4.1 Police Week , ' , ' P1{O CL5tfJvlATIO N of The Cíty of Sauna, Xansas WJ-f'E'R'E5\S, '11ie Congress of tfie l.1níted States of .:America lias désÍ£]nated tfie week of :May 11 tfiru 17 to 6e dedìcated as "Natíona{Po{íce Week" and :May 15 of eacfi year to 6e "Peace Offícer :Memoría{ 'Day, " and ' WJ-f'E'R'E5\S, Law enforcement officers are our guardían of {ife and property, defenders of tfie índ1vídua{ ríØfit to 6e free men, warriors ín tfie war aøaínst crime . and dédìcated to tfie preservatíon of fife, {werty and tfie yursuít of fiappíness, and WJ-f'E'R'E5\S, 'Ífie Cíty of Safína desíres to fionor tfie va{or, servíce and dedìcatíon of íts own peace offícers, four of wfiom fiave 6een kí{{ed ín tfie fíne of duty sínce 1917, and WJ-f'E'R'E5\S, It ís known tfiat every one and one-fiaÇf days an .:Amerícan Po{íce Officer wí{{ 6e kí{fed ín tfie fíne of duty somewfiere ín tfie l.1níted States and 230 offícers wí{{ 6e assaufted ín tfie performance of tfieír dutíes, our communíty joíns wítfi otfier cítíes and towns to honor a{{ peace officers everywfiere, and I, .:ACanJí{R~ :M.:A.YO'R O:¡ CITy O:¡ S.:A.LIN:A., 'DO J-f'E'R'E13Y P'ROCL5li:M 'ÍJ{'E W'E'EX O:¡ :M.:A.Y 11 '10 :M.:A.Y 17 '10 13'£ POLlC'E W'E'EX and ca{{ upon a{{ our cítÍZens ín tfiís communíty to esyecía{{y fionor and sfiow our síncere ayprecíatíon for tfie po{íce officers of tfiís cíty 6y deed, remark and attítude. I ca{{ upon a{{ our cítÍZens to make every effort to express tfieír tfianks to our officers wfio make ít posswfe for us to reave our fiomes and famí{y ín safety eacfi day and to return to our fiomes knowíng tfiey are protected 6y officers wíffíng to sacrifíce tfieír fíves if necessary, to guard our roved ones, property and government aøaínst a{{ wfio woufd víoCate tfie Caw. SÍ£]ned tfiís 12tfi day of :May, 2003, at tfie Cíty of Safí~ State of Xansas ín tfie wítness tfiereof tfie sear and tfie sÍ£]natures of tfie cítyare af!íxecC .:ACan 'E. Jílk~ :Mayor