Agr Custom Serv Ltr of ElectionR
Plexar-Custom Service
Letter of Election
Revised 08/25/92
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Southwestern Bell Telephone Company ("SWBT"), a Missouri
Corporation, having its principal place of business at
1010 Pine Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63101, and
Saline County/ city of Salina
("CUSTOMER"), having it's principal place of business at
300 W. Ash Salina, Kansas 67401
mutually agree to the following terms and conditions as
they apply to Plexar-Custom Service ("SERVICE").
II. General Provisions
SERVICE will be provided to CUSTOMER for a Fixed
Rate Term as specified in SWBT form SW-1934,
Services Covered ("SW-1934"), attached and made a
part hereof. This SERVICE is intended for use by
In addition, rules and regulations as set forth in
the Plexar-Custom section of the SWBT General
Exchange Tariff as well as other sections of the
SWBT General Exchange Tariff are applicable, and
should any part of this Letter of Election be in
conflict with the applicable tariffs, the tariffs
will govern.
This agreement shall be subject to all applicable
Federal, State, and Local laws, ordinances, and
regulations, and shall be construed in accordance
with the laws of the State of Kansas.
Items specified in the attached SW-1934 will be
provided at the rates and charges shown. The rates
quoted for services not subscribed to at the time
of initial SERVICE installation (Number Units--"0"
on the SW-1934) shall be valid only if installed on
or before December 31, 1994.
III. Locations and Station Line Capacities
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The service arrangement described in this section
is provided to CUSTOMER at the following locations,
and is applicable up to the following capacities
for On-Premises Basic Plexar Stations:
100 W. Mulberry
1120 S Santa Fe
1532 E Magnolia Rd.
1538 W. State
1601 N. 9th
1646 N. 9th
1825 Glen Ave.
2020 E. Iron
211 W. Iron
222 W. Elm
229 N. 9th
240 N. 7th
248 N. 12th
250 Lakewood
2500 E. Crawford
251 N. 10th
2545 E. North
255 N. 10th
2633 Belmont
2655 S. Centennial Rd.
300 W. Ash
315 E Elm
319 E. Elm
3424 Airport Rd.
Basic Plexar
410 W. Ash 2
412 E. Ash 10
418 E. Ash 5
419 W. Ash 7
422 E. Ash 2
4292 S. Burma Rd.
480 Glennifer Hill
505 N. 5th 2
596 N. Marymount Rd.
600 Sunset Dr.
669 Briarcliff
735 E. Magnolia
800 Markley Rd.
900 Greeley Ave.
900 W. Jewell Ave.
Regardless of the quantities of stations installed
at the above listed locations, the maximum station
capacity of this service arrangement, including
On-Premises Stations (services at those locations
specified in III.A. above) and Off-Premises
Stations, (services at any location not specified
in III.A. above) is 291 stations.
Installation of Off-Premises stations will be
subject to the following: Charges set out in the
SW-1934, charges identified in applicable sections
of SWBT's General Exchange tariff, and all other
terms and conditions specified herein.
Fixed Payment Plan Provisions
The Fixed Payment Plan allows CUSTOMER to pay a
Fixed Monthly Rate for SERVICE over the Fixed Rate
Term. Fixed Monthly Rates apply from the date
SERVICE is installed.
If termination liability (as described in paragraph
V.) is applicable, CUSTOMER will be billed
termination liability charges as determined in
paragraph V. The present worth percentage to be
used will be 9.43% percent per annum.
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Additionally, the present worth of all one-time
charges deferred over the Fixed Rate Term will be
Fixed Rates are not subject to rate increases
initiated by SWBT.
Plexar-Custom access lines and miscellaneous
service offerings not specified in the attached
SW-1934 are subject to SWBT initiated rate changes.
At the end of the Fixed Rate Term, CUSTOMER must
elect one of the following options:
Renew the service at terms, conditions, and
rates that are offered at that time.
