ash st. storm sewer alignment study 1/23/1980PIF06 TALIAFERRO AND BROWNE Consulting Engineers, P.A. 710 MINNESOTA KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66101 (913) 342-3456 January 23, 1980 Mr. Dean Boyer, P.E. City Engineer City of Salina, Kansas P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Ash Street Storm Sewer Alignment Study Dear Mr. Boyer: Enclosed please find five (5) copies of the subject study in accordance with provisions of our contract. We have analyzed two separate alternates to develop the most cost effective method of providing the storm water separation from the existing combined sewer system. Alternate No. 1 begins at 10th Street and extends westward to Dry Creek within the limits of Ash Street. Alternate No. 2 begins at 10th Street and proceeds west to 11th then north to the alley and westward through the alley to College where it turns south and goes to Ash Street again where it continues westward to Dry Creek. Quantities and cost estimates fox- each alternate are attached. Originally it appeared that some economy might be realized by constructing the sewers within the unpaved alleys so that the total cost for pavement removal and replacement might be re- duced. However, the study reveals that the total pavement re- moval and replacement required is only slightly less for Alternate No. 2 than Alternate No. 1. This minimal reduction combined with the additional storm sewer required to carry the water northward to the alley results in a significant higher price for Alternate No. 2. We have not included in Alternate No. 2 the cost of any required easements to provide working room for the contractor in the alley. These dollars would further widen the gap between the two alternates. Based upon our review of the field conditions and the preliminary cost estimates we recommend that Alternate No. 1 be selected as the project route. Mr. Dean Boyer January 23, 1980 Page Two If we can provide further information on any of the material sub- mitted, please contact me at your convenience. As soon as we have been notified of the final alignment, we will begin com- pletion of final field surveys and preparation of the plans and specifications for the project. Very truly yours, TALIAFERRO AND BROWNE CCO1xNSULTING ENGINEERS, P.A. Sam Haldiman, P.E. seg Enclosures SUB TOTAL $359,350 CONTINGENCY 17,950 TOTAL $377„300 ASH STREET STORM SEWERS SALINA, KANSAS COST ESTIMATE ALTERNATE NO. 1 NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1. 48" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 1570 L.F. 53 $83,210 2. 42" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 855 L.F. 45 38,475 3. 30" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 710 L.F. 28 19,880 4. 18" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 960 L.F. 20 .19,200 5. A5-2 INLETS 20 EA. 11950 39,000 6. TYPE B INLETS 2 EA. 2,100 4,200 7. 72" DIA. STORM SEWER MANHOLE 8 EA. 2,850 22,800 (TYPE II) 8. 60" DIA. STORM SEWER MANHOLE 3 EA. 2,500 7,500 (TYPE II) 9. 48" DIA. STORM SEWER MANHOLE. 2'EA. 2,150 4,300 (TYPE II) 10. JACK 48" RCP BENEATH RAILROAD 40 L.F. 90 3,600 11. SPECIAL TRENCH COMPACTION 13940 L.F. 3.25 12,805 12. PAVEMENT REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT 2870 S.Y.8: 13 O 80,360 (PIPE TRENCH) 13. PAVEMENT REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT 100 S.Y. 21.5 2,150 (INTERSECTION MODIFICATIONS) 14. CURB & GUTTER REMOVAL AND 1000 I.Q.F. 9.50 9,500 REPLACEMENT 15. LARGE TREE REMOVAL 3 EA. $50 750 ,-lL--.SODDING -544-S. Y. -.2-.00 1- a-20 17. REMOVE AND BACKFILL EXISTING 21 EA. 500 10,500 INLETS SUB TOTAL $359,350 CONTINGENCY 17,950 TOTAL $377„300 ASH STREET STORM SEWERS SALINA, KANSAS COST ESTIMATE ALTERNATE NO. 2 NO. ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1. 48" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 1605 L.F. 53 $85,065 2. 42" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 990 L.F. 60 59,400 3. 30" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 1230 L.F. 38 46,740 4. 18" R.C.P. STORM SEWER 1720 L.F. 20 34,400 5. A5-2 INLETS 21 EA. 1,950 40,950 6. TYPE B INLETS 1 EA. 2,100 2,100 7. 72" DIA. STORM SEWER MANHOLE 7 EA. 2,850 19,950 (TYPE II) , 8. 60" DIA. STORM SEWER MANHOLE 4 EA. 2,500 10,000 (TYPE II) 9. .48" DIA. STORM SEWER MANHOLE 3 EA. 2,1.50 6,450 (TYPE II) , 10. JACK 48" RCP BENEATH RAILROAD 40 L.F. 90 3,600 II. SPECIAL TRENCH COMPACTION 5280,L.F. 3.25 17,160 12. PAVEMENT REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT 2850 S.Y. 28 79,800 (PIPE TRENCH) 13. PAVEMENT REMOVAL & REPLACEMENT 100 S.Y. 21.50 2,150 (INTERSECTION MODIFICATIONS) 14. CURB & GUTTER REMOVAL AND 1000 L.F. 9.50 9,500 REPLACEMENT 15. LARGE TREE REMOVAL 3 EA. 250 750 16. SODDING 560 S.Y. 2.00 1,1.20 17. REMOVE AND BACKFILL EXISTING 21 EA. 500 10,500 INLETS SUB TOTAL, $429,635 CONTINGENCY 21,465 TOTAL $451,100