Agr 1Saver PlanSouthwestern Bell Telephone
January 26, 1994
Mr. Bob Biles
City of Salina
300 W Ash
Salina, Kansas 67401
Dear Mr Biles:
Thank you for taking the time to talk
concerning Southwestern Beil:s l+Saver
requested I am enclosing our brocure.
with me yesterday
Plan. As you
Following are the figures I gave you yesterday, based
on a three month averaqe:
X+Saver options Monthly Rate Installation
savings $$
10% $3.00 $5.00 $214.55
15% $7.50 $5.00 $318.82
20% $20.00 $5.00 $415.10
The months used in our analysis were October, November, and
December. The total amount of direct-dialed intralata calls
for this time frame was $6,526.54. The $$ Savinas $$ column
is the amount you would save with the monthly charge already
Participation in the plan can be started the day we receive
your call.
Please contact me if you have additional questions.
free number is 1 574-3620.
My toll
Susan DeMars
Communications Consultant