Change Order No. 6 DEPARTMENT Of PlJ~I.IC WORKS Michael Fraser, Director a/Public Works Daniel Stack, P.f'., City Engineer Jim Teutsch, Operations Manager TELEPHONE. (785) 309"5725 FAX. (785) 3(]9~5713 TDD . (785) 309~5747 E-MAil: mikc.fraser@salina.om dan.stack@saUiHl:()r~ iim"t~~tsdl'@saJil~a.or:ri WEBSITE .\Vww,salina:ks,gov 300 West Ash, p.o. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 ., ... ........;. d'. .....' ..,' "."" ...."...,..,.,., , PROJECT NO., DESCRIPTION: LOCA TfON: 09-2769, Landfill,C~,115, Construction THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 24th day otAug~st,2010iby and between the City of Salina, Kansas, Owner, and the above named Contractor, moaifies thee~lstingcontract dated 8/1 0/09 under the above subject and project number in the following,partlculars towl!: 1. The specifications and drawings for, street improvementsil) the City of Salina, Kansas, dated 8/1 0/09, are hereby amended In the following particulars only; all othel'terms and conditions remain unchanged. 2. The undersigned proposes to furnish all tools, applianc~s, equipment, materials, and labor required to complete the construction in a thorough,workm"mlike, and satisfactory manner in accordance with the drawings, specifications, and contract documents, for thef61Ibwir\gprices. I( , Previously I , , , i' ' , Item Approved Proposed No. Description Quantity Quanli!Y_ Unit Unit Price Total 10 Drainage Layer, (18 inches, 29,300 31,349 C.Y. $15.00 $30,735.00 Sand) TOTAL $30,735.00 3. The contract time for completion by reason of this change Q days. 4. All other terms and conditions of the contract to remain unchanged. ., {) {) ., Our Mission is to Build and Maintain a Clean. Safe Community DEPARTMENT OFPIJ~L1C WORKS Michael Fraser, Director olPublic Works Daniel Slack, PE, ,City Engineer Jim Teutsch, Operations Manager qtyof TELEPHONE. (785) 309-5725 FAX, (785) 309-5713 TOD . (785) 309-5747 E-MAIL: mikefraser@salina,org dan:stack@salina,or!t iim,teutscli(0sali naorg WEBSITE . wwws"Jina-ks.!!;ov 300 West Ash, P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 CHANGEQRDl:RNO. 6 PROJECT NO., DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: CONTRACTOR: 09-2769, Landfill Cell 5 Constru2.t1o.fl. L.arkin Excavating,lnc, OWNER, FIRST PARTY THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS CONTRACTOR, SECOND PARTY LARKING EXCAV ATING, INC. Daniel a-~;~Engineer "';;;~"""'1h.t..P "''fUl VI<"' i'itl~ ATTEST: .~~~ Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk Our Mission is to Build and Maintain a Clean, Safe Community