5.3 2010 Budget Amendments CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 12/13/2010 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: 5 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ITEM NO: Page 1 3 BY: Rod Franz BY: ITEM: Ordinance No. 10-10584 First reading of Ordinance No.1 0-1 0584 amending the 2010 budget. BACKGROUND: State statute provides that the annual budget may be amended, provided that the prescribed notice and hearing process is followed. The budget may be amended to account for additional revenues or unanticipated expenses; however, taxes may not be changed by an amendment process. The notice for this hearing has been timely published. This year, there are several amendments necessary to complete the year. General Fund: General Fund expenses, net of reserves, will increase from $35,156,535 to $35,406,535. This increase of $250,000 is attributable to two operating transfers to other funds. In February 2010, the Municipal Golf Course required a $50,000 supplement in order to maintain positive fund balances through the first quarter. This supplement was authorized by the City Commission on February 22; however, the formal budgetary change has not yet been made. The Bicentennial Center Fund will require supplementation of $200,000 in order to complete the year. This will increase the budgeted transfer from the General Fund to the Bicentennial Center fund from $475,000 to $675,000 for 2010. Other expenditure items in the General Fund, taken as a whole, seem to be on course. General Fund revenues, due largely to malaise of the sales tax, will likely be about $300,000 under expectation. End of year fund balance will be about $3,400,000, which is at our targeted level, but about $500,000 less than anticipated at our mid-year adjustments. Special Highway (Gas Tax) Fund: Gas tax fund expenditures are being revised upward from $1,706,071 (net of reserves) to $2,399,628. This is primarily due to aggressive micro-surfacing and mill and inlay projects. The aggressive approach this year was made possible by significant balances carried forward from prior years, in addition to current revenues. Arts and Humanities Fund: This year is the first full year of operating the fund. Budgeted operating expenses are being amended from $859,619 to $1,012,988. Operations are financed by support from the General Fund ($489,358) as well as fees, grants and donations ($490,377). The City general supplement is not being altered by the proposed amendment. It is worthy of note, that if the year completes as projected, current expenditures will exceed current revenues by approximately $34,000. Fund balances are sufficient to cover the difference; however, this issue will need to be addressed in the 2011 - 2012 budget cycle. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 12/13/2010 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: 5 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ITEM NO: Page 2 3 BY: Rod Franz BY: Sales Tax Capital Fund: Expenditures for this fund, net of reserves, are proposed to be increased from $3,600,000 to $4,868,751. We anticipate the cash carryover to 2011 to be on the order of $334,175. The bulk of this change is due to additional street work, specifically the reconstruction of Marymount Road ($1,000,000) and Pacific Avenue ($200,000). There were also smaller changes due to the acquisition of SCBA gear for the Fire Department and the Levee Recertification study mandated by FEMA. Sales Tax Economic Development Fund: The budget for this fund is being increased to the maximum resources available. To date this year we have spent a total of $450,000 on an original budget of $315,444. Commitments from this fund are dependant on economic development opportunities, and on recommendations from the SEDIC committee. The budget is amended to account for total resources, $1,412,621. This practice will be carried forward to future years in order to eliminate the need for multiple budget amendments each year. Golf Course: The Golf Course budget is being amended to accommodate the supplemental transfer of $50,000 that was authorized in February 2010, and considering year to date expenditure and revenue performance. Expenditures, net of budgeted reserves, are expected to be about $806,693. Receipts, includinq the general fund supplement, will be about $833,407, presuming a relatively normal December. Own source receipts thus do not quite cover expenditures. We anticipate that cash carryover into 2011 will be about $62,000. This is less than the budgeted level of $100,047. Unless we have a notably successful first quarter, this fund is likely to require supplementation in the first quarter of 2011. Bicentennial Center: This operation is in a state of flux and uncertainty, pending the outcome of consideration of long term objectives. On the expense side, operating expenses are now estimated at $1,757,140. The original budget for comparable items was $1,758,264. This item is thus very close to the amounts originally budgeted. The original budget included a $10,000 amount for minor capital; the amount actually spent to-date is $15,318. This is consistent with the City Commission direction to invest up to $200,000 per year in facility maintenance and operational capital to support the long term sustainability of the facility. The original budget included a $200,000 item for debt services. This was intended to provide for payment on the bonds to be issued for the current major capital improvements to the Center, including heritage hall, parking lot improvements, riser rehabilitation, etc. Bonds were ultimately issued in 2010, with the first payment due in 2009. As a result, the funds from the Transient Guest Tax intended for this purpose were re-programmed into the improvement fund, and used to reduce the amount of bonds issued, in place of a principal and interest payment in 2010. This change affects both revenue and expense items, reducing both by $200,000. Finally, the expense budget as amended provides for an estimated carryover into 2011 of $82,852. The original budget anticipated a balance forward of $36,365. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE 12/13/2010 TIME 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION NO: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR AGENDA: 5 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION ITEM NO: Page 3 3 BY: Rod Franz BY: On the revenue side of the budgetary equation, the balance carried forward from 2009 was reduced from the original budget of $139,129 to the actual amount of $63,088. Service charges have been reduced from an estimated $787,000 to $750,298. The operating transfer from the Transient Guest tax has been reduced from $600,000 to $366,252. Of this amount, $200,000 is the result of reprogramming the special one cent of the tax dedicated to the capital project improvements from the operating fund to the improvement fund. The remainder ($33,748) represents a decline in the production of the tax for 2010. Minor revenues (interest and other) are projected to decrease from $3,500 to $672. Finally, the proposed amendment provides for a $200,000 increase in the transfer from the General Fund to provide for continued operations of the Center. FISCAL NOTE: These adjustments are largely recognition of prior decisions. Fiscal impacts include an increased level of Capital improvements commiserate with resources available, continuity of operations for the Golf Course and Bicentennial Center, and a reduction in anticipated cash balances for the General Fund. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Ordinance Number 10-10584 on first reading. (Published in the Salina Journal on August _' 2010.) ORDINANCE NUMBER 10-10584 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 2010 ANNUAL BUDGET. WHEREAS, proposed annual budget amendments for the fiscal year commencing January l, 2010 have been prepared by the City Manager, and WHEREAS, said proposed annual budget amendments have been prepared and presented to the City Commission in accordance with the Salina Code and State Laws, and WHEREAS, the City Commission has examined, studied and reviewed said proposed annual budget amendments, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held and conducted so as to give interested citizens a reasonable opportunity to be heard, and WHEREAS, the City Commission, has after due consideration and deliberation, made such amendments and adjustments in the proposed annual budget amendments as they consider necessary, desirable and expedient, SO NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas: Section 1. That the proposed 201 0 annual budget amendments as prepared on forms prescribed by the State of Kansas, which are hereby incorporated by reference, is authorized and approved. Section 2. That the Budget Appropriations, which are incorporated in the proposed annual budget amendments, are approved. Section 3. That all interfund transactions identified in the Schedule of Transfers as amended are adopted by reference, authorized and approved. Section 4. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to implement and to administer, within the budgetary funding limits and within adopted City policy and relevant State and City Laws and regulations, said amended 20 1 0 Annual Budget. Section 5. That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: Passed: December 13th, 2010 Aaron G. Peck, Mayor [SEAL] ATTEST: Lieu Ann Elsey, CMC, City Clerk State of Kansas Amendment 2010 Amended Certificate To the Clerk of Saline County, State of Kansas We, the undersigned, duly elected, qualified, and acting officers of City of Salina, KS certify that: (l) the hearing mentioned in the attached publication was held;(2) after the Budget Hearing this Budget was duly approved and adopted as the maximum expenditure for the various funds for the year. 2010 Amended Budget Amount of Adopted Proposed Amended Page 2009 2010 2010 Table of Contents: No. Tax that was Levied Expenditures Expenditures Fund K.S.A. General Fund l2-lOla 1 7,982,l26 38,963,620 38,763,93l Special Highway 2 l,706,07l 2,899,628 Arts and Humanities 3 859,6l9 l,09l,353 Sales Tax Capital 4 3,600,000 5,202,926 Sales Tax Economic Development 5 3l5,444 l,4l2,62l Golf Course 839,lOl 868,713 Bicentennial Center 7 l,968,264 l,855,31O Totals xxxxxxx 7,982,l26 48,252, ll9 52,094,482 Summary of Amendments 8 Attested date: County Clerk Assisted by: Address: State Use Only Received Reviewed by Follow-up: Yes_No_ Governing Body revised 12/04/08 Page No. 1 2010 Adopted From Fund To Fund Budget ,.... ,l Bicentennial Center $ 475 000 General Risk Manaqement $ 174,489 General Workers Compensation $ 175,105 General Health Insurance $ 2,832,156 General Central Garage $ 906,133 General Computer technoloqy $ 409,900 General Arts and Humanities $ 489,358 .,..,. ,l Il-'.ri T -F CO"U.L'=>C $ Sale Tax Capital General $ 650,000 Sale Tax Capital Debt Service $ 2,000,000 Tourism Bicentennial Center $ 600,000 Bicentennial Center Risk Management $ 12,000 Bicentennial Center Workers Compensation $ 1,650 Bicentennial Center Health Insurance $ 111,908 Bicentennial Center Central Garaqe $ 6,000 Fair Housing General $ 50,561 Central Garage Risk Management $ 8,844 Central Garaqe Workers Compensation $ 2,300 Central Garaqe Health Insurance $ 49,200 Computer Technoloqy General $ 70,316 Computer Technoloqy Risk Manaqement $ 7,000 Computer Technology Workers Compensation $ 3,800 Computer Technoloqy Health Insurance $ 63,000 Computer Technoloqy Central Garaqe $ 800 Sanitation General $ 262,000 Sanitation Risk Manaqement $ 23,400 Sanitation Workers Compensation $ 6,500 Sanitation Health Insurance $ 141,500 Sanitation Central Garaqe $ 202,260 Sanitation Computer technology $ 64,818 Sanitation Solid Waste $ 463,808 Sanitation Water and Wastewater $ 30,900 Solid Waste General $ 277,500 Solid Waste Special Hiqhway $ 180,000 Solid Waste Risk Management $ 20,000 Solid Waste Workers Compensation $ 3,350 Solid Waste Health Insurance $ 87,432 Solid Waste Computer technology $ 56,500 Golf Workers Compensation $ 3,000 Golf Health Insurance $ 49,200 Golf Computer technoloqy $ 6,000 Water General $ 1,591,335 Water Risk Management $ 70,000 Water Workers Compensation $ 24,500 Water Health Insurance $ 542,616 Water Central Garaqe $ 143,600 Water Computer technoloqy $ 565,000 Totals $ 13,914,739 Adlustments Adjusted Totals $ 13,914,739 2010 Proposed Amended Budget $ 6751000 $ 174,489 $ 175,105 $ 2,832,156 $ 906,133 $ 409,900 $ 489,358 $ 50,000 $ 650,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 600,000 $ 12,000 $ 1,650 $ 111,908 $ 6,000 $ 50,561 $ 8,844 $ 2,300 $ 49,200 $ 70,316 $ 7,000 $ 3,800 $ 63,000 $ 800 $ 262,000 $ 23,400 $ 6,500 $ 141,500 $ 202,260 $ 64,818 $ 463,808 $ 30,900 $ 277,500 $ 180,000 $ 20,000 $ 3,350 $ 87,432 $ 56,500 $ 3,000 $ 49,200 $ 6,000 $ 1,591,335 $ 70,000 $ 24,500 $ 542,616 $ 143,600 $ 565,000 State of Kansas Amendment City of Salina, KS 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 2010 General Fund Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1 3,996,774 3,996,774 Receipts: Ad Valorem Tax 7,609,361 7,609,361 Delinquent Tax 200,000 200,000 Motor Vehicle Tax 995,947 995,947 Recreational Vehicle Tax 20,137 20,137 Other Revenues 23,199,689 23,000,000 Transfers in 2,901,712 2,901,712 Interest on Idle Funds 40,000 40,000 Total Receipts 34,966,846 34,767,157 Resources Available: 38,963,620 38,763,931 Expendi tures: Personal Services 19,022,423 19,022,423 Employee Benefits 3,153,887 3,153,887 Supplies 1,075,450 1,075,450 Services and Charges 5,943,599 5,943,599 Capital Outlay 499,035 499,035 Miscellaneous 3,807,085 3,357,396 Transfers to: Bicentennial Center 475,000 675,000 Risk Management 174,489 174,489 Workers Compensation 175,105 175,105 Health Insurance 2,832,156 2,832,156 Central Garage 906,133 906,133 Computer Technology 409,900 409,900 Arts and Humanities 489,358 489,358 Golf Course 0 50,000 Total Expenditures 38,963,620 38,763,931 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 0 0 Page No. 1 revised 8/06/07 City of Salina, KS State of Kansas Amended 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 2010 Special Highway Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1 525,262 1,224,818 Recei pts: Ad Valorem Tax Delinquent Tax Motor Vehicle Tax Recreational Vehicle Tax Gas Tax 1,494,810 1,494,810 Transfer from Solid Waste Fund 180,000 180,000 Interest on Idle Funds 6,000 Total Receipts 1,680,810 1,674,810 Resources Available: 2,206,072 2,899,628 Expenditures: Supplies 480,875 480,875 Capital Outlay 1,225,196 1,918,753 Miscellaneous 500,000 Total Expenditures 1,706,071 2,899,628 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 500,001 0 Page No. 2 revised 8/06/07 State of Kansas Amendment City of Salina, KS 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 2010 Arts and Humanities Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1 29,674 111,618 Receipts: Foundation Support 60,504 86,500 Program Services 26,950 22,125 Festival Fees and Charges 293,120 332,444 Misc. revenues 1,250 State Grants 48,608 Transfer from the General Fund 489,358 489,358 Interest on Idle Funds 501 700 Total Receipts 871,683 979,735 Resources Available: 901,357 1,091,353 Expenditures: Arts and Humanities A&H general programs 485,249 638,618 Horizons 100,800 100,800 Community Cultural 1,000 1,000 Festival: Administration 32,630 32,630 Marketing 85,440 85,440 Technical 47,1 00 47,1 00 Staging 32200 32200 Programing 75,200 75,200 Miscellaneous 78,365 Total Expenditures 859,619 1,091,353 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 41,738 0 o Page No. 3 revised 8/06/07 State of Kansas Amendment City of Salina, KS 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 2010 Sales Tax Capital Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1 167,005 1,384,080 Recei pts: Sales Taxes 3,586,740 3,559,424 State Grants 253,422 Interest on Idle Funds 20,000 6,000 Total Receipts 3,606,740 3,818,846 Resources Available: 3,773,745 5,202,926 Expenditures: Capital Outlay 950,000 2,018,751 Transfers to: General Fund 650,000 650,000 Debt Service Fund 2,000,000 2,000,000 Pacific A venue Construction Account 200,000 Miscellaneous 334,175 Total Expenditures 3,600,000 5,202,926 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 173,745 0 Page No. 4 revised 8/06/07 State of Kansas Amendment City of Salina, KS 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 2010 Sales Tax Economic Development Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1 55,231 1,107,621 Recei pts: Sales Tax 305,444 300,000 Interest on Idle Funds 10,000 5,000 Total Receipts 315,444 305,000 Resources Available: 370,675 1,412,621 Expenditures: Contractual Services 315,444 450,000 Future Economic Development Incentives 962,621 Total Expenditures 315,444 1,412,621 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 55,231 0 Page No. 5 revised 8/06/07 State of Kansas Amendment City of Salina, KS 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 2010 Golf