7.1 EPA Water and Wastewater Extension Project Grant CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 12/19/11 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: 7 NO: BY: Development Services FINAL APPROVAL: ITEM NO:1 BY: Gary Hobbie BY: Page 1 ITEM: Consider acceptance of the 2011 Environmental Protection Agency Water and Wastewater Extension Project Grant Funds Agreement for a Workforce Housing Project within the City of Salina and authorizing the City Manager to execute documents related to the 2011 EPA Grant Project. BACKGROUND: The construction and rehabilitation of affordable housing for the area workforce has been identified as a need by the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce and City of Salina in recent years. The added cost of water and sewer infrastructure improvements, including the replacement of existing pipes, limit the number of families able to afford new or redeveloped housing. Therefore the City of Salina is working with multiple agencies to develop a program to meet the needs for Workforce Housing within the community. Multiple agencies have agreed to assist in funding a project where 18 building lots will be developed to support a new home construction project having a final value of up to $130,000 per dwelling. City staff has worked on this program for nearly a year and with the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce Director has secured grant funds from threeagencies. These grant funds are sought to help limit the cost of such infrastructure for new and redevelopment. APPLICATION PROPOSAL SUMMARY Environmental Protection Agency grant funds, as provided by Congress, will be used to partially fund construction of potable water lines and sanitary se wer mains for existing or new housing lots. Additional funds from North Central Regional Planning Commission, Housing & Urban Development and private investment funds will be included in the housing project. The EPA grant outputs will include approximately 1,800 lineal feet of water lines, includi ng water valves and meters; and approximately 2,000 lineal feet of sewer lines, including necessary manholes. The newly constructed infrastructure will be connected to the existing City water and sewer systems. The cost of the construction project is estimated to be well over $750,000, with the balance of the project costs over the grant funds allotted are to be funded through Private Investm ent Financing. If a development agreement cannot be completed, grant funds are to be used with matching funds from the City Capital Improvement Plan Funds to complete a previously recognized project from the Utilities Department. The outcomes of the grant project will be to provide new or redeveloped housing lots with adequate quantity and quality of drinking water, which will protect public health and safety, and adequate wastewater transport and treatment, which will protect water q uality and the public health. The baseline for measuring the results of this project indicates that limited drinking water and sewer systems are currently available for the newly planned and/or redevelopm ent areas within the community. PROPOSED EPA AGREEMENT BUDGET Environmental Protection Agency $ 243,000 Required EPA Match from Developer $ 198,819 WATER-WASTEWATER FUNDS $ 441,819 CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 12/19/11 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: 7 NO: BY: Development Services FINAL APPROVAL: ITEM NO:1 BY: Gary Hobbie BY: Page 2 ADDITIONAL PROJECT GRANT FUNDING AVAILABLE North Central Regional Planning Commission $ 130,000 Housing and Urban Development $ 118,750 Total Additional Grant Fund $ 248,750 SUMMARY of GRANT FUNDS and PRIVATE INVESTMENT FUNDS IN THIS PROJECT Source Amount Specific Use NCRPC $130,000 Project Land Purchase, Engineering or Infrastructure Funding HUD $118,750 Project Design, Engineering and Land Purchase EPA $243,000 Grant Funds for Water and Waste Water Upgrade or extensions for new housin g units in this project area. Private $198,819 Privat e investment funding Required to be used as matching funds for the Water and wa ste Water Upgrade Or Extension of new lines for this particular housing project. UNDETERMINED FUNDS NEEDED BY DEVELOPER 1. Developer Matching Funds Remaining Water & Wastewater Lines 2. Balance of Land Cots above Grant Funds Available 3. Street Improvement Costs for the Subdivision 4. Utility Improvements by outside agencies (Gas, Electric, Communications) FISCAL NOTE: Grant expenses are recoverable at key points throughout the grant cycle, with frequent fund draw downs allowed as invoices come due. The City will be reimbur sed expended funds as they are requested from the Environmental Protection Agency, except all matching funds will be paid from the developers previously agreed to bank loan funds. If the City is unable to use grant award funds completely, any unused funds will be used to rehabilitate water and wastewater lines as previously programmed in the Water-Wastewater Utility’s Capital Improvement Fund. CONFORMANCE WITH STRATEGIC PLAN: The Salina City Commission will have committed to providing the highest quality of city services possible within available resources. The City Commission recognizes their role and responsibility to provide the needed policy direction and resources to its administration. At the same time, the city’s administrative personnel are committed daily to tran sforming this direction and resources into the highest possible quality of munici pal services, consistent with t he expectations of both the City Commission and the citizens of Salina CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 12/19/11 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: 7 NO: BY: Development Services FINAL APPROVAL: ITEM NO:1 BY: Gary Hobbie BY: Page 3 COMMISSION ACTION OR RECOMMENDED ACTION: The following options have been identified for consideration by the City Commission: 1. Approve supporting the Wo rkforce Housing Water and Wastewater Extension and Rehabilitation Program Agreement on behalf of eligible Salina homeowners in the amount of $441,000, with the required $198,819 of private matching funds or Capital Improvement Funds and authorize the City Manager to sign the Grant Agreement documents in support of these agencies. 2. Take no action, thus declining to approve t he Work Fore Housing Water and Wastewater Extension and Rehabilitation Program Agreement for 2011. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Commission support city staff in accepting for the EPA Workforce Housing Water and Wastewater Extension and Rehabilitation Grant funds on behalf of the citizens of Salina for 2011. Enclosures: 2011 EPA Grant Agreement Summary EPA Grant Work Plan