2. Discontinue the service.
F. Additions During Fixed Rate Term
The rates and capacities specified in the attached
SW-1934 are applicable to additions made during the
period of the Fixed Rate Term. Additions are made
with Fixed Monthly Rates beginning at installation
of the additional service and ending at the end of
the Fixed Rate Term. For additional services or
capacities not specified on the SW-1934, or for
items specified on the SW-1934 but not installed
while the quoted rate was still valid (see
paragraph II.D.), the rate will be established by
an addendum to this Letter of Election at the time
of the request.
V. Provisions for Disconnections or Moves
A. Disconnection of Basic Plexar Stations
If CUSTOMER disconnects Basic Plexar Stations (as
specified in the SW-1934 attached) and those Basic
Plexar Stations are not reinstalled for CUSTOMER at
the same location within 90 days of disconnection,
termination liability applies. Termination
liability is applicable only on those Basic Plexar
Stations disconnected which result in a reduction
in the number of remaining in service Basic Plexar
Stations below 80% of the total number specified on
the SW-1934 attached. The termination liability is
the present worth of the sum of the Fixed Monthly
Rates for the unexpired portion of the Fixed Rate
Term for the number of Basic Plexar Stations
determined above, subject to the conditions listed
in paragraph IV.B., above. If services besides the
Basic Plexar Stations are disconnected, see
paragraphs V.B. and V.C., following. Installation
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and non-recurring charges will be applied each and
every time services are installed or reinstalled.
Disconnection of Services Associated on a
Per-Station Basis with Basic Plexar Stations
If CUSTOMER disconnects services associated on a
per-station basis with Basic Plexar Stations (as
specified in the SW-1934) and the per-station
services are not reinstalled for CUSTOMER within
the same central office within 90 days of
disconnection, termination liability applies.
Termination liability is applicable only on those
per-station services disconnected which result in a
reduction in the number of remaining in service
per-station services below 80% of the total number
specified on the SW-1934 attached. The termination
liability is the present worth of the sum of the
Fixed Monthly Rates for the unexpired portion of
the Fixed Rate Term for the number of such services
determined above, subject to the conditions listed
in paragraph IV.B., above. Installation and
non-recurring charges will be applied each and
every time services are installed or reinstalled.
C. Disconnection of Per-System Services
If CUSTOMER disconnects services provided on a
per-system basis, and the per-system services are
not reinstalled for CUSTOMER within the same
central office within 90 days, termination
liability applies. The termination liability is
the present worth of the sum of the Fixed Monthly
Rates for the unexpired portion of the Fixed Rate
Term for the disconnected services, subject to the
conditions listed in paragraph IV.B., above.
D. Complete Disconnection of SERVICE
If CUSTOMER disconnects SERVICE in its entirety,
termination liability applies. The termination
liability is the present worth of the sum of the
Fixed Monthly Rates for the unexpired portion of
the Fixed Rate Term for the disconnected SERVICE,
subject to the conditions listed in paragraph
IV.B., above.
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Moves of Services to Different CUSTOMER Locations
Within the Territory Served by the Same Central
CUSTOMER may move services from one CUSTOMER
location to another within the territory served by
the same central office where facilities permit,
subject to the appropriate installation and
non-recurring charges associated with the move.
Fixed Monthly Rates for Basic Plexar Stations at
the new location will be established by an addendum
to this Letter of Election at the time of the
request. All other Fixed Monthly Rates applicable
to SERVICE are unaffected by the move. Termination
liability applies according to the provisions of
paragraphs V.A., V.B., and V.C., above.
Moves of Services to CUSTOMER Locations in
Territory Served by a Different Central Office or
Termination liability applies to services
moved from an existing CUSTOMER location to
another CUSTOMER location in a territory
served by a different SWBT central office,
according to the provisions of paragraphs
V.A., V.B., V.C., and V.D., above.
Fixed Monthly Rates and installation and
non-recurring charges will be established for
the new CUSTOMER location by addendum to this
Letter of Election at the time of the request.
In addition, installation and non-recurring
charges associated with the installation of
services (as specified in the SW-1934) also
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In witness, the foregoing Letter of Election has been
executed by authorized representatives of CUSTOMER and
SWBT, in duplicate, as of the dates set forth below.
