspaper
has been admitted to the mails as second class matter in
said county, and continuously and uninterruptedly
published for five consecutive years prior to first
publication of attached notice, and that the
Ordinance 12 -10630 Notice has
been correctly published in the entire issue of said
newspaper one rime, publication being given,in the issue
of March 14, 2012
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this L —�
day of �f -� �4Z A.D. 20 _jj�
Printer's Fee
NOTARY PUBLIC - State of Karsas
Mil Appt. Ezp,
(Published in the Salina
Journal March 14 2012
12 -10630
oc I I yryuA1NED by the
governing body of the cif
of Salina, Kansas'
_$a 1. That Divi-
sions 1 through 3 of Chap-
ter 33, Article [if of the Sa-
the Code is hereby
amended as follows:
Sac. 33 -36.
"Bales of to
metal" is regulated scrap
or Shredding, to a form
in which it may be sold
by a scrap metal dealer
consistent with industry
"Ferrous metal is a
metal that contains iron
or steel
"Junk vehicle" is a vehi-
cleppnot requiring a title
of IhevKa sascStatute
Annotated, and amend-
ments thereto, aircraft,
boat, farming imple,
mart, industirs equip
ment. trailer or any other
conveyance used on the
highways and roadways,
which has no use or re.
sale value except as
Junkyard" is an area of
land, with or without
buildings, used for or oc-
cupied by a tleposit, col-
lection or storage, out.
side a completely an
closed building of used
or discarded materials
such as scrap metal,
machinery, equipment,
tires, vehicles or pans
thereof with or without
the dismantling, pros
easing, recycling, sal
vage, sale or other use
or disposition thereof.
Where such materials
are a byproduct of an
established permitted
use on the property,
such activity shall be
considered outdoor stor-
Nonferrous metal^ is a
metal that does not con-
tain Imn or steel, includ-
ing. but not limited to
copper, brass, alum!
nun, bronze, lead, zinc,
nickel and their alloys.
"Regulated scrap metal"
means any wire, cable,
bars, . ingots, wire
scraps, pieces, pellets,
IS aircraft parts,
junk vehicles, vehlcie'
pans, pipes for connec-
t. tors made from alum'
num; catalytic convert
era containing platinum ,.
Palladium or rhodium;
and copper, titanium,
tungsten, stainless steel
and nickel in any form;
for which the purchase
Price described in K.S.A.
50 -6,110 and 50- 6,111,
and amendments
thereto, was primarily
based on' the content
therein of aluminum,
copper, titanium, lung.
Stan, nickel, platinum,
palladium, stainless
steel or rhodium; any
item composed in whole
or in pan of any nonfer-
rous metal other than an
item composed of tin, .
that is Purchased oroth-
erwise So lured for the
Purpose of recycling or
Storage for later recyl
cling. Aluminum shall
not include food or bev-
-lie mated scrap metal
yar is any yard, plot,
y space, enclosure, build-
ing or any other place
where regulated scrap
metal is collected, gath-
ered together and stored
or kep for shipment,
sale, or transfer
"Salvage yard" is an
' area of land, with or
without buildings, used
for sterling, crushingg dis-
mantling, shretlding,
compressing or salvag-
ing discarded Machin
Cry, equipment or live or
more unlicensed inoper-
able vehicles.
"Scrap metal dealer" is
I any ales person a
businessStu of a
I fixed location, and is
also either. (a) engaged
in the business of buy
ing and dealing in requ-
or (3) oper -
1g on, con-
yard or place where
regulated scrap metal is
gathered together and
stored or kept for ship
i,n predominantly of
light she¢t metal ferrous
scrap, including large
and small household ap-
pliances, construction
Siding and construction
Vehicle part" is he front
clip consisting of the two
front fenders, hood; grill
and front bumper of an
automobile assembled
as one unit; or the rear
Shp consisting of those
body parts behind the
rear edge of the back
doors, including both
rear quarter panels, the
rear window, trunk lid,
trunk floor panel and
rear bumper, assembled
as one unit; or any other
vehicle part.
"Wrecking yard" (auto
salvage, yard, automo
bile graveyard) is any
area of land, with or
without buildings, upon
which two or more motor
vehicles of any kind
which are inoperable
and / or unlicensed: are
stored for the purpose of
collecting, crushing, dis.
mantling or salvaging
vehicleys orgparts thereof r rose e.
Sec. 33 -37. Annual ti.
cense required; eppll-
No person shall engage
in the business of oper -
atinga junkyard, sal. t
vage yard, wrecking j
yard' or regulated scrap
metal yard unless and I
- until such person shall
have first obtained an
annual license. Any per- I
son desiring to engage
in the business of oper- i
ating a junkyard, sal t
vage yard, wrecking 1
yard or regulated scrap
metal yartl shall make
application for Such li
Canso on forms fur
dished by the city clerk, 2
which shall contain the
following information
1. The name and ad
dress of applicant,
and in the event appli-
cant is a partnership.
If all of the findinggs re
quired in Section 33 -38
are favorable to the ap-
plicant, the City Clerk
shall, within thiny -(30)
'days after the filing of
the application, notify
the applicant that the
application has been app-
proved and that a li
tense to operate a junk-
yard, salvage yard,
wrecking yard or repu
lated scrap metal yard in
the city shall be issued
upon payment of the
Prescribetl license fee.
any of the findings
provided for in said Sec-
tion are unfavorable to
proved and that no If
tense will be issued.'
Upon request, the city
clerk shall furnish the
applicant with a brief
written statement of the
grounds upon which the
application was disap
Sec. 33-40. Fees.
Application and license
renewal fees shall be
paid to the city clerk. All
fees shall be as pre
scribed in Section 2 -2
and the city's adopted
fee resolution.
Sec. 33.41. Transfer,
form; term of license.
A license issued under
this article shall not. be
transferred or assigned
or used by any person
other than the one to
Is. made to the
use shall not be
any location
in the one `de !
n the 'aoolica'
recarea nerern and
authorizes the licensee
to operate a junkyard, '
salvage yard, wrecking
yard or regulated scrap
metal yard in a lawful
place and manner only;
it is not a substitute for
any certificate of Cape,
pane buildin�p permit,
or of her, care enter or
permit that might be re-
quired by law of the li,
censee, and it does not i.
relieve the licensee of
the responsibility to
have all such required
permits or certificates at `
all times and comply
with all laws affecting
the above described
Said license shall further
date of its expiration, -
Nhich shall be Decem-
aer 31 of the calendar
year the license was is-
Sec. 33 -42. General
operating require.
The following regula
ions shall apply to all
unkyard, salvage yard
wrecking yard and regu-
ated scrap metal yard
operations in the city
and it shall be unlawful
0 operate such bus!
ness in any manner not
n accordance with the
arms contained herein:
. The license issued
pursuant to this chap
ter shall be plainly dis-
played on the busi
ness premises.
. The junkyard, salvage
yard, wrecking yard or
regulated scrap metal
yard, together with all
things kept therein,
shal9at times be main.
Ornne in a ilo
50 -6,110 and 50- 6,111,
and amendments
thereto, was primarily
based onthe content
therein of aluminum,
copper, titanium, tung
until sucn.person snau
have first obtamed an
annual license. Any per-
son desiring to engage
in the business of oper-
ating a junkyard, sat
vage yard, wrecking
yard or regulated scrap
metal yartl shall make
application for such If
cerise on forms fur
nished by the city clerk, .
which shall contain the
following information'.
1. The name and ads
dress of applicant,
and in the event appli-
cant is a partnership,
the names and ad
.dresses of all part
ners, and in the event .
the applicant is a cor-
poration or limited If
ability company, the
names and addresses
of all officers of such
corporation or come
2.pThe exact address
and property descrip-
tion of the premises In
Salina where the busi-
ness is to be carried
on, together with a
diagram of the prem-
ises showing with ex-
actness the location of
abutting roads, prop-
erly lines, buildings
and uses, the bounda-
ries of the area where
the operation will be
conducted and the lo-
cation, materials and
design of all buildings
to be used in the It
censed business, in-
cludam structures re-
quired Hereunder.
3. Such other informal
tion as may be re
gained by City staff to
tletermine compliance
With cityy ordinances.
Sec. 33 -38. - Site Inves
Upon receipt of anappli-
cation for a license to
engage In the business
of operating a junkyard,
salvage yard, wrecking
yard or regulated scrap
metal yard, or to renew
an existincQ7 license, the
city clerk shall notify the
zoning administrator
and such license shall
be issued only after:
1. The applicant has ob-
tained from the zoning
administrator a cenifl-
cate to the effect that
the site currently be
ing used or proposed
to be used as a junk-
yard salvage yard,
wrecking yartl orregu-
lated scrap metal yard
conforms with all zon-
in r eq irements
2. a building official
shall have found that
any proposed or exist-
ing buildings or equip-
ment with which the
business is being or is
to be operated .con
form to the require
ments of the building
code and other appli-
cable codes and the
requirements of this
3. The fire marshal shall
have found that the
proposed or existing
premises and equip
ment conform to the
requirements of the
fire code and other
applicable codes and
the requirements of
this chapter.
