CIP 1998-2002 CITY OF SALINA 1999 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN asphal[ & cortege re~,~lu~ ~ ~ S,d~alks ~ I $30 000 1 Vehicles & Ecu~ -- ~4~.~0 $1~.0~ S30.~ S85.~ $120.000 $50.0~ Sto~aterPmeo~&Plann,n $300 O~ W~[ S ~em~n~an~ments..... $550.~ ~lla ] Sch,lhn~teme~on $~.~ Aroma[ Shelter $1~.~ J (1) K~T (2) K~T = $2,187,000; Coun~ = $765,000 (3) Spedal Assessments Revised Apd129. 1998 CITY OF SALINA 2000.CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN sti~t~.--;~;;.i;-~: ~: asphalt & ~.~ cie repa;,, slu~ seals and RR ~ss~ngs Public Buildings & Fa=Idles $1~ v~ & Eq~p. $350,~ Compute~e~h~;ogy S 110.0~ $1~.~ $1 ~.~ C I.P Plannm~ S50.000 = ~ ' ' Water S~slem Er, ha~,,,ents :..~. ..~ ~;,~;,~ S~i S1201~: . . Total Cap~ Im~v~; Plan I (1) May include some s~al assessment & fee finandng (2) K~T Revised April 29, 1998 CITY OF SALINA 2001 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN curb & utter, crack sealin . I ..... as halt & concrele re a~r. slu seals and RR crossinL ;idewalks $60.000 Park Im rOvements ' ' - ~ -- -- '--'-- --; - ~ ' Corn uters/Techncl-- -- L~'~fill Cell #4 ~ $2.000.000 {'I Stormwater Pro ects & Pla'm~n ~ " ~''~' '~- ' - ~ '~:'! .~.~-~=~ ::=~ ~= $50 ~hancements ~ Enhancements ~ $500,~-- ~~ ~1~ S500.000 ~tovement Plan S860,000 ~ ~ $2,100,000 . $$0,00C S1,200,00 (1) Payable from Landfill user fees Revised Apd129, 1998 CITY OF SAUNA 2002 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN ..... ; GF~FRAL .SPECIAL' G~TAX . FLOOD& , . .:~:~, -: ' SOLID,: ~ seals and RR ~3ss~ S~d~alks S30.~ $85.~ $3~,~ $~ ~ $30 ~ $85.~ $~.~ $1~.~ Re~s~ Ap~ 29, 1998 EXHIBIT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FOR FURTHER REVIEW 1. South Mary. mount Road Reconstruction - (Cost Unknown) South of Crawford Street; pavement, drainage and sidewalk improvements. Primarily a special assessment project. Needs concept plan, feasibility report and neighborhood meetings. 2. Glen Avenue Reconstruction - (Cost Unknown) Substandard asphalt road adjacent to city cemetery. Needs feasibility report. 3. South Ohio Corridor, Phase II - (Cost Unknown) Possible preliminary concept/cost estimating in Phase I feasibility report. Timing dependent on growth/development between Magnolia and Schilling. Gain right-of- way and special assessment consent through platting. 4. Schilling Road Upgrade; Centennial to Arnold - (Cost Unknown) Review with Airport Authority planning. Gain cost estimates through 1999 Centennial Road project actual costs. Possible economic development grant project. 5. East Pacific Corridor and Drainage; Front to Ohio - (Cost Unknown) Will require major roadway and drainage work. Stormwater feasibility report underway. Monitor growth/development in Ohio/Pacific area. Monitor warrants for traffic signals at Ohio/Pacific intersection. 6. Downtown Ramps/Inlets - (Cost Unknown) Complete pilot project at selected intersection from Gas Tax budget. Use that experience to evaluate costs and planning for one large project or prioritization for annual phase-in. 7. South 4th Street Reconstruction - (Cost Unknown) Reconstruct concrete street and storm sewers between Cloud and Leslie. Needs feasibility report, after 9th and Claflin project is complete. 8. General Services Parking - ($170,000) Long-term desirable project. Look for lower cost options, including possible joint project with private development in area. 9. Bicentennial Center Box Office Area Expansion o ($250,000) Needs cost/benefit analysis. 10. Bicentennial Center Meeting Rooms - (Cost Unknown) Expand center to add meeting rooms. Needs cost/benefit analysis. EXHIBIT A 11. Broadway Storm Drainage; Cloud to Republic - ($2,500,000 - $3,000,000) Major feasibility report completed in 1997; follow-up report underway for possible lower cost interim options. 