6.1 Minutes 03-23-198181-68 81-69 There were present: . ,MayoP'~an S. Gels, Chairman presldlng -Commlssloner Kelth G. Duckers Com~issloner K~ren'M. Grave~ Commissioner Merle.A.' Hodges Commissioner Jack Welsgerber comprising a quorum of the Board, also ~rese~t: L, O. Bengtson, City Attorney D, ~. Harrison, City Clerk Rufus L. Nye, C|ty Manager Absent: None CITIZEN FORUM None AWARDS - PROCLAMATIONS (4.1) The Mayor proclalme~ Sunday, March 29., 1981 - "KNIGHTS OF ~EUMBUS FOUNDERS.DAY". The proclamptlon was read by Bob Hinnenkamp, Grand Knight. (4.2) The Mayor proclalmed the Week of April 6 through 12, !~81 £ ;'RODEO AND WESTERN WEEK". The proclamation was read by Leon J. Dlnkel, Vice Comm~der of the Saline County Mounted Patrol and Rescue Squa~. : PUBLIC HEARINGS AND-ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME None CONSENT (6.1) Approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting Ma. rch 16, 1981. (6.2) Set the date of April 23, 1981 to receive bids for the sale of surpl'us property in Elmdale Addltjon. .Moved by Commissioner Graves, seconded by,Commissioner Hodges that al1 tems on the consent agenda be approved'. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion adopted. DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS None ADMINISTRAT-10N '(8.1) Second Reading Ordi~ahce N~mber 81-~841 - regulating fences on~ouble frontage 1ors; enacting Section 9-352(1)b of the Salina Code. Moved by Commissiqner Hodges, seconded by Commissioner Duckers that Ordinance Number 81-8841, regulating fences on double frontage lots; enacting Seotion ~-352(1)b of the Salina Code, be adopted. ~ye: Ouckers, Graves, Hodges, Welsgerber, ~eig (5). Nay: (0). Mo[ron adopted. 81-70 81~71 81.~72 81-73 I 81-74 '(8~2)!": ii'::SeE6ncl~';~d.lng~.Ordlnance Number '81-8842 ot~.S~ection.36,~ ~03'of the Sallna CO~Je regardl~g permitted-( yar S,~'and~repeal lng the exlstlng, section. ~ Moyed'by Commissioner Hodgq~, se'conde~d by Comml'ssloner' Gra'vei; Ord i nance 'Number.91-8842 -' p?6v ~d I ng~.~or ~ t:he "amen~lmen S~l'lna' CO~le"-~i~Fdlng!pe~mltt!i~d;'~b~.~UctlOhs in r~'~ir&d exlst, i,n~g ~,ectlon, be adopted. Aye: (.5).. Nay:' (0). 'Motion adop..ted. (8.~) P'etttlon Number 3807, flled by the Salina Airport Authority for the- '-~ vacate'on of Scanlan Avenue~' (Acti'on postponed for one week at the March 16, 19i~1 ' meeting.). " Frank NOrton' again, stated' the street Is needed for secur..Ity and ' unloadlng requirements of' Tony's. Moved by Commlssloner Duckers,~seconded by Commissioner ~elsgerber that Pet'i.tion Number 3807 b~ approved and that Ordln, ance Number 8'1-8843, provlding for t'he vacation of 'a'porClon of Scanlan Avenue between Sch111Ing'Road and Jumper Road in'the. Sch[11Ing Subdivision In the City o.f Sallna, Saline County, Kansas, be introduced foi' first r'eadlng. Aye: Du. ckers, Hodges, Welsgerber (3) ' Nay: Graves, Gels (2). Motion adopted. (8..4) Consider a change in the name Of "Lower Indian Rock Park". (Sponsored by Commissioner Duckers). Commlss[oner Duckers .recommended ~:hat .Lower Indl~n Rock Park be na~ed "Bill Burke Memorial Park". .He also suggested thaI~ a dedication be tied 'to the. ~pening of th~ bal~ season .... , · Moved by Commissioner. Duckers, seconded by C'ommissio~er Hodges l~hat .ower Indlan Rock Park be named "Bill Bu'rke Memorlal"Park". Aye: (5). "Nay: (0). Motion adopted .... . (8.5) - Petition Number 3808 was filed by Bi11 Pltteng~r and Delor. es. Pittenger requesting that the City Commission consider flllng a rezonlng applicatlon on Lots' 2, 3, 4, Block 8, Replat of Lo~' 22, BlOck 3, and Lot 9, Block 6,'Dow Addition from R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential) to.R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Bill Pittenger, 1106 Loulse Lane; Tom Phelps, 11'00 L°uise Lane; John Lehman, 1123. Louise Lane feel duplexes woul.d hurt their property valuation. George Etherlngton, said the property was originally sold to a builder for the construction of duplexes. Moved by Commissioner Duckers, seconded by Commissioner Graves that petition Number 3808 be denied with the recommendat.ion that the matter be taken b~for~ the Planning Commission. Aye: (.5). Nay: (0). Motion adopted. OTHER BUSINESS The Mayor, with the approval of the Board of, Commissioners, made the Ifol lowing appointment: ' ,,,um n omm,' II "Jack sheahan, appointed to fill the unexpired term of Kat.hy Vetter to June 7, 1982. Mo~ed i~y Commissioner Hodges, seConded by Commissioner Graves thal; the Regular Meeting of'the Board of. Commissioners be adjourned. Aye.' (5)'.' Nay.: '(0). Motion adopted. .- D~'~ S. Gels, Mayor ATTi~ST: