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Agr Lease Purch Park Mowers
Schedule (01) EXHIBIT E LESSEE RESOLUTION RE: Lease With Option to Purchase Agreement dated as of February 15, 2003, between Kansas State Bank of Manhattan (Lessor) and City of Salina, Kansas (Lessee) At a duly called meeting of the Governing Body of the Lessee (as defined in the Agreement) held on February 10, 2003 the following resolution was introduced and adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of Lessee as follows: 1. Determination of Need. The Governing Body of Lessee has determined that a true and very real need exists for the acquisition of the Equipment described on Exhibit A of the Lease With Option to Purchase Agreement dated as of February 15, 2003, between Citv of Salina. Kansas (Lessee) and Kansas State Bank of Manhattan (Lessor). 2. Approval and Authorization. The Governing Body of Lessee has determined that the Agreement, substantially in the form presented to this meeting, is in the best interests of the Lessee for the acquisition of such Equipment, and the Governing Body hereby approves the entering into of the Agreement by the Lessee and hereby designates and authorizes the following person(s) to execute and deliver the Agreement on Lessee's behalf with such changes thereto as such person(s) deem(s) appropriate, and any related documents, including any Escrow Agreement, necessary to the consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Agreement. Authorized Individual(s): Rodney Franz, Director of Finance (Printed or Typed Name and Title of individual(s) authorized to execute the Agreement) 3. Adoption of Resolution. The signatures below from the designated individuals from the Governing Body of the Lessee evidence the adoption by the Governing Body of this Resolution. Signature: (Signature Secretary, Board Chai an or other member of the Goveming Body) Typed Name & Title Kr i 5 tin M. Sea ton, fv1ayo r (Typed Name and Title of individual who signed directly above) Attested By: (Signature of one additional person who can witness the passage of this Resolution) Typed Name & Title: Li eu Ann Ni co I a, Ci tv CI erk (Typed name of individual who signed directly above) Feb-O4-03 01:50pm F-S9S Lessee: f,\LesseeName» «LesseeAQcsress» .. LeSSeeCltyStateZlp» Lessor: Kansas SUIte Bank. of Manhaaan ,010 WesUOOP, P.O. eo(, 69 Mannauan. Kantas 68505-0069 Dated as of cL..seOate. T".. ~ WIllI 01'IlOl1 '" p..rer..... 1'9I'>-1\IOH1I ~ a. OT - ...ac.. ~""'d aDOve oS Þootweotn LIoftOr ::and ~$" 1,~kId d'1'aCI1111DQ"" 1..,.,>01' CIC>oru> Q ~1W\r;c In. pulCn..::a of II1c EqulfXT\cnI elaSCnllull In EAnoDoI"""1Q L.8U88 ;¡nIIl.85- CIC&If1:S Q fin8nca "'" purchase at Il\8 Equopm8f1t wm L8IIIOr auo8C( tð tn8 ..rma ana eonq,1IOt\& or vIoS AG'Hfll6/\1 wl\ICII In: :oCt forth DCIIOw I. O8fIMlQfls: sea.on , 01 OeM.I,ons Tne ÞIOwong ¡.et\1l8 w.H /111"1118 1I\8111\onQ& oMocataQ D8IQw "N8f.61/\fo eonIkl Cll*1) 'o:tqv<rð" OUW,.,...oo' "Addoloen.ol Scheel,,"- nof&rs 10 1n8 prop.....ea.IIOII aI _1101lOII8I Schedules 10 Eohobl\ A. """all B. e-ÞoI C ana E..n.aot E as _II U OVI8r ."nooa or Ooeul1l8nlllnlll may D8 requ,rea oy INI L8&&Or lID Of WIIICf\ (8Ia18 to ,,- aI - ~opIII8I\I "lIQlM(IWIl1t" \'MIans Il\<a I-NH ...... Opoon to PurcllaM AQ~ anQ atI ~1OtIIi all.lCl\8G II8røIQ 'a..~ yWtlf' mc:.an$ tho La:h""'.. Ii..,;.l JOIU. "COIIPp_oanl 011,." .. "" 11-'1 """,n L"'-" 1IPIoQ«r<Q1I O pIIy tenl oeg,nl .fq...pmen¡- - all Of 1118 - 01 EqUlpIM1\I118I8CI on ~II ",." a/lll .. r&pIIC8/IIØ/1IS. /1ICID,.IIDnS. moQ4ieatoon& ancI omprovemenl& '~essea" means 1118 81111t)' 105II1II iIbav8 IIIõ L- MIl _/loCh,. ~1I1h8 ¡¡¡q..pmcnl from LcUOr ..rlder 1IIa pro....on.. of 1I1oIi I\;rKmøm .