sewage treatment plant study schilling ind. area 1978NOTICE TO APPLICANT ` ;Revised Part IV - Narrative Statement" x r�: Your grant application, as submitted to the State water pollution conte trol agency should include, but is not limited to, the following: r.. ea For Step I Grant (preparation of Facility Plan Only) 1 x.: Original and I Copy Grant Application EPA 5700-32, Delete Part IV - Narrative Statement ' Resolution of governing body authorizing the filing of an application 4 , i { and naming a person as authorized representative to act in con- a: nection with the application. Comments �� • ; and Recommendations of the State Clearinghouse, plus the +' comments of Regional or Metropolitan Planning Agencies, (NOTE: Planning agencies may prefer to use their own forms instead ofthis one. j Engineering or other existing contracts for services ,> Name, Address, Telephone No. of consulting engineer : *A statement by the applicant certifying that the proposed project will 7. �r ,* "'� be constructed to comply with all pertinent requirements'of the- Clean Air Act and other applicable Federal, State and local environmental laws and regulations air Statement as to proposed method of awarding other contracts for Step � I work Plan of Study presenting: (I) A map showing proposed planning area boundaries; SMSA, city'. r` and county boundaries; lakes and water impoundments; streams; major existing waste treatment systems. } 2) Identification of entity(s) conducting the planning 3) Nature and scope of proposed Step I work with a schedule for completion of specific tasks (Refer to 35.917-1 Plan content) , —(4) Itemized description of the estimated costs > (5) Planning area 1970 population and approximate growth rate (6) A statement of the Water Quality problem, effluent limitations y (secondary treatment or more stringent), and tentative facilit -, x' z needs (7) The expected scope of infiltration/inflow documentation (WfT,T this be state certification that excessive infiltration/inflow does not exist or an infiltration/inflowanalysis pursuant to `Tt applicable regulations and the sewer evaluation guidelines?} tit *Revised by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment June 28, 1976L aS 0 0 PLAN OF STUDY SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT SCHILLING INDUSTRIAL AREA SALINA, KANSAS 1978 i JUL 197, �N RECEIVED KSDH v Salina Office 62 • 1. PLANNING AREA Location maps defining the area under consideration in this report are as follows: (a) Location in Kansas (Plate 1) (b) Location in Saline County (Plate 2) (c) Location of area within Salina (Plate 3) The proposed planning area boundary is shown on Plate 3. This boundary line includes all of the Schilling Industrial Area. All future growth, both residential and industrial, is expected to occur within the boundary lines shown on Plate 3. Major industries within the planning area boundaries include a frozen food processing plant, an aircraft manufacturing plant, technical schools, service facilities for aircraft, municipal airport, etc. Future industrial growth within the planning period is expected to occur in areas presently served.by an existing sanitary sewer system. Large tracts of vacant land is available for this purpose. The future of residential growth within the boundaries of the planning area is uncertain at the present time. A government owned housing complex (Capehart Manor) is the only residential housing within the planning area. This facility is in the process of being sold by the Federal Government. None of the housing units are occupied at the present time. This complex was served by the sewage treatment plant in the Schilling Industrial Area until the complex was completely vacated the fall of 1977. 1 0 2. PLANNING ENTITY The planning entity is the City of Salina, kansas. The City will be assisted by staff members and a consulting engineer if required for the completion of future requirements. 3. NATURE AND SCOPE OF PROPOSED STEP I WORK The specific items of work to be performed are as follows: (A.) Description of Projects: (1) Develop population projections,.land use trends and economic data from existing studies, (2) Review existing sewage collection system and sewage treatment facility. (3) State existing problems. (4) Describe the purpose of the project. (B.) Review existing test resdlts to determine the charactistics of raw and treated waste. (C.) Estimate future waste flows and loading. (D.) Use maps to show all existing sewage collection lines, pump stations, sewage treatment facilities and all anticipated extensions or additions to serve the planning area during the design period (20 years). (E.) Perform all required infiltrational exfiltration analysis as specified in Section 35.917-1 of the Environmental Protection Agency Rules and Regulations. (F.) Describe alternate treatment facilities including cost estimates and cost effective analysis. (G.) Prepare a plan of organization and administration with procedures for operation, maintenance and testing. 