driveway location 859s santa fe 8/10/19760F4 e0 .�fhc NFA a & M4, Mr 7481 So SOjb Sal )�na Uth /V .ch ah Re; 3 ansa 6;14 reet Dear SlrtVewa'y lOcatOn at lD �w s I976 •fir. C,e NQS RTT add er in, the tter is SS9 South Santa Fe I ss• cons a SU enue r tructio�ary of ° I. Of f Ur Is be porno driveN✓a a new dh,V versati No �OnstrU 0f a drsha17 b eway a °n this thi dr��ewa cted Withi vay e constr t the abo�ornin rhe tY feet approa� �n Six fprOach acted ac e 9 feets Shall b(3D') i h shah eet (6% except cording between a not des idth at less of a cop he curb o City C It any two s than the shan eight nen (Co return Odes. irate >s our (2) --one (7)" cewalk feet 8, Septi hall Cu proper °pinion eway aAArrb panne (Co e8) nor °n 32.) efo line54) a is not that the °aches king spa' Sectio ore than parkin Your p prohibit parkin (Code, a (twe n 32_7 of vehiclesrtry the is d COopes able eh; tion 32 j�rw�).6). KA NSAs UE OP S ar 7cat rhe cies S nce�epr h b ghed of W y and n Y, NAT IONAC «AGU I f Op CITIes ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DEAN BOYER. P. E. 390 WEST ASN STREET CITY ENGINEER - P. O. BOX 746 - SALINA. KANSAS 67481 AREA CODE 913 827-9481 August 10, 1976 Mr. Leo Solbach 148 South Ninth Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Driveway location at 859 South Santa Fe Avenue Dear Sir: D. W. BASSETT ASST. CITY ENGINEER This letter is a summary of our conversation this morning regarding the construction of a new driveway at the above address. The driveway shall be constructed according to City Codes. No portion of a driveway approach, except the curb return, shall be constructed within six feet (6') of a corner (Code, Section 32-154). No driveway approach shall be less than eight feet (81) nor more than thirty feet (30') in width at the sidewalk line (Code, Section 32-156). There shall be not less than one (1) curb parking space (twenty-two feet) between any two (2) driveway approaches (Code, Section 32-157). It is our opinion, that the parking of operable vehicles on private property is not prohibited by City Codes. The area between the curb line and your property line is dedicated right-of-way and therefore parking of vehicles in this area is prohibited. Sincerely, Don Hoff, F.E. ? .Design Engineer DH:MKP MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES