Endorse Application Kansas Department of Commerce & Housing Community Service Program (CSP) Local Government Endorsement Form THIS FORM MUST BE TYPEWRl'ITEN SECTION L APPLICANT INFORMATION 1. LEGAL NAME OF ORGANIZATION APPLYING FOR TAX CREDITS Presb erian Manors Inc. Salina Presb erim Manor 2. ORGANIZATION'S ADDRESS 2601 East Crawford, Salina, Kansas 67401 3. CONTACT PERSONrnTLE Kim Redeker, Regional Manager Fund Development 4. DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER 5. EVENING TELEPHONE NUMBER 620 475-3955 620 475-3955 STATEMENT OF INTENT TO SUBMIT APPLICATION TO DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE &; HOUSING; I have eumined thiI request In its eutirety and beUe\'e it to be an accurate daeriptioa of the projed to be submitted by this organization for the pIIrpoøe of øecuriøg support through the Community Service Program administered by the Kansas arQneDt of Co...-eree &; HOUJID . MUST BE SIGNED IN PRESENCE OF NOTARY 7. NOTARY PUBLIC EMBOSSER OR BLACK INK RUBBER STAMP SEAL OF JJECUTIVE DIRECTOR r -d f-thJ ~\-a.D STATE OF ~~: ~~ ::J.RE ME, THIS USE RUBBER STAMP IN CLEAR AREA BELOW NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATUU n. ~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC NAME (l'YPED OR PRINTED) Wen \ SEmON IL LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 5... d.Y--' The following unit of government (City Council or County Commission) - detennined, based upon the information presented herein, that the forenamed project: 0 DOES 0 DOES Nor endorse the project. 8. NAME TITLE TELEPHONE { ) 10. SIGNATURE DATE 1. LEGAL NAME OF ORGANIZATION APPLYING FOR TAX CREDITS Salina Communit Theatre Association 2. ORGANIZATION'S ADDRESS 303 E. Iron Street, Salina, KS 67401 3. CONTACTPERSONnITTLE Michael S icer, Executive Director 4. DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER 5. EVENING TELEPHONE NUMBER 785 827-6126 785 825-8063 STATEMENT OF INTENT TO SUBMIT APPLICATION TO DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & HOUSING: I have examined this request in its entirety and believe it to be an accurate description of the project to be submitted by this organization for the purpose of securing support through the Community Service Program administered by the Kansas De artment of Commerce & Housin . MUST BE SIGNED IN PRESENCE OF NOTARY 7. NOTARY PUBLIC EMBOSSER OR BLACK INK RUBBER STAMP SEAL Kansas Department of Commerce & Housing Community Service Program (CSP) Local Government Endorsement Form THIS FORM MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN SECTION L APPLICANT INFORMATION STATE OF SUBSCRffiED ~ ~ORN BEFORE ME, THIS J2 DAY OF ) I 2002.., KATRINA Eo WASSENBERG State of Kansas My Appt. Exn. I -{}o -0 <' NOTARY PUBLIC SIGNATURE 0- fícUtvv ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC NAME (TYPED OR P ED) Ka-+r¡ 1\"- SECTION II. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ENDORSEMENT The following unit of government (City Councilor County Commission) - determined, based upon the information presented herein, that the forenamed project: IKJ DOES the project. 8. NAME AI an E. J i I ka TITLE lv1ayo r TELEPH 0 NE (785) 309. 5700 10. SIGNATURE DATE 4/21/03 DATE . /:)". 0 '5 USE RUBBER STAMP IN CLEAR AREA BELOW MY COMMISSION EXPIRES I I -:;}O -0 ç- 0 DOES NOT endorse 28 SECTION m. GEOGRAPHIC SERVICE AREA Briefly derIDe the geographic area served by this project and attach a map showing the boundaries of the service area. The area served by this project emcompasses 80 communities in 29 counties throughout the state of Kansas, but predominantly in the north central and western Kansas regions. Salina Community Theatre has the largest subscription base of any community theatre in the state of Kansas and serves a larger geographic area than any theatre in Kansas, including a significant number of rural and underserved populations. SCT is the only year-round theatre serving both adults and children west of Topeka and east of Denver. Although there other smaller community theatres within this area, they do not have the regional impact of Salina Community Theatre. SECTION IV. POPULATION SERVED BY PROJECT Describe (as fully as possible) the population served by this project. The audiences of Salina Community Theatre match the ethic diversity of the county and region. Ticket buyers are 95% caucasian (Saline County is 88%), 2% Black (County 3%), Hispanic 1% (County 6%), Asian 1% (County 2%) and Other 2% (Country I %). A significant number of the counties served by Salina Community Theatre are rural with no access to performing arts of any kind beyond local high schools. SCT classes have a somewhat deeper penetration into underserved populations and endeavors to broaden that reach with its policy that NO CHILD IS REFUSED ADMISSION TO PROGRAMS DUE TO AN INABILITY TO PAY. Classes are 83% Caucasian, 5% Black, 5% Hispanic, 2% Asian, and 2% Other. Salina Community Theatre also regularly makes tickets for its more popular main stage subscription shows available at signficantly reduced cost to families with students in Chapter schools. SCT even created a special performance of PETER PAN available at very low cost to families in underserved populations. This performance sold out in two hours. SCT is also creating a similar program for its special Christmas production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL so that parents come at a reduced price and the first two children come at a lower price. All children in the same family after two get in :fi:ee. 30 SECTION V. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT Briefly describe the purpose/need, function/operation, and anticipated impact/outcome of the project you intend to submit for support through the Kansas Community Service program. A. Purpose The necessity of making live theatre and theatre classes available to as wide a spectrum of the population as possible is a goal of Salina Community Theatre. To this end, SCT's policy is the NO CHILD IS REFUSED ADMISSION TO OUR PROGRAMS DUE TO AN INABILITY TO PAY. SCT also endeavors to keep the costs as low as possible to young people to facilitate their expose the the art form. STYP also tours one production annually (this fall's production is A WOMAN CALLED TRUTH, the story of Sojourner Truth) at very low cost to regional schools. The corrolary effect is that the Salina Theatre for Young PeQple cannot sustain the annual cost of the program, causing support to be drawn from other operating sources. One of the most effective methods to support the STYP program is through the SCT Endowment. SCT is seeking to increase its endowment by $250,000 ($125,000 from the KDOC&H Community Service program) so the the future ofSTYP can be better ensured by taking operational funds from the growth of the endowment corpus. The impact of the success of this program will enable SCT to reach further into the underserved populations of its entire constiuency area, making live theatre more available without becoming a greater strain on current operations. B. Operation Salina Community Theatre and the Salina Theatre for Young People is the only source of continuing live theatre available to much of the population in north central and western Kansas. SCT endeavors to reach deeper into the underserved, rural and ethnic, populations through either low cost of no cost programs. Support for these admissions to both classes and productions is currently supported through other operational income sources. The increasing demand puts additional strains on other areas our the SCT budget. Since the philosophy of SCT is to keep the cost of our programs as low as possible, there is no expectation that the STYP program can be self-sustaining. However, the value of this broad based exposure has explicit value in the underserved areas of our constiuency. Growth from the corpus of the endowment would make up a substantial portion of the operational deficit of these programs. C. Impact The impact of substantiating funding for outreach and reduced cost programs for Salina Community Theatre will have a threefold effect: 1. Improve the ability of the endowment growth to further underwrite the deficit cost of operating these programs that benefit the underserved and rural portions of our constituency; 2. Allow even greater access, especially among children, to low cost/no cost to productions and classes to those in the greatest need. The Getty Foundation Educational Report states that students involved in arts programs have significantly better job skills and better SAT and ACT scores than children who do not participate in such programs; and 3. Broaden the positive impact on the quality of life of those underserved and rural populations that reside within the geographic constiuency of Salina Community Theatre. 31 PURPOSE AND USE OF TIllS FORM Applicants are asked to complete Sections I., III., Iv., and V. of this form before forwarding to the appropriate agency. (Please see instructions in the Kansas Community Service Program Application.) Local governments may, at their discretion, require supporting documentation and/or copy of the actual proposals as a condition of endorsement. Such requests should be directed to the applicant and not the Kansas Department of Commerce & Housing. Make a copy of the form for your records should the local government have any questions concerning its contents. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Please show the exact name that appears on the incorporation documents (Articles of Incorporation, By Laws, etc.) filed with the Secretary of State. If you are unsure of the legal name, please check your latest certificate of corporation in good standing. 2. Please use the address shown on your letterhead. 3. Please designate someone to be the official contact person for this proposed project. 4. Please include daytime telephone number of the contact person. 5. Please include evening telephone number of the contact person. 6. Please include the signature of the President of the Board of Directors or Executive Director. 7. Please have Notary Public witness and sign, and notarize the signature on #6. 8. Please print the name and title of the elected government official signing the Local Government Endorsement Form (re: Mayor/County Commission Chair). 9. Signature of person on line #8. 10. Please define your service area in geographic terms. Please be as specific as possible and do not rely on terms such as: "inner-city," "east side," "downtown," etc. 11. Concentrate on that segment of your geographic service area that you feel most in need of the project. Be sure to use demographic information to identify the population groups that you are targeting or that will benefit most from the proposed project. Demographics include (but are not limited to): income levels, employment statistics, crime rates, education levels, and family structure. Most of this information is available from the census and only those demographics, which apply to your proposed project, are necessary. 12. Information regarding all three aspects of your project -- purpose, operation, and impact -- is required. Without this information, the endorsement cannot be given. 32