lakeshore townhouses improvements 11/14/1974DEAN BOYER. P.E. CITY ENGINEER BUILDING OFFICIAL Mr. Jay McConnell 9748 West 86th Street Overland Park, Kansas 66204 Dear Jay: CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASN STREET P.O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67601 November 14, 1974 D. W. BASSETT ASST. CITY ENGINEER RON TREMBLAY DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL In response to your inquiry regarding the scope and costs of offsite improvements required to serve the Lakeshore Townhouses (F.H.A. Project No. 35045), we submit the following comments: (a) Existing water service is located on the east side of the above project. No additional water mains are required. (b) Construction of sanitary sewers, on the east and north sides of the above project, is scheduled to commence in the spring of 1975. (c) Construction for street improvements (paving, curbing, etc.) will depend upon when the owner's request to the City of Salina for such improvements is filed. (d) The estimated cost of sanitary sewers chargeable to the above project will be approximately $2,430.00 (270 L.F. @ $9.00). (e) The estimated cost of street improvements chargeable to the above project will be approximately $5,520. An adjacent benefit district will be assessed approximately $22,360., in addition to the above $5,520. (f) All construction completion dates are subpect to variable factors, such as weather conditions, contractor's completion time, etc. We, therefore, guarantee no firm completion date for anycon- struction project. DH:DB:MKP Sincerely, can Boyer MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITI �V