8.3 Fireworks Facilities Permitted UseCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 03/14/2011 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: FISCAL APPROVAL: 8 NO: BY: N/A DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING FINAL APPROVAL: ITEM NO:3 BY: Dean Andrew BY: Page 1 ITEM:Ordinance No. 11-10592 Second reading Ordinance No. 11-10592 amending Chapter 42, Article IV, Section 42-59(d) of the Salina Zoning Ordinance to add consumer fireworks facilities as a permitted temporary use in certain commercial zoning districts of the city. BACKGROUND: Ordinance No. 11-10592 passed on first reading on February 28, 2011 and since that time staff has reviewed this proposed zoning text amendment toget her with the fireworks ordinance adopted in January and NFPA, Chapter 7, which applies to the retail sale of commercial fireworks, to make sure there were no provisions or dim ensions that conflicted with each other. Several modifications were made to the fireworks ordinance but no modifica tions were made to the proposed zoning text amendment. Since the February 28 meeting, staff did receive some input from a fireworks vendor who thought the required 50 foot setback from adjacent public st reets was excessive and w ould make some of the smaller commercial sites unusable. This vendor felt a 25 foot setback was more reasonable. NFPA, Chapter 7 does not specify a minimum setback or separation from a public street right-of-way so this is a discretionary item for the City Commission. COMMISSION ACTION: Staff has identified the following alternatives for the City Commission’s consideration: 1. Approve Ordinance No. 11-10592 on second reading as drafted. 2. Approve the proposed ordinance amendment on second reading with any modifications to the text the Commission deems appropriate.