Sec. 33 -39: Issuance
of license.
operations in me city
and it shall be unlawful
to operate such busi
ness in any manner not
in accordance with the
terms contained herein:
1. The license issued
ppursuant to this chap-
at shall be plainly dis-
played on the bus!
ness premises.
2. The junkyard, salvage
yartl, wrecking yard or
regulated scrap metal
yard, together with all
things kept therein,
shot times be main -
tained in a sanitary
3. No space not covered
by the license shall be
used in a tunkyard,
salvage. yartl, wreck-
ing yard or regulated
scrap metal yard.
4. No water shall be al-
lowed to stand in any
place on the premises
In such manner as to
afford a breeding
place for mosquitoes.
5. Weeds and vegeta
lion on the premises,
other than trees, shall
be kept at a height of
not more than 12
6. No garbage or other
waste liable to give off
a foul odor or attract
vermin shall be kept
on the premises; nor
shall any refuse of
any kind be kept on
the premises, unless
such refuse is sal
vageable parts and in
use in the license to
7. No junk, parts, regu-
lated scrap metal or
salvage shall be at
lowed to rest upon or
protrude over any
public street, side
walk, or curb, or be
come scattered or
blown off the business
8. The premises where
the operation is con
ducted .shall be an
closed, except for en-
trances and exits, by
means of a nontrans-
patient fence, wall or
beam of a minimum
height of eight (S feet
measured (from
ground level. A chain
link fence with slats
shall not be consid
fired a nontransparent
fence for screening
purposes. In lieu of a
solid wall or fence,
chain link fencing may
be installed if used in
conjunction with a
densely planted vegge.
tative screen. En
trances and exits shall
have nontransparent -
gates consisting of a
minimum of four (4)
foot panels with an in-
stalled height of five
f5) feet measured.
from ground level
which shall be closed
when the business is
not in operation. Re-
quired fencing and
screening shall be
maintained and kept
in good repair at all
9. No screening fence or
wall may be located
within arequired front
yard setback area
along a public street
or highway. Galva
nized metal or sheet
metal panels may not
as usea in screening
fences that face a
public street or high
10. No inoperable vehi-
cles or parts thereof
or other salvage mate-
rial shall be displayed
or stored outside the
fence enclosure in a
required front yard or
in any manner de
signed to attract cus.
tomers or the general
public from any public
street or highway.
11. Vehicle crushingg
shall be permittee,
however, vehicles and
other salvage material
mag be stacked no
higher than the height
of the required
screening fence it lo-
cated within
twenty-five (25) feet of
the screening fence.
12. No storage or stack-
ing of vehicles or
other salvage materi-
als shall be permitted
in required parking
spaces, driving aisles
or fire lanes as deter -
mined by the fire
13. All drwewaya and in-
ternal driving aisles
'shall be surfaced with
crushed stone, gravel
or other all weather
material which the fire
marshal determines
will support the weight
of fire apparatus and
other emergency vehi-
cles. All driving and
maneuvering .areas
shall be properly
maintained and kept
free of potholes,
weeds, dust, trash
and debris.
14. Combustible materk
als of any kind not
necessary or benefi
ciaf to the licensed
business shall not be
kept on the premises;
nor shall the premises
be allowed to become
a fire hazard.
15. No junkyard, sal
,vage.'yard,, wrecking
yard or regulated
scrap metal yard op-
erator.licensed here-
under, or the agent or
employee of the 11i
see, shall purchase or
receive any vehicles
from any person un-
der the age of eight
een (18) years without
the written consent of
a parent or guardian
of such person. Such
writing shall be held
available for inspec
lion by the rep, resente-
tive -of the city for
period of at least six
(61 months.'