~ 11MI- 1Iloo ,,"~Iy _"l84Iy ~ aDa.. 1$ LO.lOr« ""11 01 ot.I ..~ "L- T.rm. mea".. UI8 Ong,IIaI Tenn and 811 Renewill Terms 'OrI91n;,,1 TÞfITI" mean..,. ponQØ from hCI CllflllTlClnœmontDalco..nWI/1OI CIIIcI of 111<1 B..cIøIlt YoIlU"of Ln)CC. "Rsnewat Tðlrn" /lleal\5 WI 8R/Io4. Mtm """cI\ peg.na al1ne ena Of me 0nQIIIIU Term IUIØ wfloC/\" lo/11\(rl8Qwl WJII\ ,-"&en ø.,Qgot nllr "RBlIIiIIl"a1mems- means U18 p;l11JM1mli Ulsse. IS raqu,req m ma.... uno8r VIIS AII_menl as sellOA/I an EAnlDIt "8" "~"," m..lln¥ IIW ~hll.. on wh,Ch Lo-.. ,. 1O1;818c:1. II. 1.AIS5.. w~ Sðc:f,Ofl 2 0' La,," ,80.888nu """."1& 8M _18 u10110w1 tot - aenetil Of L8811O1' Or III a81,0"'..' (:iI) L8SIi88 iii an "ossuer CIf ~ -PJ o~ þØOauH ~- IS 1118 ~qt or ~ po/IIICaI IUDdtVJIII~UI Wl!lhn 1/111 l\18aI\,ng Of Sec:aon 10::1(&) Of Inll ¡nUMIII ~ COCICI Uf 18116, as amtnallll, (1M "CQØ"-' or D8C8wØ &.e.... .. a con...",,* aw~ or Q¡.~ WIll '" .."..'" OÞIl!illlloCIM Qf1 ~11:II1 VI 11180 SIIII" III' ~lþÇ.ol IwbCII_vllllcl SIaIo WtIIItn II1tI m~OTTr~ReQ.¡8IIOn 1.10,"'(1)1 (b) ~ III ....cnon-cl ..ncIor 1110 c:-...~QI' ancI 1:1- of Il1ol S¡"w 10 "'*"' Into Ilk. wen oNIII~ 10 prgpon1 e~C\ac: ~ "cJ¡_ln.> AQroo:l'Ikrn Lead 11- lOIIOwCeI .u pnIpCIr pnICCoCIuIDS of a DW1llt1l9 bOd1 III a.u:C\All\ Il1o T ","S- ~MIC&4II\Q Il1o1 AQTecmmr nas trill autnor,111O eallCI.I1C ana a.....' 11'10$ Agreem- TIIII Ag'8.11II1\! eDAAIufAIS a 8&ga1. .allO.1I4I\O oil L8uee 11"1 at:COroan<:8 w,UI .u; 18rms (e) ..all'" nu COIIlpo8Q w.tn .. .....\Gt)' - ano r8ul8L- tnIK 118 a, r"rlt (eI) ~ loll... ..- 1htr Ec¡w'~1 0IIIy lor __III"". v.cl,lIQIl - I . (e) SnoulO VI. IRS 0I5aIION 1118 1aA~ S131111 lit 1118 InI8 rna reliUlt 01 1/I81.i1tl\.lrø 011/1111..8&588 10 ~S4II111 t:q...pmenl TO/" ~.8InU'.nta pwrpose&. lII.n 1.- 1iNI~ øe requ.raq m pIIy IIQCWoO 80 81 10 1IlIIIIIIIII allolr r.ax }IIvII \U 111... .lIP... 100104 ". VIOl 1.O~="r OIl ,~ 8I&oQII881 WOwICI 1I\I"aoI'I .T II'\ð 1r\~oOI' oonr.n..&1 rD D& " (II SIIo..IcIIII", L.....- c:..IM IV ÞoI .n _:!woor of '- -8ITIf'I . ~DII of 1.,,- CRHIood ..ndoot 111" A¡rec:rMnr C8;l&CS IØ DC . - &A8mploOllQallOn lOr any nta.o/1. 1I10Il L- sn.II lie: roqulraellD p;il1 21C1cI1IC1O111 L",ffOf or ,q aaa.gnø.. 80 as 10 bring 1118 ill!8r IlIA ~ on In" Agr8tNr18M 10 trill same Ie", as 1116 UlSIOf or liS ¥lõ1gn88& OIIOuIa iIIIo1III 11111& U1In&aCIIOfI IØ pø .....ømpr LØSM JIaS 1I8¥Of no~"18CI twf¡q,¡ "/1118' an ~ntnI..rn~.. 10 VIla ~II. .HS" - 5UÞIM ID U\8 Sec:f8QIY of 108 T ~ an ~ 18X1/T1/19 -~ as '8q.,.¡&q Dy trill COQe upon 1Oq....:ll Þ1 Lc:~. Lø»« will IIO\'IIII: LnloOr wotn a.ITIIIII firanClII1 SIII~/11G/Ils. rcopon... ÞucI~. or or,.,. ..leVIIJl[ 118Cõ1111\1DrT11ô1\1D11 ....- 8l\1li1 1618o1111181tq...P\*1I ".. v1 any 11aUorG- ...lI8I:Inceot.. lIoor;Mej rn '"" CQ/11preòOns... En..ronn1<;nai Rc1Ipo~. Comp..rIAlIOR and l..Iall4.ly /41:1. ..2 \J S C 9601 81 ~ 81 arnr:ncIoJ( and ""pp\8nWInI8d (10.) L1RIR:G praanll1 'rUndS to conIInu8 t/1oS Agrumønl tor ¡\II OrIIIIaI Term and all Renewal Terms ¥ S8I to/!(! 01\ E<r¡1P11-a- "8f8lO Tne OIT.o81 OT .888M ""poMlbI6IU1 "udgel prepa/il1oQ/\ will ofICluoe of\ tnII -OK requeu tor -.c:n 8u41Q81 Ye~r 1118 Rental Plly\Oðnra O -tie a..e III ...eII 8\O\II81 yð:u. 3Ind WI. ..ac ::oil ,..:o~on.1lll.. ..nII ¡;'wNI 1188\IO 1I.a,¡alll8 10 a8O.<.. 11\8 &ppl'OptlallOn 01 ",OIlOt lOr 8..CfI Bu4QeI rear 8wTf,ç,enl \0 fIIy IhIt RoOO1l PIl1"*'" r;omong <kl<l1I1c:","". L.a..r:~ ,...~a1 0011,8... lIIal -~ ~ - "011 ...-f'IIIY pø apprDpo,~ ~ "1Moo 1I~"'a- JDf 1110& .....rpœo. !;"n.on , 0' EIt"FOw ADf1I8f118m '" 11'18 8¥8n1 IX1II1 ~ anr ..e- I1\UIIIaIty 3grøe 10 UIIhiAllIl\ ESCrow Aca:iLlnt. VI8O oIM18Qllllo)!y Touo..~19 1M ~ec..