uprr deficient rr crossings 6/26/1980CITE' OF SALINA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET DONALD E. HOFF, P. E. DEAN BOYER. P. E. P.O. BOX 746 ASST. CITY ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER SALINA. KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 a27-9481 D. TRAFFIC ENGINEER June 26, 1980 Mr. W. A. Ridge Superintendent Union Pacific Railroad Co. 201 South Fifth Street P. 0. Box 2309 Kansas City, Kansas 66110 Dear Mr. Ridge: In accordance with the City of Salina, Kansas Ordinance No. 8094, be advised that the following list of railroad crossings are deficient. City ordinance requires your compliance with Ordinance No.. 8094 by making the specified repairs. In the event your company should fail to repair or replace the crossings within the specified 30.days, the City will effect such repairs or replacements and assess the cost of such repairs or replacements, or any costs associated therewith to the railroad company. The above mentioned railroad company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain that portion of the street occupied by its tracks where the same intersects. Mulberry Street, Walnut Street, Ash Street, Elm Street, Santa Fe Avenue, North Street, Broadway Boulevard, Twelfth Street, Fifth Street and Ohio Street. The above list of crossings are all in need of minor asphalt repair. If you would concur, the City would commence these minor repairs immediately in order that they not become a major repair. As mentioned above, the City will bill your company for all expenses incurred. Sincerely, DB : MKP ENC: (Ordinance No. 8094) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES -•- _ ♦. •.. � � � �� � {"'��4 NII I 1 "� -'�,a. lics��c _.n,.cw�xMsr 3 x uT�+ten r��Frtiz+. DEAN BOVER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA KANSAS 87401 AREA CODE 913 827-9481 June 26, 1980 Mr. T. J. Hull Superintendent Rock Island Railroad Co. 518 South Seventeenth Street Kansas City, Kansas 66105 Dear Mr. Hull: DONALD E. HOFF. P. E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER In accordance with the City of Salina, Kansas Ordinance No. 8094, be advised that the following list of railroad crossings are deficient. City ordinance requires your compliance with Ordinance No. 8094 by making the specified repairs. In the event your company should fail to repair or replace the crossings within the specified 30 days, the City will effect such repairs or replacements and assess the cost of such repairs or replacements, or any costs associated therewith to the railroad company. The above mentioned railroad company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain that portion of the street occupied by its tracks where the same intersects. East North Street, North Ohio Street, North Fifth Street, Twelfth Street and Front Street. The above list of crossings are all in need of minor asphalt repair. If you would concur, the City would commence these minor repairs immediately in order that they not become a major repair. As mentioned above, the City will bill your company for all expenses incurred. Sincerely, — AW, - �M/- Dean Boyer DB:MKP ENC: (Ordinance No. 8094) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 300 WEST ASN STREET DEAN BOYER, P. E. p G BOX Tab CITY ENGINEER SALINA, KANSAS 67601 AREA CODE 913 627-9461 June 26, 1980 Mr. P. L. Tucker Missouri Pacific Railroad Co. 625 Brown Osawatomie, Kansas 66064 Dear Mr. Tucker: DONALD E. HOFF. P. E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER In accordance with the City of Salina, Kansas Ordinance No. 8094, be advised that the following list of railroad crossings are deficient. City ordinance requires your compliance with Ordinance No. 8094 by making the specified repairs. In the event your company should fail to repair or replace the crossings within the specified 30 days, the City will effect such repairs or replacements and assess the cost of such repairs or replacements, or any costs associated therewith to the railroad company. The above mentioned railroad company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain that portion of the street occupied by its tracks where the same intersects. West Elm Street, North Santa Fe Avenue, North Seventh Street, North Ninth Street, North Twelfth Street, North Fifth Street, North Second Street, East North Street, North Ohio Street, West Ash Street, University Street, South Street, West Crawford Avenue, Franklin Avenue, Republic Avenue, Broadway Boulevard, Cloud Street and Scanlan Road. The above list of crossings are all in need of minor asphalt repair. If you would concur, the City would commence these minor repairs immediately in order that they not become a major repair. As mentioned above, the City will bill your company for all expenses incurred. Sincerely, _f —9— _ can Boyer DB:MKP ENC: (Ordinance No. 8094) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES I n� '.. ::.'