drainage problem brown mackie 2/23/1983r
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20SV2 South Santa Fe • Salina, Kansas 67401 • 913-023-3717
February 23, 1983
Mr. Gordon Ahlstedt
The Brown Mackie College
126 South Santa Fe
Salina, Kansas 67401
Dear Gordon:
In order to identify the source of the problem relating to flash flooding
of your Santa Fe Property, we have made an engineering anaylsis of the
problem. The findings are as follows:
1. There are two (2) storm inlets (one at Santa Fe and Eyalnut and
one at Santa Fe and Iron) which are supposed to drain all
the surface water on the west side of Santa Fe (100 South).
2. A walkway projection for seating and planting was built in front
of your property in conjunction with the Downtown Beautification
3. The street gutter along the west side of Santa Fe is supposed to
act as a channel to drain the surface water from south to north
in'your block:
4. The above-mentioned walkway projection is acting an a dam and
is holding back the surface water that formerly fl(racd, uninterrupted,
to the north inlet at Santa Fe and Iron.
5. This restriction has caused a build-up of water on the sidewalk
in front of your property. In fact, during heavy rains, the water
now flows over the sidewalk in order to move on north past- the
walkway projection to the inlet at Santa Fe and Irou.
6. A "lake" has been created in front of ,your property and, .during
heavy rains, water is actually penetrating into your building.
This has caused considerable damage to your property. The
problem is compounded by the "wave action" caused by passing
7. Another problem is created during cold weather. Sdith the collection
water' on the sidewalk, which frnezes, a liability is created by any
Injury accidentr, nttribntcd to tht.o situation.
Dir. Cordon Ahlstedt
February 23, 1983
Page 2
8. We have taken topographic levels along the entire block (100 South)
to document what is happening with the surface water and to support
our findings.
9. It is our considered opinion that the flooding of your property is
caused by the walkway projection that was constructed in front of
your property.
We will be happy to answer any questions you have and to furnish additional
documentation, if desired.
Yours very truly,
John A. Shave
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Telephone 19131825-5422 - 126 South Santa Fe Avenue • Salina. Kansas 67401
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Mr. Rufus Nye
City Manager
City -County Building
300 W. Ash
Salina, KS 67401
Dear Rufus:
April 4, 1983
I have discussed with you previously the
we have after moderate
and heavy rains with water overflowing the
gutters and running into
our store building
located at 132-134 S. Santa Fe.
This water problem has
caused substantial
damage to our property
on several occasions, and as a
direct consequence
of this problem, Jim's
Wear Co. terminated its
tenancy and moved
out- of the building.
We appreciate the City's previous efforts to prevent the overflow by building
up the sidewalk, but unfortunately this has not remedied the problem. The
water still overflows from the street into the building.
The Brown Mackie College and Realty Management, Incorporated have always
been supportive of keeping the downtown area of Salina as an attractive and
active commercial district. We have recently re-leased the south half of our
building to King's Fabrics, and it is our intention to put a new storefront on
the building located at 132-134 S. Santa Fe. However, in order to keep a
tenant for the building and before we can construct the new storefront, it is
necessary that the water problem be solved.
In connection with our new storefront project, The Shaver Partnership made
an engineering analysis of the water problem. The findings from the analy-
sis are that the walkway projection for seating and planting built in front of
the property by the City of Salina in conjunction with the Downtown
Beautification Project several years ago is acting as a dam and holding back
the flow of the surface water which is supposed to drain into the storm
sewer at Santa Fe and Iron. The water pools in front of the property and
eventually runs over the curb and into the building. The problem is com-
pounded by the wave action caused by passing vehicles.
Mr. Rufus Nye
April 4, 1983
Page 2
Also as part of the findings, John Shaver has pointed out the potential
liability problems created by the water overflow during cold weather. I am
enclosing a copy of the Shaver findings for your reference.