(oOrI fonr.IlIðI,.('1\' 01 V", AQl88malll. ..86lOr 8IIQ ..- agree m 8dC:I,,¡.e A/ICI CI8INØ( a/lll m ea.... Esetow AganllO - anll ..........r 1118 IÏ:K;rQw ~11I. TI1I$ Agrn:ment an.U wIo.r: r:1Itoct 01111 ..IoII -"""on ana 081-IV of ~ I!"OW """e6m6/U Oy me pan.e8 ~ '-"'Or SlIM CII:I~ or ~.,. 10 b~ eI~çC willi 1110 E~.- :IQGfIllor Cf8C,11O 1118 Equlpmenl A/X¡."a!lO'l Funa.... 8uC\'I 01 $J:/ð. ..rIo(:n aMI! pø neICI. 11- - G"- on ._rQI .,1111100 iIfQVWAIiI_. (9) (n) (II II) "I ~q..".1\QfI of Eq..IAI4N1C. RanIIII ...~- .ná tIW P....Ø18M Optlan PCtC8 5<-<1..... :3 0' Ar"1,..~nn """ ~lmIt!I:, ~- all,. boIlO8Iy respon&oÞl8 tor 1/18 0I"O8M1I Of ... equ~ ana Or 1118 Q8hoery IUIØ INlllllllØ1 01 '"'" IiqwoplMll( ¡--wraln of UI8 ~ C.""~18 Þ)' an 8mpIoyU. 0Ifjaa Q" õ1II1n1 0( 1118 L8SS118 \IöI.1I\Q MllNIII1f1I11. "'P8f\I<U>IY ðr IIoc..rro/l"'nl awll1unly WtII1 -P«IIO R EQwoPllknr 3n..11 00lIØIIuI8 aœaprance Of VI8 eqo.opm8OI: on D8tIIIII Of tne IA8888 Sðd.ðn ! 02 ~ ~~~nt" LaAo;c: SIW1 fla1 R8/11a1 p~ 8ACIo.oS4¥8ly 10 Lessor or lIS a"'liF\88S on ..wU- I88My a_1II8 _1181 o 1118 UI\f* Slaws 01 Alll5flr;:o. TIW Rllnaat Paym8- ana. D8 HnI 10 - IOC8I1O11 &p8Q1- oy 1/18 L- Dr oT& _lQlI88a Tna ~ PII¡m\OnI'S .hIIII --..'" .. cwl"knl <"AICCI5C of Il1o LœKG .na In:¡U not CQnnruta an 1I1QIQIaaß8S11 lit 1fI8 1.- LJI6IIOr anlUl/lll..me DpToOn 10 ~ 1/IIiIretlIIJ WI'" 1I11Io""WfwI r. on ,""y Rcng PõI)11WI1IlIIt'8lYtIIlaœr man 1118 0U8 oa18 tor VIS numDer of aa}'S lI1aI 1111 ~IIU flaymant(l ...,. laMl t.eS8Or .nalllII:IO 118... II1CI apC.G". WI momllly ~onrs 01'11. 10 Ch8/138 a lam Tea OT up 10 101(, 01 tntl tnOn1l1ly RernaJ PiI~ VlatlS paSt Qle TII8 ~ p~ - I Iy4IA8 wtlllOMl no1tO8 or allllll/lr.I Sðœon! 03 RanlSl pa....oel19 unOqIIaoT.olIfI. li.ccl:pl M provlllDCl..1\II(' SI.cIaon '1.01. THE OBUGATIONS Of LESSEE TO MAKi' RENTAl- PAYMI!ttTS AND fO Pt!fU'ORM ANtI œSiRvi Tt'I! OTttER COVirolANTS CONTAINED IN THIS AGRIæME/IlT" SHALL BE ABSouJTI: AIIID UNCO!'tDITIONAL IN Al-L ¡¡:v2NTS WITttOUT /lAlt,TliMENT DIMINuTION DEDUCTION. SET-OFF OR DeFENse ScC~on ! 04 Purr....... Oor.nn Pnr... Upon ~ (30) ail)'ll wna8n noroca. L8&5II8 an8" I\8W - op<oon 10 pOly. or! IICI<ItIoOl1ID ~ RomrIoI P..ylllllt'l. III'" ÇQ(lVaponclo/l9 Pwrcn..><" OplaOll Pnce wllor:h .. r8IIIO on tn8 - ~1I8 on e..n.a.r a n 1.8- CI'\QOII88 11108 OpIoDn $nCI pSy. """ P..~ OpIoOFl PrQ 111 r.o..aar I1I8n L8S5O1" wtIIvanskr any ano all Of 11"& rl/1l1 1rIIc:;anc omc:rtbI on 1118 Eq.¡lpmIIOIID L- !':~ ! (\<Ii I -.. TAI'm Tna 1.8888 T8111\ 01 UI6 AOr_,,8nl an.., )Ø IIuo Ong,11III T..rm - l1li Roen..w:II Terms wnw all U18 Rental Pa~menrs ate pIItO as 88t TOnn on EAn.þ.1 ð --pI as prlMG80 u/1CI8r S8c:r.on - 01 811<1 StIc:IoCII' "0' ~IQ.. If. IIf1<>r 1100 IOIId of \he bwclgoconø process wnocll 0C0tr5 at trill enll OT 11\8 o,.g.nel T erq, Or 8ny Ra","." T - nl. I.8SSCet nas IlOl non-aøprop- 811 pr_oe<I to' o\ III,. AOr- _n tnoo ~ T ann ..h.a þe -..r ...... - no"" ~ Yenn ana "'" 10M... UIaII "" O((,~ ,0 n-.. ..1.".. fIoono,o P..- ~I comet _0 CI~ a..en Ran-al Yarm San...... , M n,vuoI,",r ð1' w"£1"'1"~ U:SSOR ~ NO wl'ftftANTY ~ RliPRI!S!NTATtON. EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIEO. AS TO TI1I! VALue. DeSIGN. CONDITION. MERCtIA"T ABILITY. FITNESS FOR lARTICULAfI pUfU>O52 OR ANY OTHER wARRANTY wITH RIiSPECT YO YI1E EQu,PMeNT LI!550R St1ALL NOT 81: ~I~E FOR MY II'IC.OEfoiTAL. INPI~T. SflCõCIAI- OR CONS~U~w. PHMGE ARISING OIlT OF ThE INSTALLATIOI't. OP~TIO~. pogSE:3:310N. :s'toAAGe O~ uS¡:! Of' Tt1£ C;;CUIPM~ IIY U;:SSf'¡;: Feb-04-03 01 :51pm Frol-BAYSTONE FINANCIAL GROUP T-413 P.08/11 F-696 J.. IV. Non-Appnlln- ~oan 4 01 Nnn-ADn"'$"'_11Df1 loeSs. oil ~ Ie> pat por.oooe pI)11IOnc. IIa see toM "" B.ullÞoI IS - ~ ~N 85 1M)' lawfully D8 ~ fmm tuna6 Duq8I8CI ana appropnal,8cl1or thaI P'JIPOM dunng L8U8I& cumN1I BudQIIt Y...r or from funtSa ma4e avail.tIIe from an)' aWfully 0per8fACI r-nue IIOCJIICIIIQ ~n:eo It 111.../1..,...11 t""", ;¡rc ...111118 on 1.,,-" DwQIItt !IX 11'1. ~ p".qOlC Y- to - 1M ftenIat PayM«lIl TO( VIii f\lt1Cl ~ T8mI Inq - ,..nd~ IQ ITIIIho ..weII Renlilll P..,men\» - orM_sa ..na....- 0, In, IIwr... mNrl$ wIAlWOtt-. ""'" .......... $l\1li 116...11.. opIM\ to nono..pptOpNI'" II1t- fwnIh IÞ pcy tho ~181 Pa)'ßIIIIIØ Dr 1118 - R8new<ll Tann ¡.ac~ 01 a suIfic..nr appcopn;llQn aoa 18 8¥1dencaa Dy tnII passage or an araon.- or ..&aluIIOn Dy IIMI OWIfIII/'Ili øoay Of L.8&... 8p8C,r.c.1y prOl~þ¡¡"1Q ........... nom poorQm""liI ot. OQl,g&Tlons ""'181 1noI AQf88n18nr .lq tram l/5IOII ~y mana... 10 pay 1118 ftanlal PaymerII6 q... - 11'10' AQf-,...g tar a -~ ISwtlg.1 y.., ..11:1 oil wÞ:cqo.Ic'C 8wQ!i~1 Y...w-.. II LG- t:hoQ- rn.. GpIIOI1. Ihon III oÞI~n' of - ~..w uncl..r 1114. Asrw/Ml1'l "'saRlI/III R..naoI Pa~ 101"" MINIIIWI R8Mwat Tarm6 VIall D8leIMInM80 al UIc ..na GlIhv II1cn c:..mrnt Ongonal Torm or Rena-' Teonn WlUIowt p.n8I\J' or IocòoIq 10 me Le- of any "'!WI prcIYtOtICI IIIIR " UI- ~ ""I CI8I""O poue&6tOtl 0' Ul8 Eqw,pmcnt II) 1.O:MOt' .6 pnMCI8CI1ICf8111 ana con"r«!10 LcHOl" or I'8I8aI4h1IPi 1II18f8R III ilia EqUlpmam OJ' 1118 ena Of 118 I8Iit ß..aQ8t 'AI 10( wn.cn RII/IW P81"08/\10 "",e p;w<:. tI19 IGI'I1IIIAIIOII and novonllOlaSl Þ8 8Ifec:tMI OWl ua- shall Þ8 ..6pol\IfIII8 tor 1118 paynMI1\; Of -age. oil 11\ ~nt ec¡..III ro 1M &/IIeMII or VIII Renla. f'81'"6nI6 lIIorc.aItør t:Gm.nø - ..nøor E..rIoDot '8- wl\lc:n al"8 illlllllualÞla 10 tI18 nwmÞer GI da~ IIIt8r ~n ßuagec Year aunng - L868N t8tIII 10"- 8wCII ac:c.ana -101 In~ QIIhIr 10... 6Wffc:rCCl II)' 1.- M a ...... of LN6"'& ÞoIwr8 IllIaioII awclllICWIIII ¥ f8IIuIAId L- IIIiIII i/TIIIIedJawly ~ VIII .88&CI( .. 1OCtI.. U\6 Q8Co8<Of'I ro IIO"~pI(Opr"" .. "'&C" II IuCII narHIPPfOPl1ißIOfI OCCIØ. VIIIn \.8Ii&aa &IiIII ~ 1118 fq¡Mpm8III"ICI .8&Iior K pfOVtaea PillOW '" Seœon II 04 L.888e. aJ1l\ll Ø/I h~ lor III c.lsrr~ O "'" ¡;q..,IIal~ ornal 1II8n nonnaI _r ana raar If 1.8&&88 ralla ro qa~ver ØI8 ~UlpctI8IIt ID ..8HOI". I18n l-II&6OI may l1l\I" lflii 118/I"" wnaro. I\d f!.q""",",,1t ~ ......14oCI "'" I:0Il.. I"'~""~~"'" "I VIa Eqwpmøtll ana c:narge L8liS88 tor - Il1C1.orlea V lnSuRI1~. ø.nalle. 1M4IIIIe~ or rtDC8M5. lftdaM/IItlCallOn ~onn t; 0' In}!,r:lrv;~ Loo- _I RlillllIiIIn 110111 c.8ull/~ ,ns_no. and .aÞoIotf onSur8l1O8 III a awn ltAI8I1&a WI," reap8CllII UI8 Eqwopmem L6&5II8 1In8l1 )8 5Cl8ty /8Iipons.lll8 for _a.ng VIII l!\&lrer(s) 8IIC fQr !lWl¡11II aN Pl8l1\tUm payll\8ll15 - 6l\SuM mat AI ~oCI8& a'. COI\It~"y !<IIPI oil 8~ a'O'oIIlIlnA p61oOU wllðtl ¡..- ," ,~ ID mall8 Renllll PayllNn\$. ~- 11I11III ptaYodII LooaOr ""VI . CwRlflt:8lc of 1nI>..11II1t:C wn.c:n bb ilia ""..:oar..nd/or AS51(n& aa a IOU patea ana at! (IhTlanal .nSwf80 on ilia pole",.. woth fldpooct lID Ih8 Equopmem. (8) ¡'I'sse8 6I11III ,naU".. "'" I!c¡WlpmeOJ ~ any IOUi or Qall\lllla Þ)' fore ana au 01nA, 11- ~ Þ)' IIIØ sranaara .,.lðnd8a c;Q"r1III~ WlClOI'ØIneni Ulom on ..'SC I/II/1c" srale al'lllln, CIIIIOIr nSkII'1Hl:lOnlllt/ noqwoRlCl Þ)' uaSIIOr In an 8/hOwIIt .1"~ IIq\HIf 10 lilt: 1IMn.'- Pv!Øl;b" Opoon Pnc. 01 tI18 Eqwopmum AlŒmiIII...ly. L....... may onswre tI18 equ,pl1l8nl uIKS8t a IIIaI1NK ~"" polICy Of paIoa8I TI\8 ¡8¡Ddlly ~..,a- &1\'" II\I&4I'e I.e~ tram I"~ II/1II pro~ qllltlllge 11181\)' tOffiI ana _AI ~y 10 L,,"ar Ln- mil, actf'on""n:: .In''l I,,", c..s..alty n..r..s "nd "'ÞoII~ n>oM lIø$cnÞed a-- It L"6SH c:naoHS tha& opnofl. LM68. mult fwm&n ¡.assar WIlli a canotoCal8 anaIor 01118( oac:umenlS wtIIcn a¥IQ8f1C18S sucn co.erage "'" onsuranc:a pallCJO5 15Su8CI or atfeatK2 D, UIt& S8CIIon s". 