Saline County
City of Salina
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (.SWBT)
Name: Marg~er~e Smit~
Title: General Manager-Business Sales/Svc. Ctr.
(316) 383-2415
Services Covered
(Rev. 10-87)
of 5
Customer Saline County/City of Salina Telephone Number: 913 826-7200
Service Order Number:
Type of Service: Plexar Custom
Number Units USOC Code Description
Basic Plexar Sta
4 SHWCF 100 W Mulberry
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 1120 S Santa Fe
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 1532 E Magnolia Rd
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 1538 W State
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 1601N 9th
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 1646 N 9th
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 1825 Glen Ave
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 2020 E Iron
Basic Plexar Sta
8 SHWCF 211 W Iron
Customer Elects to defer the following amount
of Installation and Non-Recurring charges over
the Plexar-Custom Contract Period $
Unit Total
Installation & Installation &
Non-Recurring Unit Non-Recurring Total
Charges Fixed Rate Charges Fixed Rate
65.15 6.07 0 24.28
65.15 7.16 0 14.32
65.15 9.90 0 9.90
65.15 7.54 0 15.08
65.15 11.50 0 11.50
65.15 7.51 0 15.02
65.15 7.83 0 7.83
65.15 8.37 0 8.37
65.15 5.44 0 43.52
This addendum may be reissued, as required, to reflect service and/or
equipment changes ordered by the customer.
Plan Effective Date:
Date Customer Signature
Plan Expiration Date:
Customer Authorized Telco Representative
*If current Centrex C.O. customer, station Installation/Service and Equipment charges for Analog Plexar-Custom are applicable only to stations in excess of the'
customers existing quantity.
Customer Copy
Southwestem Bell
Services Covered
SW- 1934
(Rev. 10-87)
2 of 5
Customer Saline County/City of Salina Telephone Number:
913 826-7200
Service Order Number:
Type of Service: Plexar Custom
Number Units USOC Code Description
Basic Plexar Sta
8 SHWCF 222 W Elm
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 229 N 9th
Basic Plexar Sta
0 SHWCF 240 N 7th
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 248 N 12th
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 250 Lakewood
Basic Plexar Sta
4 SHWCF 2500 E Crawford
Basic Plexar Sta
8 SHWCF 251N 10th
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 2545 E North
Basic Plexar Sta
29 SHWCF 255 N 10th
Customer Elects to defer the following amount
of Installation and Non-Recurring charges over
the Plexar-Custom Contract Period $
Unit Total
Installation & Installation &
Non-Recurring Unit Non-Recurring Total
Charges Fixed Rate Charges Fixed Rate
65.15 5.93 0 47.44
65.15 6.31 0 12.62
65.15 5.61 0 0
65.15 5.82 0 11.64
65.15 8.77 0 17.54
65.15 8.78 0 35.12
65.15 5.80 0 46.40
65.15 13.20 0 13.20
65.15 5.80 0 168.20
This addendum may be reissued, as required, to reflect service and/or
equipment changes ordered by the customer.
Plan Effective Date:
Date Customer Signature
Plan Expiration Date:
Customer Authorized Telco Representative
*If current Centrex C.O. customer, station Installation/Service and Equipment charges for Analog Plexar-Custom are applicable only to stations in excess of the'
customers existing quantity.
Customer Copy
Southwe em Bell
Services Covered
SW- 1934
(Rev. 10-87)
of 5
Customer Saline County/City of Salina Telephone Number: 913 826-7200
Service Order Number:
Type of Service: Plexar Custom
Number Units USOC Code Description
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 2633 Belmont
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 2655 S Centennial Rd
' Basic Plexar Sta
100 SHWCF 300 W Ash
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 315 E Elm
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 319 E Elm
Basic Plexar Sta
5 SHWCF 3424 Airport Rd
Basic Plexar Sta
5 SHWCF 401S 5th
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 410 W Ash
Basic Plexar Sta
9 SHWCF 412 E Ash
Customer Elects to defer the following amount
of Installation and Non-Recurring charges over
the Plexar-Custom Contract Period $
Unit Total
Installation & Installation &
Non-Recurring Unit Non-Recurring Total
Charges Fixed Rate Charges Fixed Rate
65.15 10.03 0 20.06
65.15 12.70 0 12.70
65.15 5.61 0 561.00
65.15 6.43 0 6.43
65.15 6.43 0 17.86
65.15 19.57 0 97.85
65.15 6.51 0 32.55
65.15 6.10 0 6.10
65.15 6.30 0 56.70
This addendum may be reissued, as required, to reflect service and/or
equipment changes ordered by the customer.