.: ♦. ♦ Itt s�JJ. �iiatl lil'$' ql �Ls:F�I�IF4il�����' � DEAN BOYER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 627-9461 June 26, 1980 Mr. D. F. Duncan Superintendent Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Co. 201 East Sixth Street Newton, Kansas 67114 Dear Mr. Duncan: DONALD E. HOFF. P. E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER In accordance with the City of Salina, Kansas Ordinance No. 8094, be advised that the following list of railroad crossings are deficient. City ordinance requires your compliance with Ordinance No. 8094 by making the specified repairs. In the event your company should fail to repair or replace the crossings within the specified 30 days, the City will effect such repairs or replacements and assess the cost of such repairs or replacements, or any costs associated therewith to the railroad company. The above mentioned railroad company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain that portion of the street occupied by its tracks where the same intersects. West Elm Street, East North Street, North Fifth Street, North Twelfth Street, North Santa Fe Avenue, North Ninth Street and North. Seventh Street. The above list of crossings are all in need of minor asphalt repair. If you would concur, the City would commence these minor repairs immediately in order that they not become a major repair. As mentioned above, the City Will bill your company for all expenses incurred. Sincerely, DB:MKP ENC: (Ordinance No. 8094) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES ORDINANCE NUMBER 8094 (Published in The Salina Journal 1970) AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING ANq DIRECTING CERTAIN RAILROAD COMPANIES TO REPAIR AND MAINTAIN CERTAIN RAILROAD CROSSINGS WITHIN SAID CITY; PROVIDING IF SAID REPAIRS ARE NOT COMPLETED WITHIN THE TIME SPECIFIED THAT THE CITY OF SALINA SHALL PERFORM SAID WORK AND ASSESS THE COSTS THEREOF AGAINST THE PROPERTY OF SUCH RAILROAD COMPANY. BE IT ORDAINED by the Governing Body of the City of Salina, Kansas; Section 1. That the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain, in accordance with specifications now on file in the Office of the City Engineer, that portion of the tracks occupied by its' tracks where the same intersect Twelfth Street, Ninth Street, Seventh Street, Santa Fe Avenue, Fifth. Street, North Street,; Third Street, Second Street., Front.Street, Ohio Street, Elm Street within the City of Salina, Kansas. Section 2. That the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain, in accordance with specifications now on file in the Office of the City Engineer, that portion of the tracks occupied by its' tracks where the same intersect Twelfth Street, Ninth Street, Eighth Street, Seventh Street, Santa Fe Avenue, Fifth Street, Third Street, Front Street, Elm Street, North Street, Ohio Street, Park Street, Ash Street, State Street, University Place, Walnut Street, South Street, Crawford Avenue, Franklin Street, Republic Street, Cloud Street, and the West End of Elm Street within the City of Salina, Kansas. Section 3• That the Rock Island Railroad Company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain, in accordance with specifications now on file in the Office of the City Engineer, that portion of the streets occupied by its' tracks where the same intersect Twelfth Street, Ninth Street, Seventh Street, Santa Fe Avenue, Fifth Street, Third Street, North Street, Second Street, Front Street, Ohio Street within the City of Salina, Kansas. Section 4. That the Union Pacific Railroad Company is hereby ordered and directed to repair and maintain, in accordance with specifications now on file in the Office of the City Engineer, that portion of the streets occupied by its' tracks where the same Intersect Twelfth Street, Ninth Street, Santa Fe Avenue, Ohio Street, North Street, Elm Street, Ash Street, Iron Avenue, Mulberry Street, South Street, Center Street, Prescott Avenue, Crawford Avenue, Bond Street, Wilson Street, Reiublic Avenue, Beloit Street, Minneapolis Avenue, Ellsworth Avenue, Jewell Avenue, Ki twin Avenue, Claflin Avenue, Cloud Street, Raymond Avenue, Wayne Avenue, Belmont Boulevard within the City of Salina, Kansas. Section 5. That in the event any of the above named railroad companies should fail, neglect or refuse to commence the repair and maintenance of said railroad crossings, above specified, within 30 days and complete within six months from the effective date of this ordinance, the City Engineer is hereby directed to proceed to have such work perfornvd and that the costs of such work shall be a lien upon the property of said railroad company and said costs shall be assessed and taxed against its' property in the same manner as other taxes are levied and collected. Section 6. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication once in the official city newspaper. Introduced: June 29, 1970 Passed: July 13, 1970 Hayor (SEAL) Attest: City Clerk