The spring and summer months ahead of us will be bringing the rain storms
and the flooding. We are faced with the prospect of suffering even more
water damage to the property. So that we may avoid such further damage,
I respectfully request that the City of Salina take appropriate action as soon
as possible to alleviate the overflow problem.
May we hear from you soon.
M. Gary -Talley, President
April 8, 1983
To: Rufus L. Nye, City Manager
From: Don Hoff, Assistant City Engineer
Subject: Brown Mackie Drainage Problem
132-134 South Santa Fe
In response to Mr. Gary Talley's letter to you, dated April 4, 1983, we
offer the following comments:
(a) The Street Department reconstructed a portion of the brick
and concrete sidewalk in front of Brown Mackie College in
September, 1982 to eliminate depressions ("bird baths") in
the immediate area. This problem has been solved by providing
positive drainage of the sidewalk area into the street gutter
(b) We question Shaver Partnership's "engineering anaylsis" of
the drainage conditions at the Brown Mackie College site.
Our survey crew ran elevations this morning along the west
gutter line of Santa Fe Avenue from Walnut Street to Iron
Avenue. The walkway projection (mid -block crossing) is the
high point of the street gutter between Iron Avenue and
Walnut Street. Therefore, all drainage south of the walk-
way projection flows south to the inlet at Walnut Street
and all drainage north of the walkway projection flows
north to the inlet at Iron Avenue. The walkway projection
can not "act as a dam" as stated in Mr. Shaver's report.
(c) The street drainage on Santa Fe Avenue also split in mid -
block prior to the Downtown Beautification Project.
(d) Our field information confirms the existence of a "bird
bath" in the west gutter of Santa Fe Avenue approximately
10 feet south of the walkway projection. This minor de-
pression in the gutter flowline would allow water to stand
(approximately 3/8" deep) in the gutter section. No other
depressions in the gutter section were found to exist either
to the north or south of the walkway projection. We would
not consider a gutter depression of only 3/8" deep as
"creating a lake."
(e) We would suggest Brown Mackie College raise the threshholds
to their entrances as a part of the new storefront con-
struction. This modification would prevent water from
entering their building.
If you have any questions concerning our comments or need additional
information, please contact me.
The Shaver Partnership
205Y2 South Santa Fe • Salina, Kansas 67401 • 913-823-3717
April 27, 1983
Mr. Don E. Hoff
Assistant City Engineer
City County Building
Salina, Kansas 67401
Dear Don:
Thank you for meeting with Gene Hinde and the Undersigned regarding the
flash flooding problem at the Brown -Mackie College property, 126 South
Santa Fe.
It appears that the elevation shots taken by your office and ours are
essentially in agreement. Also, we seem to be in agreement on the
severity of the problem.
You said you would explore the solutions we discussed and get back to us
with a proposal. You indicated you would check into the following:
Check the underground storm sewer lines to see if there are any
obstructions empeding the flow of rain water.
Take a reading on some of the threshold elevations in properties
north and south of Brown -Mackie College.
Install a drainage trough north and south (on axis with the
gutter) through the island and planter extension with a perforated
grating cover. The grating would be at the existing walk level.
We appreciate your expression of cooperation and we will await further
word from you.
Yours very truly,
cc: Mr. Gordon Ahlstedt
Mr. Gene Hinde
Mr. John A. Shaver
The Shaver Partnership
205 1/2 S. Santa Fe Avenue
Salina, Kansas 67401
Re: Drainage Problem
Brown Mackie College
Dear Mr. Shaver:
P. 0. BOX 746
AREA CODE 913 827-9481
May 25, 1983
In response to your letter, dated April 27, 1983, we have completed
our review of the three (3) subjects listed in said letter and offer the
following information:
(1) The Street Department checked the storm sewer system
affecting the drainage in the vicinity of Brown Mackie
College. All storm sewer lines and inlets were free
flowing and no obstructions were observed.