16. 1 shall be unlawful
for any person, owner,
tenant, or employee,
to commit such acts
as listed below; .
a.. Discharge or de
:?posit, upon any pu-
bic or private prop-
- any, any industrial,
chemical, hazard
ous, or other regu-
lated waste. All
such material shall
be disposed of at a
state or federally
approved disposal
b. Permit crankcase
or radiator drainage,
vehicle engine wash
or other oils,
greases, vehicle fu-
els or like material
to be discharged or
deposited on to any
area within the city.
c. Discharge into a pri.
vate sewage facility
any - industrial or
chemical waste that
could have a thin
.toxic effect upon the
J. Dump grass clip.
pings, leaves, or
any debris in to a
'curb, gutter, storm
oay or vwtanon.
Sec. 3343. Causes for
suspension and revo-
The city manager may
place on probationary
status, suspend or re
voke the license of any
junkyard, salvage yard,
wrecking yard or regu.
laled scrap metal yard
at any time upon a find-
ing, after a report by the,
zoning administrator,
building official, fire mar-
shal or chief of police
1. The junkyard, salvage
yard, wrecking yard or
regulated scrap metal
yard licensee or any
agent or officer . o/
such who takes pan in
the operation of the I-
censed.business is
not capable of operat-
ing the licensed busi-
ness or carrying on
the licensed activity In
a manner consistent
with applicable laws
regarding the public
health and safety, or
has been convicted of
any crime involving
moral turpitude;
2. The junkyard, salvage
yam, wrecking yard or
regulated scrap metal
yard has tailed to
comply with the provi-
sions of this chapter
of any provisions of
the national, state or
local laws or ordi
nances applicable to
the premises, equip
men t or operation of
the licenses business;
3. The licensee has ob-
tained such license
through any fraud or
4. The licensed bus!
ness or activity is be-
ing conducted in a
manner detrimental to
the health, safety or
general welfare of the
public, or is a nut
sance, or is being op,
stated or carried on to
any unlawful manner;
5. The licensed busi
ness or activity is no
longer being carried
on or operated.
Sec. 33 -44. Hearing
on denial, suspension
or revocation of
license. -
Any person aggrieved'
by the order of any ad-
ministrative official
authorized to act here
under denying, sus
pending; or revoking a
license for a proposed
or existing business or
activity subject' to the
provisions o� this chap-
ter, or recommending
that a license be placed
the denial, suspension
or revocation of the h..':'
vice to the city manager
as the city manager
shall request.
Sec. 3345. Appeal.
or mislaw property,
and 6.5, criminal dep-
rivation of propelsy,
and am en d m ants
thereto, to the Uniform
Public Offense Code
for Kansas Cities.
Sec. 3347. Fees.
Application and license
renewal fees shall be
paid to the City Clerk.
All application fees shall
be as prescribed in Sec-
tion 2 -2 and the city's
adopted fee resolution.
Sec. 33 -48. Filing of
Filing of
written notice of the fit
ing of registration by a
scrap metal dealer
within 10 days of regis-
tration or renewal.
Sec. 33 -49. Issuance of
registration, term, trans-
(a) Upon receipt of the
appplication for re gis
traton, the application
fee antl verifying the
information contained
in the registration ap-
plication that the ap
plicant is qualified; the
city clerk shall forward
the application to the
governing body or its
designee. The ggov
arming body or its des.
ignee shall accept a
registration for a
scrap metal dealer as
otherwise provided for
herein, from any
scrap metal dealer
engaged in business
in the city and quail
fied to file such regis-
tration, to purchase
regulated scrap met.
(b) Registrations issued
hereunder, unless re-
voked as herein pro -
vided, shall be effec-
tive for a period of 10
(c) It an original regtstra-
tion is accepted, the
to re
and thl
as not
to the
was revoked, or individual, company or
managed a facility business entity."
for a scrap metal Section 2. That existing
- dealer whose regis- Divisions 1 and 2 are
tration was revoked, hereby repealed.
of was an employee gect,on 3. That Division
whose conduct led 3 is hereby added.
to or contributed to Section 4. That this or-
the revocation of dinance shall be in full
such registration. force and effect from and
(5) A person who after its adoption and pub -
makes a materially lication once in the official
false statement on city newspaper.
the registration ap- Introduced:
plication or has February 27, 2012.
made a materially passed:
false statement on a March 5, 2012
registration or smi
lar filing within the Samantha P.
last three years.
(6 grmership or Angell, Mayor
iimketl liability cam [SEAL]
pans unless all LATTESTJE
members of the L
partnership or Him ieu Ann lady, CIVIC,
tied liabity com, City Clerk
Perry are otherwise (it)
qualified to file a
(7) A corporation, if
any manager, officer
or director thereof,
or any stockholder
owning in the aggre
. gate more than 25%
of the stock of such
corporation, would
be ineligible to re
calve a license
hereunder for any
(8) A person whose
place of business is
conducted by a
manager or agent
unless the manager
or agent possesses
all of the qualifma
lion for registration.
