7.1b Yard ObstructionsORDINANCE NUMBER 81-8842 (Published in The Salina Journal , 1981) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 36-503 OF THE SALINA CODE, AND REPEALING THE EXISTING SECTION. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Sal~na, Kansas: Section 1. That Section 36-503 of the Salina Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 36-503. Permitted obstructions in required yards. The following shall not be considered to be obstructions when located in a required yard: (b) Zn all yc~ds. Open terraces not over thirty-six (36) inches above the average level of the adjoining ground but not including a permanently roofed over terrace or porch; awnings or canopies; steps thirty- six (36) inches or less above grade which are necessary for access to a permanent structure or for access to a lot from a street or alley; arbors and trelllses; flagpoles; and signs, when permitted by Artlcle IX. In any yard except a front yard. Accessory uses permitted by Article IV; recreational and laundry drying equipment; and open space and enclosed fences not exceeding six (6) feet in height. If any provision in this chapter requires a fence in a front yard, or a fence that has a minimum height in excess of five (5) feet, then such fence shall be a permitted obstruction within the meaning of this section. In front yards. Open, unenclosed porches projecting eight (8) feet or less and fences on corner or double frontage lots in accordance with the requirements of Sections 9-352(I)a and b of the Salina Code." Section 2. That the existing Section 36-503 of the Salina Code is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: March 16, 1981 Passed: March 23, 1981 (SEAL) ATTEST: Dan S. Gels, Mayor D. L. Harrison, City Clerk