8.4 Zone Surv Plat A CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMI SS I ON ACT ION DATE TIME 12/14/198l 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECT1 ON: Adm i n i s t rat i on OR I G I NAT I NG DEPARTMENT: APPROV ED FOR NO. 8 City Clerk AGENOA: 1 TEM ~, NO. 4 D.L. Harrison BY: BY: Second Reading Ordinance Number 81-8893 - Providing for the amendment of Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 36 of the Salina Code, and the Zoning District Map therein and thereby adopted and providing for the rezoning of certain property within the City and prescribing the proper uses thereof. This ordinance was introduced for first reading December 7, 1981. [For the rezoning of Lots 9 and 11, Surveyor's Plat "A", City of Salina to District "C-I" (Restricted Business District)]. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: ORDINANCE NUMBER 81-8893 (Published in The Salina Journal , 1981) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 8526, THE SAME BEING CHAPTER 36 OF THE SALINA CODE, AND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP THEREIN AND THEREBY ADOPTED AND PROVIDING FOR THE REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY AND PRESCRIBING THE PROPER USES THEREOF. WHEREAS, all conditions precedent for the amendment of the Zoning District Map, the rezoning of certain !and therein, hereinafter described has been timely complied with, and SO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. AMENDMENT. DISTRICT "C-l". RESTRICTED BUSINESS DISTRICT. That the Zoning District Map of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereto duly adopted and published as a part of Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 36 of the Salina Code, be and it is hereby amended so that the following described property be rezoned as follows, to-wit: Lots 9 and 11, Surveyor's Plat "A", City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas shall become a part of District "C-]" RESTRICTED BUSINESS DISTRICT. That the use of said described property shall be subject to all the conditions, restrictions and limitations as made and provided for in Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 36 of the Salina Code, with reference to the RESTRICTED BUSINESS DISTRICT. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and iafter its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: December 7, 1981 Passed: December 14, t981 (SEAL) ATTEST: Merle A. Hodges, M.D., Mayor D. L. Harrison, City Clerk