replat schippel add 9/23/1980THE KANSAS POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY P.O. Box 59, Salina, Kansas 67401 September 23, 1980 Don Hoff Asst. Engineer, City of Salina City -County Building 300 W. Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Replat of Schippel Addition, Blocks 4, 5 and part of 3 In reference to your phone conversation with Paul Norris Thursday, September 18, 1980, KP&L would be agreeable to vacating the easement between Lots 2, 3 and 4 Block 4, Schippel Addition. However, we do not feel it would be beneficial to vacate the easement between Lots 1, 9, 10 and 11, Block 4, Schippel Addition at this time. Should something develop on these lots such that the easement would not be needed then we would be agreeable to vacating at that time. If I can be of further assistance please contact me. S. E. Lucas Division Superintendent SEL:s cc: Pat Morgan Larry Warner m a 0 E ā€ždā€ž 1181 H X3 I 031JIa13S 6 _i 1181, 1181HX3 3AING -13ddIHOS .- 133US ano