(9) A person whose
spouse has been
convicted of a felony
or other crime which
would disqualify a
Person from rests
tration under this
section and such
'crime was commit -.
.led during the time
that the spouse held
a registration under
this ordinance.
(10) A site proposed
to be used as a
business location
that does not con
form with the re
qulrements of the
zoning ordinance
- and /or the require
ments of this chap-
33.53. Suspension,
(a) The city manager,
upon five days notice
. to the persons holding
a registration, may
suspend the scrap
metal dealer's regis-
tration for up to 30
days for any one of
the followinv reasons; -
(1) The registrant has . -.._ ..
under shall be trans-
Sec. 33 -50. Penalty.
Violation of this division
is a class A violation and..
punishable by a fine'of�
.not more than $2,500,or 5
imprisonment in. jail for --
not _.more ...than 12
fine ai
above unless such busi-
nessouys or recycles
regulated scrap metal
that are not motor vehi.
cle components. -
Sec. M-52. Issuance,
(a) After examining the
information contained
in a filing for a scrap
metal dealer registra-
tion and determining
the registration meets
the statutory require-
ments for such regis-
tration, the city man
ager shall accept such
tiling and the scrap
been convicted of
violating any of the -
Provisions of K.S.A..
50 -6,109 at seq.,
and amendments
thereto, or any simi-
lar '. ordinance or
-code provisions
-' adopted by the city;
"(2) The' employment
> -or 'continuation in
employment :01 a '
pperson if the regis.
'tered .scrap metal
dealer .knows_ such
person has, within
-24 months prior
c to the notice of sus -
pension or revoca-
tion action, been
convicted of violat-
ing any of the provi.
sions of K.S.A.
50.6,109 at seq.;
and amendments
thereto, or the laws
of another state
comparable to such
provisions, or any
city ordinance, or
regulations control -
Iing scrap metal sale
or purchase in Kan-
sas or any other
state; or
(3) Permitting any
such material snail
be disposed of at a
state or federally
approved disposal
b. Permit crankcase
- or radiator drainage,
vehicle engine wash
or other oils,
greases, vehicle fu-
els or like material
to be discharged or
deposited on to any
area within the city.
C. Discharge.into a pri-
vate sewage facility
any industrial or
chemical waste that
could have a bio
.toxic effect upon the
d. Dump grass clip
pings, leaves, or
any debris in to a
curb, gutter, storm
inlet, storm dmm, or
e. Cause a discharge
that constitutes a
hazard to humans
or wildlife, or causes
a violation of the
federal Clean Water
17. Any person who
commits a prohibited
discharge under this
section shall be re
sponsible for any cost
incurred In the con.
tainment and mitiga
Lion of the hibhed
This discharge. This shall
include any cost in
Yapped and placed in
the sanitary sewer in
accordance with city
plumbing codes.
19. All facilities covered
by this section shall
be in compliance with
all federal and state
stormwater discharge
permitting and man
agement regulations.
20. Floodway bounce
rtes for the property
shall be specifically
marked with monu
ment or other perma-
nent structures- ac
ceptable to the city for
ease in determining
on the ground where
the floodway is to
21. The storage of vehi-
cles, either operable,
inoperable, or junked,
and vehicle parts
.and /or the storage of
hazardous materials,
hazardous waste, or
other regulated chemi-
cals or materials shall
be prohibited in the
22. No junkyard, sal
vage yard, wrecking
yard or regulated
scrapp metal yard shall
be allowed to become
a nuisance public or
private, nor shall any
such business prem-
ises be operated in
such manner as to be-
come injurious to the
health, safety or wel-
fare of the community
or of any residents or
businesses in the vi.
23. A person who vio
Isles az provisions of
this section is guilty of
a misdemeanor and,
upon conviction, is
punishable by a fine
of two hundred dollars
($200) for each act of
violation and for each
was in accordance with
the - provisions of this
chapter and shall issue
a written decision re
9arding the status of the
license. This written de-
cision shall -be filed with
the city clerk and sewed
by the clty manager
upon all pa !es appear-
sec. as -at. exception.
