7.2 Grand Prairie Stormwater Detention BasinsCITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 09/27/2010 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 1 ITEM: Agreement for Dedication of Stormwater Detention Basins in the Grand Prairie Addition. BACKGROUND: In April 1993, the City Commission adopted a policy providing for City acceptance and maintenance of stormwater detention basins serving residential subdivisions. The policy allows such dedication in exchange for a fee in the amount of the present value of the estimated cost of maintaining the basin for 10 years. To date, four detention basins in re sidential subdivisions have been dedicated to the City. These include the detention ponds serving the Austin and Laurie Subdivisions east of Ohio Street, the Tasker Addition east of Sam’s Club and Target and the detention pond serving Woodland Hills Estates Addition No. 2 located north of Brookwood Lane, east of Estates Drive. Grand Prairie Addition is being developed by Cornerstone Development Group (William (Cork) Umphrey, Bill Sheppard, Steve Renich). This subdivision contains 70 lots and is located on the north side of Cedar Ridge Drive east of the Mariposa Addition and south and west of the Salina Municipal Golf Course. Part of the public in frastructure required to serve th is subdivision were two shallow detention basins which detain stormwater runoff from the subdivision as well as some runoff coming off the golf course. These two basins are located on the north and south sides of Bentgrass Drive in a low area where runoff drains to the west on to the golf course. A final plat of the Grand Prairie Addition was approved by the Planning Commission on Dece mber 16, 2008. On March 23, 2009 the City Commission accepted the offered easement and right-of-way dedications in Grand Prairie Addition on behalf of the City with Lot 6, Block 1 and Lot 31, Block 1 being accepted as drainage easements with title to the pond areas not being transferred until the detention ponds were completed, seeded and inspected. Public improvements in Phase I (34 lots) are complete and have been inspected and building permits can now be issued. These two basins are complete and have been insp ected by the Public Works Department. The developers now wish to turn these two basin areas over to the City. Staff has prepared an agreement for dedication of the two stormwater detention basi ns to be executed by the members of the Cornerstone Development Group and a deed that would transfer fee title to Lot 6 and Lot 31, Block 1 to the City. FISCAL NOTE: The lump sum cost to Cornerstone Development Group for this dedication is $29,166.78. The General Services Division of the Public Works Department developed these costs based upon actual detention pond maintenance experience. The City of Salina M unicipal Golf Course operation would have ongoing maintenance responsibility for the two detention basins (mowing, silt removal) in perpetuity as th th they are adjacent to golf course property and a path that connects the 6 hole with the 12 hole. The other four (4) ponds are maintained by Public Works. CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR CITY COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 09/27/2010 4:00 P.M. AGENDA SECTION ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO: 7 AGENDA: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING ITEM NO. 2 BY: BY: Dean Andrew Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission approve the agreement for dedication of the stormwater detention basins serving Grand Prairie Addition and accept the offered Deed of Dedication. Encl: Policy for Public Acceptance Agreement for Dedication Deed of Dedication cc: Cornerstone Development Group