key repair smoky hill river 3/28/1989Engineering Department 300 West Ash Street P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 Telephone (9131927-9481 CITY ENGINEER DEAN BOYER, P.E. ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DONALD E. HOFF, P.E. March 28, 1989 Mr. Kim E. Brown, P.E. Smoky Hill, Inc. 645 East Crawford Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Key Repair Smoky Hill River Dear Kim: This letter will serve as your authorization to repair the west end of the upper concrete key on the Smoky Hill River cut-off channel at Indian Rock Park. All work shall be in accordance with the enclosed details. This work does not include the removal of trees, etc. near the center of the key.. Upon completion of this work, the City of Salina agrees to pay you a lump sum amount of $15,700.00. All work shall be completed on or before May 1, 1989. If you have any questions concerning this project, please contact me. Sincerely, Z Z� Z Don Ho , P. . DH/mp Enc: (5) MEMBER .. KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 645 E. CRAWFORD SALINA, KANSAS 67401 PHONE 913 825-1224 Equal Opportunity Employer March 22, 1989 City of Salina P.O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Repair Key at Smoky Hill River Remove trees in river Gentlemen: We propose to repair the upper key on the west side of the Smoky Hill River cutoff route in accordance with the attached details. Our price for this work is $15,700. The estimate of costs is included for your review. In addition, we will remove the trees stuck on the dam in the middle of the river for $6,780. The price assumes the trees are removable without damage to the key, and that the trees will be placed at the tree dump at the east sewer plant. You may wish to perform this work on an hourly babis. Our rates for certain crafts and equipment, including overhead.and markup, are as follows: Craft/Equipment Total with Overhead & Markup Superintendent 26.00 Backhoe Operator 17.00 Crane Operator 15.00 Skilled Laborer 13.00 Laborer 12.00 Backhoe 70.00 Wheel Loader 40.00 Crane 70.00 Tandem Trucks 30.00 Track Loader 50.00 Other costs and materials will be charged at cost or our standard rates, plus overhead and mark-up. Our schedule on the pump station adjacent this work calls for us to backfill the existing excavation in about three weeks. Therefore, this work needs to proceed as soon as possible to limit conflicts and ensure the pump station will not be delayed. We hope this proposal is acceptable. or if you have questions. Sincerely, SMOKY HILL, INC.- - Kim E. Brown, P.E. encl: Drwgs. pgs. 1,2 ......... costs pgs, 1,2 4< 40 41 ,<<� 0 ,� MIMIM�M�� / - l®® ® : • -� MOM mm E= MOMmm _ m -----_-_ mm �-�_-__ _ Quant. Material Labor Equipment - Unit Ext. - Per ..Unit Ext. Unit, ExPer t. Lai_ ... 0?8 7S ook-. 9 �- =- x /06 a o - W11/1 3Z/� p