12. West Magnoliall-135 Utilities - ($1,700,000) Extend water and sewer lines to serve area west of I-135 on Magnolia. Special assessments and cost recovery fees required. Schedule project concurrent with significant development request. 13. Lakewood Park Historic Bridge - (Cost Unknown) Replacement of outdated bridge with box culvert bridge. Possible relocation of historic bridge to other park area. Needs concept plan and cost estimates. Partially dependent on development plans for area west of Lakewood Park. 14. ~orth 9th Street/Mulberry Creek Bridge - (Cost Unknown) Feasibility report in 1999. Submit as future KDOT bridge project. 90%/10% funding for reconstruction. 15. East Magnolia Widening/Reconstruction - (Cost Unknown) Roadway east of Magnolia/Ohio intersection. May be partially combined with South Ohio Corridor. Concept and cost estimates in 1998 Corridor feasibility. Eastern distance dependent on development. 16. Public Shooting Range - ($200,000) Cooperative regional project with private sector, state and city cost-sharing. Projected at $100,000 state; $50,000 private; $50,000 city. Project awaiting private sector and state action. 17. Levee Trail Extension - ($375,000) Extension of levee trail to segments west and north. Minor improvements can be made through maintenance and operations. Major development similar to current Crawford to Magnolia segment would require grants or other funding. EXHIBIT A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IDENTIFIED BUT UNFUNDED 1. Ivey Park (south area) Swimming Pool Cost est: $1,500,000 - $4,000,000 2. North Salina Community Center (north area) Cost est: $750,000 - $1,000,000 3. Par-3; 9-hole Golf Course (municipal course expansion) Cost est: $500,000 CITY MANAGER · DENNIS M. KISSINGER City-County Building · 300 West Ash Street · P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 TELEPHONE(785)826-7250 · FAX (785)826-7248 · TDD(785) 826-7333 CM Memorandum 98-13 TO: City Commission FROM: Dennis Kissinger~~~?~ DATE: May 1, 1998 RE: Items/Topics for Staff Review The following are topics or items which I believe will be more effectively analyzed and reviewed in forums other than the annual capital improvement planning. Staff will be assigned these review tasks as part of annual operating budgets, gasoline tax project planning, building and facilities annual programs, special parks budget planning, or other administrative functions. 1. State Street Railroad Crossing Review with Gas Tax annual planning 2. Police Training/Shooting Range Improvements Review after Animal Shelter decisions 3. Year-Round Restrooms in Parks Review with Special Parks and Buildings/Facilities annual planning 4. Median Improvements Review with Gas Tax 5. Broadway/Hageman Intersection Add to traffic engineering warrant monitoring list 6. South Street Pavement Review with Gas Tax and traffic engineering programs 7. North Street Pavement Review with Gas Tax programs Memorandum 98-13 Page 2 8. South 4th Street; Prescott to Crawford Review for Gas Tax reconstruction and traffic engineering/safety at Crawford/4th intersection 9. Bill Burke Restrooms Consider recommending construction in 1999 of added restrooms in south park area. 50%/50% cost-sharing between Special Parks Fund and Buildings and Facilities general fund annual program. 10. North Broadway Driving Lane Widths Review through traffic engineering 11. Front and Crawford Peak Hour Traffic Delays Review through traffic engineering 12. Kenwood ParkTrain Maintenance and protection issues. Review as park maintenance or upgrade project 13. Arterial Street Sidewalk Extensions Various locations. Review as annual Gas Tax program. 50% Gas Tax/50% special assessments 14. Neighborhood Improvements Shift neighborhood service area program to general operating budget Staff will keep the Commission informed as to status of these items. Most would require Commission approval for implementation.