weld problems st. elizabeth parish 2/4/1982�.v -•�'�•..x1-mar...-.no DEAN BOTEK P.e PERMITS II INSPECTION DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING 300 `NEST ABN STREET A'UTIUnEB P. O. BOX 746 SAUN0. KANSAS 87407 - AREA CODE 873827-0781 - Feb ruar 4„ T982 Father Me1V Long, Pastor St. Elizabet Ann.Seaton Parish 102 Irene.S et Salina,. Ka 6740.1: Dear Father Long: RONTREMUAr CHIEF BUILDING b ZONING INSPECTOR . Based on the report.of Coder X -Ray Service orr certain welds at St. Elizabeth Anrr Seaton Church, we find that these welds are unaccept- able. There is. also some question as to the -quality of the fillet. welds.. We are requesting that your design engineer certify .that -these welds -meet the 1979 Edition of the Uniform Building Code. If certifi cation.is not possible, we will need to be -assured that modifications or corrections are made to bring -these items into compliance. Si erely,. onald R. Tremblay Chief Building and - Zoning Inspector RRT: ps cc: Kerr Bi'eberly„ AIA Architectural Services Plus PA 1300 East Iron - Suite 200 Salina, Kansas, i .67401 Keith Rawlings., City Planner Dean Boyer, City Engineer Don Hoff,. Asst. City Engineer MKMORR ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE: OF CITIES .February 22, 1982 Mr. Bob Frank Frank Construction 262 South Broadway PO Box 1263 Company, Inc. Salina, Kansas 67401 RE: Phase One, Required Weld St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Frank,. Modifications Catholic Parish Center a,&p.p.a. architectural services PLUS a professional association 1300 east Iron, suite 200 post office box 1731 salina, kansas 67401 telephone (913) 8239221 The purpose of this letter is to document the on-site meeting held on Friday, February 19. 1982 at 9:00 am concerning the above referenced project. Those present at the meeting were as follows: Rev. Melvin Long................Pastor St. Elizabeth Bob Frank:...................... Contractor, Frank Construction Jim Lorenson ....................Lorenson Welding & Machine Co. Jeff Snyder ......................Coder X -Ray Service, McPherson, Ks Keith Rawlings ..................City of Salina Don Hoff ........................City of Salina Ron Tremblay ....................City of Salina Jeff Crist......................Arno Rinas & Associates Ken Bieberly ....................Architect The meeting was held in order to clarify and explain the required modifications to the welds as requested in our letter dated February 5, 1982. The welds were determined to be unacceptable under code specification. The modifications.are required to bring the welds into compliance. The following directions were given: 1.) BUTT WELDS. The butt welds were not designed into the project and not shown on the approved shop drawings. The butt welds were necessary because the contractor utilized used steel in this new project. As stated in Coder X -Ray Services' report, all. butt welds are rejected with the exception of the web of the specified W16 beam. All others shall be reinforced with 3/8" plate as detailed on -Sheet 2 of Sketches as provided by Arno Rinas & Associates, dated February 17, 1982. Work shall be completed by Jim Lorenson. The plate on the web of the W12 beam shall be installed on the interior side. Bob Frank Frank Construction Co., Inc. Salina, Kansas 67401 RE: Phase One, Required Welding Modifications St Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Parish Hall Salina, Kansas February 22, 1982 Page 2 2.) FILLET WELDS @ BEAM SPLICES. The beam splices at five (5) locations as marked by Mr. Jeff Snyder of Coder X -Ray Service shall be modified as follows. The contractor shall field drill 13/16"O.holes and install 3/4"0 A325 tension control bolts or standard 3/4"$ A325 bolts with load indicator washers. Refer to Sheet 1 Sketch as provided by Arno Rinas & Associates dated February 17, 1982. The following splices shall be bolted: B-5, B-7, C-2, C-4 & C-5. No field welding or torching will be permitted at the splices. Prior to initiating this required modification, the contractor shall notify the architect so that he and/or his engineer may observe the work. No work.shall be started until the architect has been notified. 3.) FILLET NELDS @ STIFFENERS. The contractor shall rework the welds at the following stiffeners: B-2, B-3, B-4 north side only, B-6; B-7, C-2, C-3, C=5 south side only and C-7. These locations shall be verified with on-site markings. All required stiffener modification shall be completed by Jim Lorenson. Once work has been completed, Mr. Jeff Snyder of Coder X -Ray Service shall be employed to certify that the weld modifications as described in items 1 & 3 above are in compliance and meet applicable codes: A written report will be prepared and forwarded to this office with a copy to the City of Salina. Only after the City of Salina states that the modifications are in compliance with the 1979 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, will the work be accepted. The clip angle modifications will be inspected by the structural engineer. The contractor shall make the required modifications as'soon as possible. The repair work will not halt the Phase 2 construction. Sincerely., - TECTURAL SERVICES PLUS, PA Kenneth Bieberly, AIA RKB/sjb Copies to: Rev Melvin Long, Jim L renson,.Jeff Snyder, Keith -Rawlings, Don Hoff, Ron Tremblay, Jeff Crist ml 11 I _. PROJECT -5e '/O--y RINAS & ASS00ATES �+4--�'`' DESIGNED -TQC-DATE 2• /7.8 Z STMKTURAL ENGINEERS _Paliah Ccn7 er CHECKED DATE sVlKA epi.(M)89SSvio SHEET / C)F u ....-.... SVV9A II,f1MLM674M* M3) BPS.5M r- - 1 - 7— O E new — — Aj k PROJECT EliOabei A.., �Sc lo. DESIGNED .TDC DATE 0, 17-8 Z: `;;.. 5TEXIIRNOUM EENNGI�NEER ,IATES pa. i � G Ce. le,- &OSI* $0UM SANTAvE • PO. BOX eat CHECKED DATE 3 QF ....-.... SVV9A II,f1MLM674M* M3) BPS.5M