2 (H.) Include a financing plan that lists the various aspects • of typical financial commitments. (I.) Prepare a plan of operation to protect the quality of the receiving waterway (Dry Creek). (J.) Obtain approvals and comments from all regulatory agencies. (K.) Prepare an environmental impact report for the proposed project. (L.) Present a summary of the study, listing conclusions and recommendations in a written report. Include appropriate exhibits. (M.) Assist the City of Salina in holding public hearings and record all comments and response. 4. PLANNING AREA POPULATION AND RELATED FLOWS • The City of Salina officially acquired the Schilling Industrial Area sewage treatment plant and collection lines on September 9, 1966, from the Federal Government following the closing of the Schilling Air Force Base. All military activities ceased, except for the Capehart Housing Complex and supporting facilities, at that time. 174 A study of popul.ation trends would not be very useful in the prediction of future sewage flows which might be expected to occur within the planning area during the design period (20 years). The future residential flows will be based upon the assumption that the Capehart Housing Area will be completely occupied within the 20 year period. There are approximately 750 housing units available for use, with an increase in population of approximately 2600 residents. Sewage flows for future industrial growth in the Schilling Industrial Area would be studied in detail in the Facilities Plan. There are no 3 current plans in progress to greatly expand the size or number of industrial • plants within this area. 5. -WATER QUALITY STATEMENT The City of Salina operates its sewage treatment facility under NPDES permit number M-SH33-IO02. This permit allows the City of Salina to dis- charge treated wastes to the Missouri River Basin via Dry Creek. At present, the plant discharge allowances are in accordance with the new final effluent limitations which became effective July 1, 1977. The July 1, 1977 final effluent discharge limitations are 30 mg/1., B.O.D.5 and 30 mg/l total suspended solids with 85% removal required in both cases; pH requirements of the final effluent limitations are to be not less than 6.0 nor more than 9.0. The NPDES permit requires monthly sampling and testing and quarterly reporting of these tests to the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment. The following is a summary of these quarterly reports. DATE' D. mq/1 T.S.S. m pH Infl. Effl. % Red. Infl. Effl. % Red. Range 2-1-76/4-30-76 233 19.6 92 157 1.3.2 92 7.0-8.0 5-1-76/7-31-76 211 17.5 95 174 9.4 94 7.3-7.8 8-1-76/10-31-76 201 19.0 90 196 11.5 94 7.0-11.1 11-1-76/1-31-77 215 30.9 85 401 14.9 96 7.0-9.7 2-1-77/4-30-77 488 21.4 96 288 17.4 94 6.9-8.2 5-1-77/7-31-77 324 11.4 96 107 7.4 93 6.3-8.3 8-1-77/10-31-77 204 11.4 94 143 8.0 94 6.8-7.7 11-1-77/1-31-78 200 19.7 90 216 14.0 94 7.0-7.9 2-1-78/4-30-78 203 24.4 88 282 10.7 96 6.9-7.9 These results listed above indicate compliance with present standards, with -the. exception of one quarterly report, which shows a B.O.D.5 exceeding the 30 mg/l requirement and two quarterly reports showing the pH range limitation being exceeded. 4 The existing sewage treatment facility was constructed in 1942 and consists of a primary clarifier, trickling filters, final clarifier, separate sludge digestors, and sludge drying beds. A Parshall'Flume, with a transmitter and recording receiver, is used to monitor the effluent prior to discharge into Dry Creek. Treatment plant flows were not accurately measured prior to March 1978. The Parshall Flume was not installed until that date. The average recorded sewage flows since March 1978 has been 239,000 g.p.d.. The original design of the sewage treatment facility was based on an average design flow of 630,000 g.p.d. and a population equivalent of 4,000 people. Due to the reduced flows resulting from the closing of the Capehart Housing Complex, only one trickling filter is being used is at the present time. A detailed study of existing plant problems, treatment requirements, and various alternatives in achieving compliance with State and Federal final effluent limitations will be included as part of the Facilities Plan 6. SCOPE OF INFILTRATION/INFLOW DOCUMENTATION The work shall be done in accordance with E.P.A. Rules and Regulations 35.927-1 and also include the following studies: A. Analyze recorded flow data at the sewage treatment plant and obtain flow information at key points within the sewage collection system. B. Establish a relationship between the existing • industrial flows and projected domestic sewage flows. 