This division shall not
apply to a business If
censed under the provi-
`� sions..of K.S.A. 8 -2404,
and,. amendments
thereto, and Division 2
above unless such busi-
ness buys or recycles
regulated scrap metal
that are not motor vehi-
cle components.
Sec. 33 -52. Issuance,
(a) After examining the
information contained
in a filing for a scrap
metal dealer registra-
tion and determining
the registration meets
the statutory reouire-
com- (b) No scrap metal reg-
ng a .!straiten -shall be am
of the city manager's
written decision. The
appeal shall be heard by
the board otchy com
missioners at their next
regularly scheduled
meeting. AnY decision
of the board of city com.
missioners shall be sob -
ject to appeal pursuant
to aplicable state law.
Sea 33 -.46. Reglstra-
tfon, application.
An application for regis-
tration for a scrap metal
dealer shall be vermed
and made upon a form
furnished by the city and
approved by the after
nay general and shall
(a) The name and rest
dance of the appli
a registration is de�
(d) The name of the
owner of the premises
upon which the piece
of business is located;
(e) The applicant shall
disclose any prior con-
victions within 10
years immediately
preceding the date of
making the register
tion for theft, theft of
property, lost, mislaid
or delivered by mis
take, theft of services
criminal deprivation of
property, or any other
crime involving pos
session of stolen propp
any as defined in at
31 of chapter 21 of
the Kansas Statutes
(f) In addition to the in-
formation required in
subsection 33- 46(e),
the applicant shall
also disclose any prig
convictions within 10
years immediately
preceding the date of
making the application
for registration for any
federal or local crime
or offense similar to
those stated in sub
section 33 -06 e , to in-
clude, but no a lim-
ited to, sections 6.1,
theft, 6.3, theft of lost
age and whose.par-
ents or legal guardi-
ans have been con-
victed of a felony or
other crime which
would' disqualify a
Person from regis.
tration. under this di.
vision '. and such
-crime was commit.
ted during the time
that such parents or
legal guardians held
a, registration under
- this division.
(2) A person who,
Within five years im.
mediately preceding
the date of filing,
has pled guilty to,
been convicted of,
released from incar-
ceration for or re
leased from proba-
tion on parole for
mft a violation of ar-
ticie.37 of chapter
21 of. the Kansas
Statutes Annotated,
perjury, compound-
ing crime, obstruct-
in processor
official duty, falsely
reporting a crime,
interference with law
enforcement, inter.
ference with judicial
process, or any
crime involving .
more turpitude on
der article 38. 01
chapter 21 of the
Kansas Statues An-
(3) A person who,,..
within the five years:
immediately preced-
Ing the date of regis-
tration, has 'pled
guilty to been found
guilty of, or entered
a diversion agree
ment for violating
the provisions of
section 1, and
thereto, KSA 50 -6,
109 at seq and
amendment thereto,
the laws of another
state comparable to
such provisions of
laws of any county
or city regulating the
sale or purchase of
regulated scrap
metal three or more
(4) A person who
within the three
years immediately
preceding the date
of registration held a
scrap metal 'dealer
registration which
employment 01 a
parson if the regis-
tered .scrap metal
dealer knows such
person has, within
the 24 months prior
to the notice of sus-
pension or revoca-
tion action, been
convicted of violat-
ing any of the provi-
sions of K.S.A.
50 -6,109 at seq.,
and amendments
thereto, or the laws
of another state
comparable to such
provisions, or any
city ordinance, or
regulations control-
ling scrap metal sale
or purchase in Kan -
sas or any other
state; or
(3) Permitting any
criminal activity un-
der the Kansas
criminal code, or
similar ordinance
adopted by the city
In or upon the regis
trant's place of busi-
(b) The city manager
may revoke the regis.
tration of a scrap
metal dealer who has
had its registration
suspended three or
more times within a
24 -month period.
(c) The city manager,
upon five days' notice
to the person holding
the registratiorishall-
revoke or suspend the
registration for any
one of the following
(11 The registrant has
fraudulently regis
tared by knowingly
giving materially
has .
a to
or suspenaing
gistralion, the
mt may appeal
board of com
1ers. Theap
all be heard by
trd of commis
at their next
�lv scheduled
1 ap-
it ju-
trict court may enjoin
the revocation or sus -
ppension of aregistra-
on until final disposi-
tion of any action
brought under this or-
(i) Any action brought
under this section
shall be brought indi-
vidually against a sin-
gle registrant's site
and not against any
other scrap _ metal
sites or locations reg-
istered by the same.