Course Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1 85,648 35,306 Recei pts: Sales Tax 24,000 25,817 Service Charges 793,300 756,795 Miscellaeous 36,000 152 Transfer from General Fund 50,000 Interest on Idle Funds 200 643 Total Receipts 853,500 833,407 Resources Available: 939,148 868,713 Expenditures: Personal Services 382,019 354,279 Employee Benefits 50,791 46,388 Supplies 238,350 219,079 Services and Charges 69,600 84,660 Capital Outlay 0 0 Debt Services 16,141 16,141 Other (Sales Tax) 24,000 25,817 Transfers to: Workers Compensation 3000 3000 Health Insurance 49,200 49,079 Computer Technology 6,000 8,250 Miscellaneous 62,020 Total Expenditures 839,101 868,713 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 100,047 0 Page No. 6 revised 8/06/07 State of Kansas Amendment City of Salina, KS 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 2010 Bicentennial Center Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Unencumbered Cash Balance January 1 139,129 63,088 Recei pts: Charges for Service 787,000 750,298 Transfers from: General Fund 475,000 675,000 Tourism Fund 600,000 366,252 Other 672 Interest on Idle Funds 3,500 0 Total Receipts 1,865,500 1,792,222 Resources Available: 2,004,629 1,855,310 Expenditures: Personal Services 741,618 763,000 Employee Benefits 112,588 108,392 Supplies 405,500 373,098 Services and Charges 367,000 388,429 Capital Outlay 10,000 15,318 Debt Services 200,000 0 Transfers to: Risk Management 12,000 12,000 Workers Compensation 1650 1,650 Health Insurance 111,908 104,071 Central Garage 6,000 6,500 Miscellaneous 82,852 Total Expenditures 1,968,264 1,855,310 Unencumbered Cash Balance December 31 36,365 0 Page No. 7 revised 8/06/07 State of Kansas Amendment 2010 Notice of Budget Hearing for Amending the 2010 Budget The governing body of City of Salina, KS will meet on the 20th day of December, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. at 300 W. Ash, Room 107 for the purpose of hearing and answering objections of taxpayers relating to the proposed amended use of funds. Detailed budget information is available at the City Clerk's office, 300 W. Ash, Room 206 and will be available at this hearing. Summary of Amendments 2010 Adopted Budget 2010 Actual Amount of Tax Proposed Amended Fund Tax Rate that was Levied Expenditures Expenditures General Fund 26.022 7,982,126 38,963,620 38,763,931 Special Highway 1,706,071 2,899,628 Arts and Humanities 859,619 1,091,353 Sales Tax Capital 3,600,000 5,202,926 Sales Tax Economic Development 315,444 1,412,621 Golf Course 839,101 868,713 Bicentennial Center 1,968,264 1,855,310 Signature Page No. 8 revised 12/04/08 CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 22, 2010 4:00 p.m. The City Commission convened at 2:30 p.m. in a Study Session on Fireworks. The Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners was called to order at 4:00 p.m. in Room 107, City-County Building. A roll call was taken followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. There were present: Mayor Aaron G. Peck, Presiding Officer Commissioner Samantha P. Angell Commissioner Tom Arpke Commissioner Norman Jennings Commissioner M. Luci Larson comprising a quorum of the Board, also present: Jason A. Gage, City Manager Greg Bengtson, City Attorney Lieu Ann Elsey, City Clerk CITIZEN FORUM None. AWARDS AND PROCLAMATIONS None. PuBLIC HEARINGS AND ITEMS SCHEDULED FOR A CERTAIN TIME None. CONSENT AGENDA (6.1) Approve the minutes of November 15, 2010. (6.2) Resolution No. 10-6785 supporting the removal of abandoned rail lines at the intersection of Chicago and Elm Streets. Mayor Peck noted some concerns with the current condition of the railroad crossing on North Street. Michael Schrage, Deputy City Manager, clarified the locations of the improvements. 10-0349 Moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Jennings, to approve the consent agenda as presented. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS (7.1) Second reading Ordinance No. 10-10579 approving a preliminary development plan and a change in zoning district classification from R-2 (Multi-Family) and R-3 (Multi-Family Residential) to PDD (Planned Development District) on property addressed as 155 N. Oakdale. Page 1 Mayor Peck noted that Ordinance No. 10-10579 was passed on second reading on November 15, 2010 and since that time no comments have been received. 