5 C. The effects of geographical and geological conditions . that may affect present and future flow rates will be discussed in detail, in addition to cost estimates for problems.inflow correction of infiltration the/ D. The physical condition of the entire sewer system will be studied, considering such factors as type of construction materials, age, etc. 0 9 L • 0 0 r� u NOTICE TO APPLICANT Revised Part IV Narrative Statement Your grant application, as submitted to the State water pollution con—y trol agency should include, but is not limited to, the following: For Step I Grant (preparation of Facility Plan Only) I work Plan of Study presenting: (1) A map showing proposed planning area boundaries; SMSA, city, and county boundaries; lakes and water impoundments; streams; major existing waste treatment systems. Original and I Copy Identification ofentity(s) conducting the planning Grant Application EPA 5700-32, Delete Part IV - Narrative Statement Nature and scopo e f proposed Step I work with a schedule Resolution of governing body authorizing the filing of an application and naming a person as authorized representative to act in con- for completion of specific tasks (Refer to 35.917-1 Plan nection with the application. Comments and Recommendations of the State Clearinghouse, plus the content) comments of Regional or Metropolitan Planning Agencies, (NOTE: o" Planning agencies may prefer to use their own forms instead of Itemized description of the estimated costs this one Planning area 1970 population and approximate growth rate Engineering or other existing contracts for services Al Name, Address, Telephone No. of consulting engineer A statement of the Water Quality problem, effluent limitations *A statement by the applicant certifying that the proposed project 011 lot, be constructed to comply with all pertinent requirements -of the (secondary treatment or more stringent), and tentative facility Clean Air Act and other applicable Federal, State and local environmental laws and regulations needs ' The expected scope of Infiltration/inflow documentation (Will Statement as to proposed method of awarding other contracts for Step , I work Plan of Study presenting: (1) A map showing proposed planning area boundaries; SMSA, city, and county boundaries; lakes and water impoundments; streams; major existing waste treatment systems. *Revised by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment June 28, 1976. 4 Identification ofentity(s) conducting the planning J2) 3) Nature and scopo e f proposed Step I work with a schedule IP -1 for completion of specific tasks (Refer to 35.917-1 Plan content) o" --(4) Itemized description of the estimated costs Planning area 1970 population and approximate growth rate .k. (6) A statement of the Water Quality problem, effluent limitations lot, (secondary treatment or more stringent), and tentative facility (7) needs ' The expected scope of Infiltration/inflow documentation (Will , this be state certification that excessive infiltration/inflow rD - P does not exist or an infiltration/inflow analysis pursuant *to' applicable regulations and the sewer evaluation guidelines *Revised by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment June 28, 1976. 4 { S iyt In as much as the City of is applying foratiE.P„q, Step I Grant I' - F certain certifications and statements are hereby K; made as follows: t . The City hereby certifies - - - - — - "That the treatment works will comply with all pertinent requirements cf,�, the Clean Air Act and other applicable Federal, State and local enviroer laws and regulations.” 2. A statement as to_proposed methods of awarding other c4 contracts -for Step I work, it needed, is: Any professional or technical contract will be based on a negotiated lump sum basis. Any- non-professional contract will be awarded by competitive bidding. 3. The City agrees to submit the draft facility plan to the appropriate State -'and -Regional A-95 agencies at least 30 n days prior to the public hearing on the plan." r k loll rup f4 Authorized .Signer , i 1 +� J V 4" Ilk � . _ .:. A: •. Yh1S MdM 1