4.2 Salina JournalTHE SALINA JOU~AL has made many significant c~ntributi~ns to the growth and quality of life in Safina and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, over the years THE SALI~A JOURNAL has sponsored humdrums free public concerts for the benefit and enjnym~nt of area residents; and THE SALINA JOUR~£ in cooperation with the Salina Bicentennial Center on Saturday, August 14, 1982, provided a free public concert by the United States Air Force Academy Band, which was enjoyed by thousands of Salinans and peopl~ from surrounding counties; and President Fred Vandegrift,~ Editor Gl~nn Williams, Vice President and Treasurer Paul Webb, and many other m~mbers of THE SA£1NA JOURNAL staff worked long and diligently to make this event possible. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE~ that the City Com~issio~on behalf of the residents of Salina and the trad~ are%d~es hereby express gratitude and sincere appreciation to THE SALI~ JOU~AL for helping make Salina an enjoyable place to live and to visit. IX WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Salina, Kansas, to be affixed this 16th day of August, 1982. WHEREAS, it is the calling of the Journalist to observe dispassionately the passing scene and to record accurately the events, great and small, of his time, to the end that all who read his work may be informed of the world about them; and WHEREAS, it is the function of the Editorialist to comment upon such events and to examine the motives of the men and women who shape them and, thus, mold our world; and WHEREAS, GLENN WILLIAMS, for thirty-one years of valued work with The Salina Journal, has kept faith with the Journalist's creed of fairness and accuracy and with the Editorialist's commitment to a passionate search for truth in the babel of conflicting voices; and WHEREAS, he has, upon occasion, in editorial comment of wit and wisdom, pointed out the preferred direction of public policy for this and other public bodies; and WHEREAS, such advice, unsolicited and often ignored, was tendered in a spirit of community concern and good citizenship; and WHEREAS, it is his decision to retire from the daily fray of producing a community newspaper, leaving an envied legacy of accomplishment for those who follow him; and WHEREAS, it is the City of Salina's desire to wish him well in retirement and to thank him for his contributions to community life and for his support of those institutions and that heritage which make life in Salina fulfilling; SO NOW, THEREFORE, we offer this document as a token of our esteem, our gratitude and our enduring friendship. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Salina, Kansas, to be affixed this 17th day of August, 1982. Keith G. Duckers, Mayor