10-0350 Moved by Commissioner Arpke, seconded by Commissioner Jennings, to adopt Ordinance No. 10- 10579 on second reading. A role call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Angell, Arpke, Jennings, Larson, Peck. Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.2) Acceptance of public alley right-of-way and utility easement dedications on the Donna 1. Vanier Children's Center site. Dean Andrew, Director of Plannin~ explained the dedications. 10-0351 Moved by Commissioner Jennings, seconded by Commissioner Larson, to accept the public alley right-of-way and utility easement dedications on the Donna 1. Vanier Children's Center site. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.3) Second reading Ordinance No. 10-10576 vacating a 17-foot public alley right-of-way located west of Oakdale A venue (between Ash Street and Johnstown A venue in the Atherton- Phillips Addition and Surveyor's Plat G). Dean Andrew, Director of Plannin~ noted that the conditions have been met for second reading of the ordinance. 10-0352 Moved by Commissioner Angell, seconded by Commissioner Arpke, to adopt Ordinance No. 10- 10576 on second reading. A role call vote was taken. Aye: (5) Angell, Arpke, Jennings, Larson, Peck. Nay: (0). Motion carried. (7.4) Application #Z10-9 (filed by David L'Ecuyer) requesting a change in zoning district classification from RS (Residential Suburban) to 1-2 (Light Industrial) to allow construction of a commercial storage building (on property addressed as 914 W. Grand Avenue). (7.4a) First reading Ordinance No. 10-10580. Dean Andrew, Director of Plannin~ explained the request and Planning Commission's recommendation. A discussion followed between Mayor Peck and Mr. Andrew regarding the building and land elevation requirements and electrical hook ups. 10-0353 Moved by Commissioner Jennings, seconded by Commissioner Angell, to pass Ordinance No. 10- 10580 on first reading. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. ADMINISTRA nON (8.1) Resolution No. 10-6784 authorizing an interlocal agreement with Saline County for i5 (AS/400) computer usage and service from January I, 20ll-December 31, 2012. Jack Rolfs, Director of Computer Technology, explained the current and proposed agreement. A discussion followed between Commissioner Jennings, City Manager Jason Gage, City Attorney Greg Bengtson, and Mr. Rolfs regarding the asset interest and current and future equipment value. 10-0354 Moved by Commissioner Angell, seconded by Commissioner Arpke, to adopt Resolution No. 10- 6784. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. Page 2 (8.2) Discuss process to fill City Commission seat vacancy to serve until the next general election. Commissioner Arpke recused himself due to conflict of interest. Jason Gage, City Manager, summarized the filing requirements and the City Commission discussion from the last meeting. Greg Bengtson, City Attorney, explained the state statutes and the Attorney General's opinion regarding discussion of candidates in public session. A discussion followed between the Commission regarding finding a replacement within past elected City Commissioners, additional qualifications, and allowing others with public service experience apply. Mr. Gage and Mr. Bengtson responded to any of the Commissioner's concerns. 10-0355 Moved by Commissioner Larson, seconded by Commissioner Angell, to accept Expression of Interest forms until December 31, 2010 from former City or County Commissioners that do not have an interest in running in the upcoming City Commission election, and allow the City Commission to review those Express of Interest forms for an appointment to the City Commission at the first meeting after January 25, 2011. Aye: (4). Nay: (0). Abstained: (1) Arpke. Motion carried. Commissioner Arpke returned. OTHER BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT 10-0356 Moved by Commissioner Arpke, seconded by Commissioner Jennings, that the regular meeting ob the Board of City Commissioners be adjourned. Aye: (5). Nay: (0). Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m. [SEAL] ATTEST: Aaron G. Peck, Mayor Lieu Ann Elsey, CMC City Clerk Page 3