118 SO wnaen or .naor&8( suen l1\li1 VIOl UIS&OI" ana ,IS 8~S lUll t\8M8CI 8Qal~ 1/16ur&œ atlCllO&li pa>4~ ana tnat all 1oaH& - p&y- 10 .1.8&586 and UISSOI" Of" 11& ~ as fM¡r ,~ ~r 8))Nt eacn potoC)' ..... or atrøc:LaCI D/ UI4 S6c.100t\ ..>1111 canl:Joll . prav..- tn81111e onwrarwo c;omp;ony - IICII t:cnœI or m...na~y InOIIttf me IO4ICy w«nout flrat II'YttIQ Inorty ~~) a.ys aav8~ no¡,ca ro LeS&O, Dc ,¡a -19""&. LnHC Shall tutTItSn III ¡..esaor œl1l6ca8& 8WICIII:III8 ...en COV8I881111Ou11OUf me L_e Yann ~..n t; tI? n_nAnA 1ft ar n........I1."" at ,""",11m,,", ~ -..- Inø ,oSIr. of - or 11_- to """ Eqw~ n 11><1 Eq...P""N M an/ """"'" '-' oS "'I" Jm)IAtI "~rnayeq. or -1O,tI<I Þy fort: or Glnar QS:IIu:aI~. 1...- .... ~Iy ",pan ..1 .wen -..10... possollle NwÆt5 anll 18,..11\8 proper prIIC8aut8S ro illlilin au ,ns..ranc6 prac:c.oct... AI UIc oPlUn of 1.....«. w.- :tI1.o1J CIfJcr (1) apply tnc Net PlOCc8ds 10 replaC8. ..paor or IUIOAI VI8 Eq...pm8fII or (2) apply InA N8I P,OC88CIS 10 - 8PP~C8D18 PvttfJiIISCJ OpllOn Pre... For plll"POSCO" of tnl~ SuCtIOn a.nd SDCIIQ1 503. tn. I8mI Net Proc:eed. snail mean tne a/l1OUl1I Of I~ra.- p'DC88QS COI'BCf80 nom .. Bpp¡.cI\ØN! Insul'illCff po¡oo8& altAlr ClØQua¡ng .. eopel\686 InCUnllQ 1t11I18 COBCþO\ ~ geeroon 5 03 Ina..1f.oanev ðI Ner PfðCfMlCl8 If "'lite Ire na Nel f',OQ86Q1 to< wAaIS.....- 1'08$00 Ot It VIe Net PtOC<IerOI srr. 1n;;..tlit:lCr!tf 10 pay In IuU ~ CCbI of .ny ~nt. n::pall". ro~loOn. mod,focOllan or ompro.c:m.nl of In.. Equlpmdlll. I/1c"n l."Uc:r ~nolll. al tile CIIIIon of L8SS0r. .,INII" (1) c:ompe18 sucn rall_nMll\I. repaor. raslllraroon. modIfICatIon or Impro.emenr. ana pay any COltS 1118reot III 8acea& lit 1118 arJ\0UtI of UI8 N8I p- Or (2) .pI ~ P,-,,* 10 ql8 p.,.ena... OpIlOtl ProCtl :mcI pI, 111.. q"f.c:IIltICJ'. of 8II~. ro ""' L8uor S«1onn 0; 04 Lroc"...,. ~q'9"n"" ¡........o "....""'.. illil noll'f - ~.Þ"'!lDa. _n.r or nat ~od Þr I ;¡fir JIIl"lCln or oamage 10 aIIr propeny ~r 6..en IIIJUIY or D8i1111 lie wllþ ~ 10 &g8- or L86S8II'. pr~ or 1M propeny of -. (JnchIQ,I'CI. W\IfIOI,oC _no ..~ tor IOSf It... COInør-". !n.~ Rftpon.... Companaloon ..nII LI~ AC1, - ~"1Y1IIenC no.. ~...ftonø or n.r-ftar "1IIICIC4 whod1 III '""/ ~ WIH """""') wI1ICII,S pro...met8l/ c:auKd OJ"" """,.gent c:onclua of .. 1.- tor all -. DIIIIgaIICIIIII. O&HI;. aamage6. p8I1&T1811. Impol811 on. lIICu18a fly or HHIT8CI agaonlll .AIi$Qf t(Iat III ;my LOSSCO. lIS otfiœrs. emPlOJ'M$ 8IIQ &g8nrs. 10 me m-muM (D) (el (0) VL TICI8 ana Sec:wrt~ 1tK«B61 ~ 6 01 T.ae Toll" g !lie Eq..,_1 SIIIIII - In 1.~:.18 -1It:qwIRIIS IIt1d iIIõCII1b the Eq"'Pm,,", Till. 10 1118 Equopmenl WIIII.IMtII8ItC8ft)' uanlfel 10 118 ¡.allOt" 1111118 ',,",nl Lc-- -ppropn- wnu..r s"t:TIGI\ 4 01 or III Ihe - w..- cIDf.aw~ wI\dool 6cc:toon 9.01 In 8IØ\Cr Of IuCI\ .ventS. Lessee S/I8II e.ec..¡a ana CIfIhV811O 1-6"01 .wen documentS U Lassor may requesr ro ..oCIanoe tI18 paIiAQ8 of ~ (Ide m Ih8 Equopm8l\t ID .86&Of gecIJon 6 02 S8cumv kller"", To MO..,e !IN Plrm-nc or II ~.. OÞIoQatoOllI ..nclor ifill AII_nl. ~..... ",,",Þy !JfMI& ro l86sor a S8CutlCr InItIrear "naar UI8 unotolm CammtIfCIIII CQcIc, t:WI~1w1lnQ .. fi~ ""'" on Ihv ~pl1\oll'll d4:«"nÞCJG marc fwlly an EAnoaot .A- Tne seculll)llnl8l'8&l. _'61\80 II)' tI\IS S8CO/\ ofICwOaa IQ O/I1y ... SQGo&.Ol\$. ..-. rqlalni and I1IIIaCIIIII8I111i m 1118 Equlpmel1l OWl 8'SO 811 prOClHQ6 tt\8NITOI1I or damage 10 tile Equ.pI1l8t11 and tal IIIjut)' ro or aeam Of 0' '1Io1'Q p8(Io88. a'lO wf\11m81 a""'l prOf*\) I18nl<l\ll þtru .11:1: Of II1fâIc:I1CIcI rtIIt:lII~t: at n~..-~ ...