4.2 A Day of Prayer WHEREAS, the National Day of prayer is a tradition first proclaimed by the Continental Congress in 1775; and WHEREAS, in 1951, the National Day of Prayer Breakfast became an event inaugurated by leadership groups in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives; and WHEREAS, in 1988, legislation was unanimously ratified by both houses of Congress and signed by President Ronald Reagan stating that the National Day of Prayer was to be observed on the first Thursday of every May; and WHER:::AS, this year will mark the 61 st consecutive observance of the National Day of Prayer; and WHEREAS, it is fitting and proper to give thanks to God by observing this day in the City of Salina when all may acknowledge our blessings and express gratitude for them. while recognizing the need for strengthening religious and moral values in our city, state and nation; and NOW THEREFORE, I, SAMANTHA ANGELL, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF SALINA, DO HEREBY PROCLAIM MAY 5, 2011 AS A DAY OF PRAYER THROUGHOUT THE CITY OF SALINA, AND I URGE ALL CITIZENS TO OBSERVE THIS DAY IN WAYS RELFVANT TO ITS IMPORTANCE AND SIGNIFICANCE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Salina, Kansas to be affixed. SAMANTHA ANGELL, Mayor