central mall sewer 8/15/1986PE:.KIT NO. STATE OF KANSAS DEPAR:YE7T-CF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. OF ENVIRONMENT APPROVAL OF PLAYS AID SPECIFICATIONS AND 18907 FOR EXTENSION OF A. SANITARY SEWER In accordance with the provision of R.S.A. 65-165 and K.S.A. 65-166 as amended, the Division of Environment has granted approval*'to the plans and Specifications Mall for Meadowlark Acres Addition #3 & the Central and hereby grants permission to Municipality, District, Institution, Salina Kansas 67402-0736 to discharge sewage from sewer extensions serving Meadowlark Acres Addition #3 & the Central (Sewer District, Subdiaision or Other)Mall into City of Salina Main Plant and thence t=eated into (Name of Receiving Sewer System) Lower Smokey Hill River _ in compliance with Kansas water Pollution (Name of Receiving Stream or Lake) Control Permit No. M-SH33-I001 effective July 1980 *Subject to the following conditions and requirements: There are several locations where water lines are directly beneath the force main In accordance with our Mini= Standards of Design for.• water protection, the sewer is to be constructed of either cast jro*ipe with leaded Joints or approved plastic pipe with bonded joints for a distance of 10' in either direction from the the crossing. Joints are to be as far frau the water main as possible. We have noted that the project references approved specifications currently on file with our office entitled We are returning: Two ( 2 ) plan cover sheets and two ( 2 ) specification cove+heets. continuous engineering observation of the construction of the proposed improvements, (observa- tion of building sewer connections shall be the responsibility of the owner unless,othereise specified in contract documents), shall be provided in accordance with Kansas Department of Health and Environment Regulation 28-16-55 and as defined in Water Quality Policy Memorandum #2-78, effec- tiveJanuary 18, 1978. Notification that the project has beencompletedin substantial accordance with the approved - plans and specifications must be reported to the Division of Environment with the attached form. For the Secretary, Department of Health and Environment. Done at Topeka, this 1501 day of August 19 86 Cine Lin Municipal Programs Section Bureau of Water Protection cc: North Central District Division.of Environment Bureau of Water Protection Forbes. Field, Bldg. 740 Topeka, Kansas 66620 ATTN: Municipal Programs Section Re: Sewer Extension Gentlemen: This letter will serve to notify your office that the above referenced project was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifi- cations. The project was approved by your office under Sewer Extension Permit No. issued _ Sincerely yours, FrA goo FROM WILSON & COMPANY ENGINEERS d ARCHITECTS P.O. Box 1840 SALINA, KANSAS 67402-1640 SUBJECT: DATE: // /.., 17220 a FOLD * / 4 -110c�i�� . ,C's a� --Cap r�chac ncr�r ry REPLY DATE: SIGNED Inm Mft90 O Wheeler G—, IM. 19n THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED - w - _ - Y. sor 3X:SAS MAR--:4=1T,o - HFaL-,S AND E`iVZROMMENT - --- Dr;TSiON of MMRO:i,%=7T APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SP_CIFICATIONS AND FOR. EX:.-ssIOs- OF A. SaNMTAR`: seAr�R In accordance with the provision of X.S.A. 65-165 and X.S.A.. 65-160' as amended. the Division OJ =,viroa.ent has granted approval to the plans and specifications - for Meadowlark Acres Addition #3 & the Central Mall and hereby grants permission to (Name of Municipality, District, Address) Salina Kansas 67402-0736 to discharge sewage from sewer extensions serving Meadowlark Acres Addition #3 & the Central (Sewer District, Subdidrision or Oth-er)Mal- city of Salina Main Plant and thence treated into (Name of Receiving Sever System) Lower Smokev Hill River in compliance with Kansas Mater ?olla c (`ranine of Receiving St:ea-� or !aks) - ccatrci ?e =i- NNp. M-SH33-I001 effective July 1980 -S�ject t.. the follcwi,s conditions ,u%d recairements: There are several locations where water lines the crossing. Joints are to be as far from the water main as possible. we have noted that the Project references approved specifications current'_y on file with our ofr_ce entitled: we are retur,-,g: Two (2 sheets and two (2 or heets. Continuecs ercineerirg observation of the construction of the proposed improvements, (observa- tion of building sewer connections shall be the responsibility of the owner unless_ otherwise specified in contract docu;nents), shall be provided in accordance with Kansas Department of Health and Environment Regulation 28-I6-55 and as defined in water Quality Policy Memorandum 12-78, effec- tive January 18, 197x. - Notit-icaticn that the project has been completed in substantial accordance with the approved plans and specifications must be reported to the Division of Environment with the attached form. For the Secretary, Department of. Health and Environment. Doneat 'Topeka, this 15th day of August 19 86 Cind in Municipal Programs Section Bureau of Water Protection cc: North Central District MAY 2 21986 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT CENTRAL HALL SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS MAY 1986 i LS o N (79-123A)COMPANY C ROIR!!Re ARC MtilCie �y' w�i .ilv�IlV :i v ul] d gna I lPPRO V/ED DIVISIGN OF [NVIRONMENT •.,,, A"' Gi 151986 ,,,Q���R.w:,eq,p� e s' 10393 ezz TOP Qf KANSAS ..EN 5 MAY 1986 i LS o N (79-123A)COMPANY C ROIR!!Re ARC MtilCie