Þaldrv:cS ..noll Ac:I or _ar or awcx:8&SOI" .... or ally -.. or local aa. aper8l1OR. aIIIIII1IDn or IUlrag,ä or any ~....p¡nanr D/ - ".,eoy _me. reepDt,soDolo1t tor arKS aor- to r.,,'I1""". II4tIQ '88*Dnall... .-,..y,' --.1 of wn_...r IIIncI ..ncI 11.11..", 111. a.,01 or l't'oc."'Mg. bl1~ oil "I\oh; Qt' on p.M'\ wpon "'" ""91,GO1 COnclwCl of Vq. Ass8¡nm8I\I !S8CWIt\ 7 Ch "6&.0,"1l81\li Dv Lessor NIl or I..Mon rl\ihl~. Itue and/or '"*""1 III :mcI to ""~ Agra.m1OlU may be auognaq ana r_gNIQ It wl\OI8 or ,II p"11 ro one or 11\0<9 8-.g- or ....Þ__a (1I1d...cllng . ~-"'" Ow".., for wa.. PaRlClp;K1CIII Cono~~) OJ I.-SOl" ill any Idn8 wllllOwt ~ consarlt UI ~ N<> 0"""1 ..N'SnIJ18ll1 .1000M .... ~5CtIVC" ... "Gilon.l Lessee unlit II1c a-.gnor illa1 ".".1iJeq WIC/I ..easee _aen nOllC8 Of -gMHWII oCIIIt~o/1 11... -91- .........:011811 p::tr cn Rcnlal Po.,m..ncs a~ n.ntulldwr t81a1ln!l1ll sucn Eq..opmanrlO or at rnø q"'_0(1 Of L8a&QI or V\6.u.gnae ~ ,n"'" ""It.., or ..IIIQMIC'I11. I.....KG ""'" "up a c:tImII88 ;¡no """"",go reeara 01 aa aAlliM~.......n( Þ. 4>-. NO"" or 1."""o..'S roll11. 11110 oIIIlIlCII8I1NII under VII' Allre_nl ana on 11\8 Eqw.IIII8t11 nlty Þ8 ."'øneo;I þy 1-"'"" toIIII..n I...~r ..ppru.c~ of 8WCh a~ III wnlln; -- awcII a561gnmenl oactl1lltllO al1ly 81I8r ..8&588 6IS1 Oatlbl1l 811 Opol\oOt\ frO'n n8l_1I, -..gn.- _n:><:1 ~1In!J llloOt .uCII ó\SSognmenl ..,. nor 8Olõlla0Z8 m. -1IA8mpI sraru& or me QD¡8100/1 VIII. Matn&tIfHInA of Et¡wlpment ~n 8 0' L- IliIl8ll kHP "'" IOq.¡,pm.ItII 11\ QOCI repIIll/III ..arI<oI11I oraer ~ S... 1\3.... no aÞlosatoan 10 ,"apea. 18'SI. &8I1tlce. ma.ncaln. I8pao1" or mau ompco.8C\'I8tII& or ~ "1C11I'I6I!!q.¡opnr41111 wnQ8r an) QICwmSI'-$. I.N88tI w. ÞcIlo:ItIIo for 1111 dlln1<1JCllD I'" ¡¡qulpmem. 0UIIII"1IIiIfI normal wIIõII'.na 188/. C:"'HCI Þy La..... 11II"'1PIQ)-"~ ðr ,!I ~\$ ....- - pay for ;,nd ClDtalllII/I p8I1MII. _nHl and -- nec~ TOr .. _. ollb-.ot\. 110-"'11. ~ <If 'O'" 01 "'" liqw,pm.nl. II II1or Eq...opmetII 01_- *'y - --""..). - Lc......o ...I'O$IGIIMÞIa for ODQIIIone ...en 11118(&) tRIIII me S18" II/IQ 8ISO 101 ana..to/1Q ¡r.. ~r'" .- ... For.. 1...n/ICIId... 01\ ell of Ul8 LU8l8) ~.. 8fI8II ~ .... \118 Jq"",""", to fI;owI. ~ or a:mspon hIII-- -- iIIõ CNI~Q 111108 Resawce C-..aLðII ana 1WCuwW) Ad. 42 U S C I!SKJ1 IIJ\ ~,.q 1.- SMA 1« a.../UI( - rc.nn Qf ""I JIS- C~. _ur Dr 8HIIIJIC any Ie-. h8nI or ana.mD111M88 of 811)' - w"n ".~ to "'" aq...plTl-.nl ..-pI VlO6e t:"\r,a¡,.c lIy U\o.. ~- L-ooa- _a IIMII ~a>Ol" or .$ AsoooQnCe m8¥ o.o8CU1Q any 8cld1llONl CIQCuIJ1811S /ICUG"'II ~oIIQ _11\$. IIIfItII.a::. nOIol:..4. end ...md'" ,"~m"lIb. lor 8na un """111' at LMI- wlJtt:h Lv6')Qf II""", I1OC8HiII) (( apprgpna.. 10 II'QIIICI 1.8S&0I'1 It\I8I88f If\ 1118 ~OP¡MnI - III """~. Tf1c Eqwllm..m ,. iIIId SI1af :11 an LI1IdD ÞcIlind """"'oil po~ Propel",. Le... IIna\I 3Ow I._I« III _118 ana .napea me I'q..,p"""" .111 "'_Þkr wno... M IX. Default ~,on II 01 EWI\td 01 Defa..¡1 a..r..-. Tna fglDwltl ovento; iI1aII COtIRIUI8 an "E..11I Of Detawl" U\l8' 11'\" AQ-,¡atll. (it) Fa,"'" by L8ssee ro pay ."y /bItW6I Pa\lllIBIIII_1III ~Þot'" f« ~ftoo" (151 ll;ays after awch pil)'If\8RI ,. - aoco,o,ng 10 1/18 Pattlle/U Coaœ þlllooa 011 """"""I!" (a) Fa....... 10 p~ IIn,. OIlier p~mønt roqWtr8Q 10 þ8 paIlS "rxtar V\8 Agtøernent 811118 f<lf'18 8pote:1t,ea '*"'" """ ... QOf1Ionwaloan of ~IIOCI fa...,. tor a panoø Of fokeM (15) lI"y. IUlur wnan nooae fly IAssor - SI4~~ PIIyme,. m- Ø8 /tIIIQ8 Ir ~ """- co ,.w to CNly ;my _menr after "'~II peloOO U\8l\ 1.86&01 rn8~ 11..1 wdillul lito OOIQ1IIIIIIIO. II1II118 s...c:n paylJlllllW 11M cnal!8 L- for -com¡ ~ ~ 111- 811R811o\11188C.....r..I ~re . . 1':1<"'18 by ¡...