union pacific railroad 1/23/19784 A r '�'s'..�: m' I�'ti ._1``I �W-•t���stiL..YJy��1...,%r�l "�,,�'.� ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEAN BOYER. P. E. ,00 west ASN STRUT OTY ENGINEER P. O. I= TN SALINA RANUS 9701 AREA CO)E 917 9P4MI January 23, 1978 Union Pacific Railroad Co. Transportation Division 201 South Fifth Street Kansas City, Kansas 66110 Attention: Mr. T. J. Stephens Dear Mr. Stephens: D. W. BASSETT ASST. OT9 ENG111EER We have completed final construction plans for a new 30" cast iron pipe watermain to be located within.the right-of-way of Crawford Avenue between Ohio Street and Santa Fe Avenue. .This installation will require crossing your Salina -McPherson Branch at approximately 218 feet south of your M.P. No. 2. Enclosed are copies of a drawing showing the details of the proposed crossing. We plan to begin construction in about 30 days, if the details of this railroad crossing meet your requirements. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding this project. DH:MP ENC: (2) Sincerely, Design Engineer MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES PLOT PLAN LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Three (3), Block Thirteen (13), in the Northeast Industrial Park:i'Bl'ock§il:3-14, Sali:na;rSalindiCouiityptKantas.asA Replat of Block 1, Northeast Industrial Park and Lots 21-24, East Garden Addition. • Property Rns Set 0 e�W PGO / �--------{--• 2d U/E I I I I I I I I I I I I I r— 2d U/E I I LOT 2 3d Building Setback Line Y 0 w z w LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NORTH STREET o ofoa , i;t8 oc f1fi8rteen (13), in the Northeast Industrial Park: Blocks v 13-14, Salina, Saline County, Kansas. A Replat of Block 1, Northeast Indust&ia9W(Park)andlt6tsT49r-24,nE�$I)GaWid n'(Adda',t)bhlst Industrial Park7- u:�,:.'"?=<v.,C{s, s's �5.?._ae o~ n;: .:a:!'a? rlat of Block 1, Northeast lnaustridi Park and LL LL LL H U: • Property Pins Set 0 z 0 U W N LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LotnOne (1), Block Eight (8), Northeast Industrial Park; BToeke8;iSal1na$a$iJMne County, Kansas.CoAnparttwlsReplat of the Original Townsite: Lots 10 thru 18 on FrontSStreet and Lots 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 310 33, and 35 on Second Street. PLOT PLAN Lot One (l), Block Thirteen (13), in the Northeast Industrial Park: Bloc_ks� T3-t1,,4pfSiC13i1richa,S&taiirieECaunty.;,,KdttTasis..A Replat of Block 1, Northeast Industrial Park and Lots 21-24, East Garden Addition. Property Pins Set limf PLOT PLAN w D Z w 5 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 30' Building Setbock Line NORTH YORK Lot One (1), Block Fourteen (14) in the $aljnaf Saline,C6untyR Kansas. KAnReplat Lots 21-24, East Garden Addition. AVENUE 30 Building Setback Line LAT I 284 STREET E e Property Pins Set Northeast Industrial Park:toBlocks 13-14, of Block 1, Northeast Industrial Park and UNION PACIFIC CORPORATION P.O. BOX 2500 — BROOMFIELD, COLORADO 80020 — (303) 469-7721 P. J. EMANUEL REGIONAL MANAGER OF PROPERTY TAXES :a`q D. J. REIFF REGIONAL &Y6FEM TAX AGENT 'I.40) July 22, 1982 420 Mr. Darrel Lemon Assistant Saline County Appraiser 300 West Ash St. Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Lemon: I am attaching a copy of Union Pacific Railroad Company's right of way map in the City of Salina on our McPherson Branch with owned parcels outlined. As mentioned yesterday on the telephone, Union Pacific does not own the land underlying trackage on Fourth Street north of Prescott Street. Taxes are paid, how- ever, on the basis of an assessment per mile as deter- mined on the Kansas Department of Revenue. Therefore, taxes have been paid on the railroad facilities along Fourth Street. The 1982 assessed value per mile of main track of the McPherson Branch is $35,796.72 and $4,687.57 per mile for side track. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Very truly yours, J L. F. ower Senior Tax Agent LFH/bw Attachment L I. SHIRLEY D. R. DeBAR R. D. FREDERICKS SENIOR TAX AGENT L F. HOWER TAX AGENT 8 n r -i O .D m X D H O t rn FE 11 m m O D (n 1 V Z� O w r r O W fi a w0w0 m (D -'i n C. (D xc+ 0 D a 0-0 (D •• s ;r C-) r N (D D) < w a —<;o m m o N t+n(D - 0 O w•,J m 0 0 C+ n m J w n -n f m L z �•a�c�• nE w v 3j6 O O u(I)CD c+<vJd O D( J< J CD . - Z �+• N -�. ➢1 n 7 W C+ on, CL :3 N A N d --I J V j I J . = rO z o N N ) O r \ C \ m \ 4 �\` \ O W a n a N .m Zl