(2) Our field crew established the elevations of several
thresholds of buildings located between Brown Mackie
College and Walnut Street. These elevations are
summarized below:
Brown Mackie College
- 7.19
J. C. Penney
- 7.56
Carroll's -
Bolen -Wood -
Midwest Music -
Santa Fe Challenge -
As indicated above, the threshold elevation of Brown
Mackie College is approximately 2 1/2" lower than any
other threshold in the vicinity.
(3) The City of Salina would not be liable for any con-
struction costs involving a drainage trough through
Mr. John A. Shaver
May 25, 1983
Page 2
the pedestrian island. Any proposed construction
on public right-of-way must be approved by our office.
As stated in our earlier meeting, we believe the drainage problem at
Brown Mackie College, 126 South Santa Fe Avenue, could be minimized by
elevating their building threshold at least 3".
If you need any additional information at this time, please contact
Don Hoff, P.E.
The Shaver Partnership
2051i'i South Santa Fe • Salina, Kansas 67401 • 913-623-3717
PROJECT #1923-
June 18, 1983
Mr. Donald E. Hoff, P.E.
Assistant City Engineer
City of Salina
P. 0. Box 746
Salina, Kansas 67402
Dear Mr. Hoff:
Thank you for your letter of May 25, 1983, relative to the drainage
problem at The Brown Mackie College property at 126 South Santa Fe
Your threshold elevation readings on the five (5) business establishments
south of Brown Mackie (and in the same block) are of interest; however,
your letter fails to address the following:
This water problem did not occurrp for to the construction of the
cross -walk extension.
The cause of the drainage problem is related, primarily, to the
construction of the cross -walk extension (a portion of the downtown
beautification project).
The cross -walk extension creates a "dam" that restricts the flow
of surface water to the storm drain inlet at Santa Fe and Iron.
I'm personally disappointed in your response to this problem and your
indication the City has no responsibility. As the Owner's representative,
I feel obligated to request that you reconsider your position.
Yours very truly,
( r
The' Shaver PartnershiAffilkp V1V"—
2051/2 South Santa Fe • Box 1118 • Salina, Kansas 67402-1118 • 913-823-3717
January 6, 1984
Mr. Donald E. Hoff, P.E.
Assistant City Engineer
City of Salina
P. 0. Box 746
Salina, Kansas 67402
Dear Mr. Hoff:
The answer to your letter of May 25, 1983 (relative to the Drainage
problem at Brown Mackie College) has been delayed for numerous reasons;
however, the concern with the problem persists.
Although the data contained in the above-mentioned letter is correct, you
have failed to address the primary problem. That is that the island (in
front of the Brown Mackie building) built during the Downtown Beautification
project has created a "dam" effect, and restricted the flow of water through
the gutter northward to the inlet at Santa Fe and Iron Avenues. One only
needs to observe the large "lake of water" ponded on the sidewalk in front
of our Client's building during heavy rains to understand the problem.
Further, you failed to show a threshold elevation for Kinney's Store. Our
elevation shots show this to be only 1/2 -inch above the Brown Mackie threshold
level. This is another business that has experienced flooding during heavy
rains, and is immediately north of Brown Mackie.
Your letter states, The City of Salina would not be liable for any construction
costs involving a drainage trough through the pedestrian island." We cannot,
with good conscience, advise our Client to accept your response, prima-facie.
4 .
Mr. Donald E. Hoff, P.E.
January 6, 1984
Page 2
The cost of correcting the drainage problem has been thoroughly documented
by our office and we have found that the costs are quite significant. We
request your reconsideration of this matter and trust that there be a continuing
discourse that will end with an equitable resolution to the problem. An exten-
uating matter to be considered is the liability exposure both for the City and
our Client with the ponded water, especially when freezing occurs simultaneously.
We look forward to your early response to this letter.
Yours very truly,
o n aver
cc: Mr. Gordon Ahlstedt