4.2 Childrens Dental HealthPROCLM,~TiON 5:fHEREAS: The future, is to a large measure, dependent on the good health of our children and youth, the citizens of tomorrow; and good health, physical and mental, can be achieved through good health habits, learned early, now I kerle A. Hodges, I,:ayor of the City of Salina, do hereby proclaim the month of February 1982, as Children's Dental Health Eonth in Salina, Kansas and urge that all citizens and all com~nunity organizations join in the observance. IN ~ ~rw~,~ :.fH~REOF i have hereunto set my hand ~JIT~ ~. , and caused the seal of the City of o=lina, Kansas to be f~Mo~, this 25th day of January 1982. i, ayor