Plan Effective Date:
Date Customer Signature
Plan Expiration Date:
Customer Authorized Telco Representative
*If current Centrex C.O. customer, station Installation/Service and Equipment charges for Analog Plexar-Custom are applicable only to stations in excess of the '
customers existing quantity.
Customer Copy
Southwest em Bell
Services Covered
SW- 1934
(Rev. 10-87)
of 5
Customer Saline County/City of Salina Telephone Number: 913 826-7200
Service Order Number:
Type of Service: Plexar Custom
Number Units USOC Code Description
Basic Plexar Sta
4 SHWCF 418 E Ash
Basic Plexar Sta
6 SHWCF 419 W Ash
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 422 E Ash
Basic Plexar Sta
2 SHWCF 4292 S Burma Rd
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 480 Glenifer Hill
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 505 N 5th
Basic Plexar Sta
5 SHWCF 596 N Marymount Rd
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 600 Sunset Drive
Basic Plexar Sta
1 SHWCF 669 Briarcliff
Customer Elects to defer the following amount
of Installation and Non-Recurring charges over
the Plexar-Custom Contract Period $
Unit Total
Installation & Installation &
Non-Recurring Unit Non-Recurring Total
Charges Fixed Rate Charges Fixed Rate
65.15 5.93 0 23.72
65.15 5.92 0 35.52
65.15 5.93 0 5.93
65.15 22.27 0 44.54
65.15 7.47 0 7.47
65.15 6.77 0 6.77
65.15 10.23 0 51.15
65.15 7.73 0 7.73
65.15 9.00 0 9.00
This addendum may be reissued, as required, to reflect service and/or
equipment changes ordered by the customer.
Plan Effective Date:
Date Customer Signature
Plan Expiration Date:
Customer Authorized Telco Representative
*If current Centrex C.O. customer, station Installation/Service and Equipment charges for Analog Plexar-Custom are applicable only to stations in excess of the'
customers existing quantity.
Customer Copy
Southwestern Bell
Services Covered
5 of 5
(Rev. 10-87)
Customer Saline County/City of Salina Telephone Number: 913 826-7200
Service Order Number:
Type of Service:
Plexar Custom
Number Units USOC Code Description
Basic ?lexar Sta
13 SHWCF 730 Midway
0 sowsQ
Basic Plexar Sta
735 E Magnolia
Basic Plexar Sta
800 Markely Rd
Basic Plexar Sta
900 Greely Ave
Loop conditioning
per station
Unit Total
Installation & Installation &
Non-Recurring Unit Non-Recurring Total
Charges Fixed Rate Charges Fixed Rate
65.15 6.69 0 86.97
65.15 12.90 0 12.90
65.15 9.50 0 9.50
65.15 6.56 0 26.24
0 7.50 0 97.50
Station change charge
System change charge
Customer Elects to defer the following amount
of Installation and Non-Recurring charges over
the Plexar-Custom Contract Period $
Plan Effective Date:
Plan Expiration Date: .....
'If current Centrex C.O. customer, station Installation/Service and Equipment charges for Analog Plexar-Custom are applicable only to stations in excess of the '
customers existing quantity.
0 1,741.61
/¢? This addendum may be reissued, as required, to reflect service and/or
~' _ ..-~--.. equipment changes ordered by the customer.
// Coxfnty Signatur~ e k,_ ~/-q . g ,,r~_ ,..¢
/ Customer Authorized ~'~ 7J'- Telco Representative
Customer Copy