~ to ~ and pet\Omt 8t1J' w8t1'IInrr. COWIfII\III. conetloOR. 1"""- QI" ltwIy ..nallf - ~8111 for a penaa or V\I~ PO! 0"'15 :llI8r ""'tUttI noLOe spec:.~lIIg &well failure .. !liven to tAS- Ot LooSSOr. ..nt..s~ Lc:øor - ,n wnIont 10 an -- of - La&8ðf - ~ ul\l'8flSOlUlOlt ...vI/IOI<I e cOnSIIo1( to :on £,"",10/"1 or lime of CXII18C11... IICIIOII of 1IIII,c..tea Þy 1AeSec. $w~ (t:) IIcIcIIi I1CII applJ' to Rcma! ~ iIncI omec paymellll QSC- IIOOW ""~ .ran",,1t,. ~r.. GmlMoOn. rvpn...OI1QllQl1 or -ßOI'f II)IIcI<I Dy LeS&88 on or punuam IÞ ItIt6 IIQreel118C'11 ..tIoe:tI !I«IvO$ to II.: ~. ont:O""ct or ml>lø.oalna an me aa<8 wnen ,- reu-- 01 1..-'. ,"",nc - whrt:f1maolool"llIIIIr ("11i81y affeca; 1118 ngtIIS or øo.l,l)' 0' ¡.eaør _8r Vl4 A¡¡...-..nI (a) Feb-04-03 01:52pm Frcœ-BAYSTONE FINANCIAL GROUP T-413 P. os/l1 F-6S6 Any ptDonSIo/\ at ml5 AgI88/118nt WI\1CO C8a486 ID D8 vaoQ ¡or wnara.er r8a&a11 ;ana me IIIQi OT 5"cn pIIIVI$IQt\ wa""lI\18f8"Q~ IIQ-",y .1I~ IIWo JoQIIfS 01 aec:..,"I, 01 ...- 8ISJ1\U rn wnq Ib rnaDolI!r 10 P<I1 III Obl4E!- L8,.",", ckLo,,1Ia on OI1c or mol'8 ollIS 0III8r QIIQaoona LtlSliU iIppII8& or cons.1II5 \10 U18 appo.nUl\8m or a fII- 01' ill CU5~ to JI1~ 15 afIIwa Lea&88 INItr.II5 . 8rI8I"8I a"oarvnanl tor 1118 II8IIIfc 01 Cf81111DI8 ~on 9 02 R."""'- IIn o.taub w-- any 1:"1\1 Of Def;lwIt 8aI8S. L8s80r sIIaII \ao. 1118 ngrw 100 t;Ø.8 CNI 01' 811'1 ~ Of 1/18 JOQ...ng retIMICWII SUlp' (a) wen 0( ",,",,",ll8C'II1InIIIIIIlllla I\Qf88/IMIII, ..-...r 1liii, 08C:1- 1111 ~11"" p,,~ II\Q - acno<olllS pay8l)le D, ~... I\t(18wnoel 10 Vii eM Q'I PIt' IIIc:II Cw",:nl a..Ggc,c y...r IQ ~ r/MIGCIo:doII~ - - $*,IrCIII>. WrUI or ...mowc IefJrwlll1ln\l1lkS A9reom.nl. ¡,- l1li, Itqw1I8 ANOO 8t ~.. ~ 10 rcGGIlIICr en, or l1li of 1h8 E1¡urJlll"'m 100 lAMia a5 proo'- IMIOw In s.CIICIfI 9.04 Swc;n clckV4O/)' 5J1all w..c pt;Iœ wlIl1In fillllon ,'5) oa~ 8ft8r 1118 ...111 Of a8til". occ:ura It 1.81&88 t....100 08....r 11\8 ¡:q..~. UI55OI mat e/1181 U\e pl'8nll&lla w/I8tII m8 Eqllopm8lll r& OCaI8CI ana 13118 poG8Ii6IQI of !/\II EqUIIßIIIIII a1ll CIa/gII L8IIM Of co8lll\Ctllretl NO"""lntfanOII\Q IMt L8UO1 nas Pig,l poea&aIO/\ Of UI8 eq...pnwIOI. \.88'" "*' &roll þI ØØhQlJ8O 10 pay me rama""nQ ~ P8yn1tlllS U- wp wnW 111<1 8l'1li 01111<111111/'1 ""'l'C"ni Or~ß; T CI1I1 01 Rc/IIJW..i T 8tQ1 I.8sseo..,.. De k- Q( filii oarl1age \10 - e:q..1.IRNII1 CII'*"I Dy &...... or 114 """!/IOY'" "'" ~ LCr:I4ar m.., Idw. wh:I1øo« - 81 '- ar ", otqwlly 1IWI -, ~PNI" ~ II/" GoDtnIIIIc 10 antarc. II:> nllnai L8S," Sllall D8 l"uponslOt8 \10 LeSSOI" tor au COCI& II1Cwnoc b, LeA« n the cnfon:Glllanl. 01 a I"J!hca ,,1ICk1" Il1o5 AQRo..m8111111duC111\9. ÞuI: IIOIlrIII4IId 10. 1N5OIIaQI8 iIItQIM)' .. ~"'" 9 n, Nil ~1!3t'l'l' J:.doo1>- No"-y nel"ern oont.rrect wpon ornMCr.cd IQ Lo.sor oS onœnd8d1O De ez.auS'" - ....,., luCI' ntlTMlQ1 &naif "" cumula¡,.. ana SnaJl aa 11'1 IIIIQlr.oII 100 8118fY 01/181" 18m.oy 9,ven ..no., tn,S ~1"II8fI11\OW <"I n&r8J1t18( 1W8fI~9 1\, - or II eq..,¡y NO ~i 01 "'",~IIIOIIIO ....,e.Wllrly rqll 1'1 paw", ~ng ..¡¡en any CIa""", ,I1I1II .mparl' al11 *<CI11"1Q,¡ or :onau f.H¡ eonall'wlMllO ~ . _vel" 11100/'91II' c;",.r.nn \I 04 Rerum Of FII...Dmenr """ '>t0faQ8 (:0) Surr..nIlCl". TIMII.~ -. " '" I'wn C"~I1M. .~ III. Ec...pmanlla 11'1. ~S1CK" ,n U\o; 8V<'nt of .. ~- Q( 110 Non..pprgpr...loOl1 Dy 11""""119 111~ ECI...pmcn1 IQ - I.~QI' 10 . ~ .Gt'c.$oÞk: II)' ~ RmcI" .n:t lllÃIIIoIICICIlI)' 1.c100l". In the CIÞO 11111 ;on¡. 01 U\e liq"oømem COI\5I51S 01 >o1I~. Lc..- ~ _lCOy a. onl8ngoÞle - 00I"I$IIIUIII1Q ~n _arc ancI 5haJ O8I....r 10 Lessor" 1811!1'* OI8ms CD/1&IItUIIIIQ 5ucn 5O1Iwar' N. LtI55O/'I r8q-. ..8SI88 IIIaII aIIO C8J(1y In 1\ tonn ~I*t 10 I.-or I/I1II 1.8- 1\1\1 campt.aa Wl1/I1/MI8- 5Of\Wara ""IfI ptOVdItOM 11l'1li1/181 mey WIll .~y ceue uSIng I/lol aoItw818 ana mal me~ "II1II1 p8IfYhI,-"SOI atIQIol" 1/1- vetUllIt" at - IIIIlWar8 10 rNip8CI ~'II lOC81IOI1Ii 10 venf)- OOIIIICoIIIIC8 WIllI 1118 lAIr!r'" /'111810 0eI.v8JY Toe Equ.pll18N &1\811 D8 0tII- 10 11'18 OCo1ÐOII a8Slg1\a18Q II)' me U)¡¡Q' II)' 1/ COfII//IO/I CIIIf\8I" 0.lil885 l/1li L.885OI '11'- oil ..,1II1I9 Il\It 8 c:omroon came. oil not /'18«180 W/I8n - Ec¡Urlll18IK II a8,,0- .ru.."... CU5/IDQy Of it common camel". 1/'11 1-- tOr 1/18 an.pp.og of 1118 0181118t1Q oØ .nll<.anœ on flan&.t ,n ~ ""III 1/18 L88fQfll o/III1t\<CIIIIn. II/'IQ at 1118 l-M8M'a aale a.pel'l&e ........ It . 8MII COlllpMIlely ".., ami l.to$CO/- 1118 iqvlpmoonl or I~ _"'111 ¡wn.. frOm IIW 1.1>-'. prGpvfIy an wolliOl.o' "'bIIoly II' \ha LelI_, ""' 111 .... CI'III'" IIIc: Eqvlp/lkfll ..ncI ... at die Cornponcl1( N1t"- at m" EqW1pmcnl C.I"_y - on ~ willi o1IIy _mmoond:l/lDl"\s of \ha m .. 50.111 1181.- 10 /118 L<n1iOr Iho pIiInJi. lMcofic:aoons opGI1IbOtl manu.'5 or - wiI/Rl1D8& iIIICI CIOCum8I1b fulTIIshoIcI b11/18 rnanu1iK:Q 8/1( anQ 5IICI1 QIOIII" QOCI¡III8/1IS rn tne \-II-'S ~.on lelðWIQ \10 1/18 ""MI81'8/'IO8 fIIIQ II18I1\OQII Of ~fIO/1 Of IUCI\ :qwlprn8l\l COMoIwII: Wilen 1118 E:1...op.nonl .. 8wlT8nC1"'" 10 l/1li \..111$ III . l89a1ragu¡acary c;onctIOf\j t18QISAty tar tile L.8a>Ol" I 11::11: It 0 om at tn8 Eq...pm8m. once II 011 AKUmaa. 16 no I C I tqlllplf\Ol1l Qf ." ,1øm 01 en" liq"lpmanl 10 ~ ~ 111 Ine UlCIDr. I/IØ .akr th" ""P'AlbCln of ,I;> _OJ 181m IkJfora RlC\¡m respeCl1O IUC" "em lIunng I1S lllOIõI8 penacI a te) (1) (II) (C' (0) (C) (0) o/1>cI1O 118 ma.nwnIMI ",,1Ierr Ihr¥ A91'C"~ II"" ;OliO m~"I"'¡ 1 . aljlo8ns If Lessor reasonaoIr IIeI8r/!1JI18I trlat 1/18 EqUIpment or an y. may c:auli8 I/IØ rap..,. Ørv¡C8. wpI/1IQ8. moorftCaLlI\ O 0.&11"" ot tI\8 . 1&$- MI<III IQII1I\Iy Rllll'l1Iu1':oC L,";K' tar .01...1110IIII1:: II>4>O1Q- ""Ik'IIII"" In lag. tOt tne ~I or all) ,*" of 1118 ~..oIm~ lor a 1'81100 nIIllO ,,- 00 Illy' , Tho ~ .n..1 .mange for IIIw ,nWfilllCr ØcnCIIÞcU 10 CQtIIInwc on IuK fora:- end dflOCt with snail ra.rncur.. Ø\8 LBuae on oemano tar - oIICI'8l!18n.1 II1Imo&.rn COil 01 provIG.ng s...cn Insurance X. M.-Ila- ~"f""" 10 al !:jot,..... All noIIC8& snau DII &utfoe18f111y gIven and 11II1II1 De dI.mecI gIven wnen o81,Vll/1l(l or ItI3IIIG D)' I1Ig4IIter8CI ma.. poIIlaQ8 p.spaoo. 10 me pilrt1416 at me" '8&p8CIov8 pt.1C8" at Ikoartl... aa t.nn Set tonn /I8's... Of" tII8 pIIltl88 5l18li oellgna¡a nelaa1t8r on WIlting ~"'" '002 e,no,na EItøa TIII5 AlJf'881Y16111 &n1lll14lU/ll ro Ø\8 DllNlfA Q ana _II P8 IHna,ng ..pan UIIIWI8 8t1C11-858O1 8I1Q III8tt lupee".. .~,- .nø ..,..gr.. Sod- '003 SavdtlODdoly In an. ..".,,1 IIn, prvw~ of 1111. ~ _I .... I10I<l ",....,11 or w"","lorOo- b, .on, C'Dw1"l of comø-ru UflaOlC'loOn, ~..cn hota,"9 ......., nol ","""-111 or ~ ""","",,,*.cøv WI, Ol/lllr prOvI'llOll I1v1"lJof SðcI.on '004 AIn..nClrt- AGd"'1d1o CIIB- at MocIor.c8t.Cn8 Thla A¡""~II ~Y lot flmooncll>cl. w:II:Iw 10, cmon;.a or mocIdtocIlI)' wntIG/I 19"""""'"1 CI"b ,,~IC( Þ¡I ~ 8fICI \-II"" SðcllOI'I '0 ~ åec.Mll'l '" COunle.0art8 T/Io8 AutMIll8l1l: fII8y þ8 "'lIwII8t1C1O<A1y e.cAQ.,IOC or¡ 88...,.. COwlllofJp8I'Þi, I><ICn gf wn.cn ~..u ÞcI ..n Ql'l91n.ol .anII .III at wn,çn ~n..11 CUl\f~IuIe bul OM 8nCI1IiIt -- rllflt\llllt'l1C. ~-9" '0 D6 ~. Tn... RI\ICIN 01" 1101<1111119" 0/11110 AQnICIInCnt CIa /\DC IItfjrr. JI\IIIIt" lIacnb8 the ~p. 01' IfII8/11 alan, prIMSION Of UCIIO/IS of Il1o5 Ag/HIYI8m: 5aer.on '0 O} M_, La8S8. TIn AIIR*1IItnI =n De "w.zoq II . MIIIICCrI !.HH A9nM1mvn1. 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