7.2 Zone Meadowlark Acres 3 CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE 11-2-81 TIME 4:00 p.m. AGENDA SECTION: NO. ? Development ITEM NO. 2 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: BY: Planning APPROV ED FOR AGENDA: BY: ~ Re: Application #PDD81-4, filed by Warmack and Company, requesting to change the district zoning classification on all of Meadowlark Acres Addition No. 3, except Lots I and 2, Block 5, City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, from "PDD" to "PDD" (requesting different conditions of approval) (Approximately 2111-2399 S. 9th; 2251-2399 Century Plaza Drive; 101-599 E. Magnolia Road; 100-150 W. Magnolia Road) At their October 20, 1981 meeting the Salina City Planning Commission held a public hearing on Application #PDD81-4. The applicant was present and spoke on behalf of the application. Many area residents were also present and spoke in opposition to the application. After considerable discussion the Planning Commission passed a motion (6-3) recommending approval of Application #PDD81-4 subject to the following conditions: Screening shall be provided between the proposed mall and the residential development. This screening shall be of sufficient density to totally obscure vision a distance of six feet (6') above the finished floor elevation of the mall structure. The applicant shall be required to pay for the signalization and improvements of the Ninth and Saturn, and Magnolia and Belmont intersections in accordance with the Traffic Study, the widening of Magnolia Road to 4-lane arterial standards between Ninth and Belmont and construction of a right turn lane on Central Mall (southbound). These improvements are only those which are in excess of project ST-3 in the Capital Improvements Program. Any necessary alteration of the Ninth and Magnolia traffic signals, as determined by the City Traffic Engineer, shall be made at the developer's expense. e Signage shall be governed by the restrictions applicable to the "C-3" district. A maximum of six wall signs may be placed on the mall structure for those businesses which do not have a public exterior entrance. 4. Permitted uses within the PDD shall, be governed by the following restrictions: A. Enclosed Mall: Governed by the uses permitted in the "C-3" zone. All other regulations are to be as shown on the site plan or as otherwsie noted in these conditions of approval. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE 11-2-81 TIME 4:00 p.m. AGENDA SECTION: NO. Development ITEM NO. Re: Application #PDD81-4 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: .! Planning BY: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: BY: o e e Bo Mul ti pl e-Fami ly: Governed by the provisions of the "R-2.5" district. (Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Add. #3) C. Offices: Governed by the provisions of the "C-1" district. (Lot 5, Block 1; Lot 11, Block 7; and Lot 12, Block 8, Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Add. #3) D. Single-Family: 'Governed by the provisions of the "R" district. (All of Blocks 2-6; Lots 1-10, Block 7, and Lots 1-11, Block 8; Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Add. #3) All parking shall be as prescribed in Article X of the zoning regulations, except for the mall structure which shall be provided at the rate of i space for each 200 sq. ft, of floor area. Parking lot illumination shall be shaded downward to avoid casting light on adjacent residential properties. Maximum height for free-standing lighting is to be twenty feet (20') above the roof line of the mall structure. Maximum gross floor area of the mall structure shall not exceed 650,000 sq. ft. Final development plans shall be adjusted to conform to the preliminary plat, particularly with reference to streets and drainage. "Grass pavers" shall be provided for emergency vehicle access along the south- ern building face of Lot 5, Block I and at the proposed 4th Street entrance to the mall (between Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Add. #3).. This entrance will consist of a roll-curb and signing to prevent public access/use. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE 11-2-81 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: NO. Development OR I G I NAT1 NG DEPARTMENT: Planning BY: APPROV ED FOR AGENDA: BY: Re: Application #PDD81-4 This recommendation was based on the following Findings of Fact: Ae The proposed change is consistent with the intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance (Section 36-101). Be All uses on the property to be reclassified are compatible with uses on adjacent property. Within the request area, adequate safeguards (screening, shading of illumination, etc.) have been taken to protect the residential uses from the commercial development. Co Adequate sewer and water services are available to serve the area and uses permitted. Adequate drainage facilities can and will be constructed. De No errors in the application of the zoning ordinance are known to have occurred. Ee This amendment is not made necessary due to changed or changing conditions in the area. Instead, it is the result of the applicant's desire to modify some conditions of approval necessary for the development of this tract. To approve this recommendation, in accordance with the Planning Commission's recom- mendation, the attached ordinance should be pased on First Reading today. Second Reading would then be scheduled for November 9, 1981. The Saline County Treasurer certifies there are no delinquent taxes or special assessments on this property. Enclosure: Ordinance #81- 8888 Vicinity Map Si te P1 an cc: Ed Warmack Frank Norton Ted Collister COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: 0 0 #P.D.D. 81-4 Warmack & Co. Meadowt ark Acres less Lots I & 2, Add. #3 B1 ock 5 REQUEST AREA CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE 11-2-81 TIME 4: O0 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Development NO. ITEM NO. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: BY: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: BY: Re: Application #PDD81-4 There are several possible major actions and several variations on the ones I will explore. (1) The Commission could, of course, adopt fully the recommendation as is. Absent a protest petition, this requires three (3) affirmative votes from the City Commission. The first reading would be on November 2, 1981 and second reading would be scheduled for November 9, 1981. Of course, the Commission could move to postpone consideration for a brief t.ime - two to three weeks. (2) Kansas statutes permit a protest petition to be' filed on this matter. That petition's due date is 5:00 p.m. on .November 3, 1981. A valid petition requires signatures of 20% of owners of the land within the protest area. The protest area is defined as land within 200' of any part of the request area. We anticipate a valid protest petition will be received. If such a petition is filed, an extraordinary majority of the Commission is required on second reading of the ordinance for passage. A 2/3 vote is required, which means four (4) affirmative votes. (3) The Commission could postpone or table action for six (6) months, that would be to the May 3, 1982 meeting. A motion to table does not permit discussion and must be voted upon immediately and requires a simple majority. Section 36-205(1) of the Salina Code stipulates that if a rezoning application, which a PDD is considered, is not acted upon finally by the City Commission within 120 days after presentation to the City Commission by the Planning Commission, the rezoning is considered denied. The rezoning is not considered denied, however, if the petitioner has agreed or requested an extension. Thus, if the Commission took the action to postpone fQr six months, it would probably be in the petitioner's interest to agree to such extension, however, that is the petitioner's decision. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY TO: CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMI SS ION ACTION DATE 11-2-81 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION: Development NO. ITEM NO. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: BY: Re: (4) Application 9PDD81-4 If the Commission does not approve the application as recommended, it must be returned to the Planning Commission with directions. The City Commission is not required to hold a public hearing on this matter. COMMISSION ACTION MOTI ON BY TO: SECOND BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 81-8888 (Published in The Salina Journal , 1981) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 8526, THE SAME BEING CHAPTER 36 OF THE SALINA CODE, AND THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP THEREIN AND THERBY ADOPTED AND PROVIDING FOR THE REZ0NING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY AND PRESCRIBING THE PROPER USES THEREOF; AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 80- 8810. K,Bnsas: BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Salina, Section l. AMENDMENT. DISTRICT "P.D.D.". PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRIC1 That the Zoning District Map of the City of Salina, Kansas, hereto duly adopted and published as a part of Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 36 of the Salina Code, be and it is hereby amended so that the following described property be rezoned as follows, to-wit: All of Meadowlark Acres Addition Number 3 to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, except Lots I and 2, Block 5 shall become a part of District "PoD.D." PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Section 2. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. That the use of said described property shall be subject to all conditions, restrictions and limitations as made and provided for in Ordinance Number 8526, the same being Chapter 36 of the Salina Code, with reference to the PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Development of the property shall be subject to the plans on file with the Planning Commission and/or City Clerk and the following conditions, to-wit: Screening shall be provided between the proposed mall and the residential development. This screening shall be of sufficient density to totally obscure vision a distance of six (6) feet above the finished floor elevation of the mall structure. The applicaot shall be required to pay for the signalization and improvements of the Ninth and Saturn, and Magnolia and Belmont intersections in accordance with the Traffic Study, the widening of Magnolia Road to 4-lane arterial standards between Ninth and Belmont and construction of a right turn lane on Central Mall (southbound). These improvements are only those which are in excess of project ST-3 in the Capital Improvements Program. Any necessary alteration of the Ninth and Magnolia traffic signals, as determined by the City Traffic Engineer, shall be made at the developer's expense. Sig~age shall be governed by the restrictions applicable to the "C-3I' district. A maximum of six wall signs may be placed on the' mall structure for those businesses which do not have a public exterior entrance; Permitted uses within the PDD shall be governed by the following regulations: Ao Enclosed mall: Governed by the uses permitted in the "C-3" zone. Ail other regulations are to be shown on the site plan or as otherwise noted in these conditions of approval. Multiple-Family: Governed by the provisions of the "R-2.5" district. (Lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 1, Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Addition Number 3) C. Offices: Governed by the provisions of the district. (Lot 5, Block 1; Lot Il, Block 7; and Lot 12, Block 8, Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Addition Number 3) D. Single-Family: Governed by the provisions of the "R" district. (All of Blocks 2 - 6; Lots 1 - 10, Block 7; and Lots 1 - ll, Block 8; Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Addition Number 3) All parking shall be as prescribed in Article X of the Zoning Regulations except for the mall structure which shall be at the rate of one (1) space per each two hundred (200) square feet of floor area. Parking lot illumination shall be shaded downward to avoid casting light on adjacent residential properties. Maximum height for free-standing lighting is to be twenty (20) feet above the roofline of the mall structure. 7. Maximum gross floor area of the mall structure shall not exceed six hundred fifty thousand (650,000) square feet. Final development plans shall be adjusted to conform to the preliminary plat, particularly with reference Lo streets and drainage. "Grass pavers" shall be provided for emergency vehicle access along the southern building face of Lot 5, Block 1, and at the proposed Fourth Street entrance to the mall (between Lots 2 and 3, Block l, Preliminary Plat of the Replat of Meadowlark Acres Addition Number 3) This entrance will consist of a roll-curb and signing to prevent public access/use. Section 3. TIME SCHEDULE FOR COMPLETION. Development of this site shall be substantially completed within ten (lO) years of the effective date of this ordinance. Section 4. That Ordinance Number 80-8810 be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 5- This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the officiat city newspaper. Introduced: November 2, 1981 Passed: (SEAL) ATTEST: Merle A. Hodges, M.D., Mayor D. L. Harrison, City Clerk