concrete test reports 1309-15 mcadams 10/2/84•nra or rw•c[uw[: Cto.wcu: ea•cow•,: �ww[cuuw; rwwr•w; r•caw[wn. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO'. 2 -Jim Loux 2 - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. Basement Wal CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER LOCATION: AND GEOLOGISTS 139 South Fouts Street 1309-11-13-15 McAdams Road, Salina, Kansas Selina, K[roaf 07401 Vv" CONTRACTOR: (919) 827-Ml Jim Loux CONCRETE TEST REPORT JOB NO.: 5FS12 I................................. FD........................................... FIELD NUMBER . ........ .............. ............. E A DATE CAST 20 Sept 20 Sept 20 Sept 20 Sept 20 Sept ........................ D A AGE WHEN TESTED. DAYS 7 7 LjS/ Spare LABORATORY NUMBER C406 A C406 B .. I........... C406 CC406 .............. D ..... C4.06..E L ............................ DATE RECEIVED .............. 21 Sept 21 Sept 21 Sept 21 Sept 21 Sept... A............ .......................................................... . EI DATE TESTED 27 Sept 27 Sept 18 Oct 18 Oct ................... Q......................... ........... ........... ...... .... R WEIGHT. 27.56 27.43 27.77 ....................................................... 27.73 .r DIMENSIONS, IN. _-- ............. --- .............. .............. --- --- ......... O ............................. AREA. SO. IN. --- --- _-- -_- R .......................................... . ..................................................................... Y UNIT WEIGHT. PCF --- .............. --- .............. --- ............. -- ...7 ......... ............... D ....................... ..... MAxIMUMLOAD.KG 34,600 34,200 ............... 44,400 . 41,600 A ............................. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. PSI ............. 2,700 2,670 /5:4b1Y ,24 T.. ........... ....... A TYPE OF FRACTURE' CM CM DM CM REMARKS: LOCATION OF POUR: Basement Walls in Faith Addition SPECIFICATIONS STRENGTH REOUIREMENT @ 29 DAYS, PSI 3, 000 SLUMP, IN 4" AIR % CEMENT, FINE AGG.. COURSE AGG.. WATER. ADMIXTURE LBS. LBS. LBS. GALS. OZS. TYPE BATCH DATA 6 Sk 27% PSI-N TIME TIME COMPANY TRUCK TICKET NO. LOADED UNLOADED TRANSPORT DATA Salina Concrete Products, Inc. 3:22 PM WATER ADDED. GALS. TESTED BY BEFORE TEST AFTER TEST FIELD SLUMP,IN AIR.% TEMP.'F TEST DATA ±3 90 12 D. D. Ayers •nra or rw•c[uw[: Cto.wcu: ea•cow•,: �ww[cuuw; rwwr•w; r•caw[wn. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO'. 2 -Jim Loux 2 - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. YY•f OF RIAC�YwC C{O•KK: P0IA/LOMAI: �MMGUTAe: YYOIITAe; MAfAOIOATI. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO 2 - Loux Development 2 - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT: Basement Floor & Footings . CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS LOCATION: AND GEOLOGISTS _ 139 South Fourth Stroel 1319 McAdams Salina, Kansas .._ Selina. Kanas 67101 CONTRACT —Lo (9 13) 627-9J61 i m X CONCRETE TEST REPORT JOB NO.: 5FS12 FD FIELDNUMBER,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ,,,,,,,,,,,,, E A ........................................... DATE CAST 18 Sept 18 Sept . 18 Sept .................... 18 Sept 18 Sept ...... D A ................................ AGE WHEN TESTED. DAYS 7 . ...... 7 ^ (2 1) are LABORATORY NUMBER C393 A .............. B C393.. .... ......................... C .. C393... .... .. C393 D . C393 E L ............................ DATE RECEIVED 19 Sept 19 Sept19 Sept 19 Sept..._19.Sept.. A .......................................................... . ........ B DATE TESTED 25 Sept 25 Sept 16 Oct 16 Oct . ,,,,,,,,,,,,, O ............................. ...... .. .... .............. .............. ............................ R WEIGHT.LBS. 27.79 27.87 28.08 2806..... . T......................... DIMENSIONS. IN. --- ............................ --- --- ........... --- ........... .......... ........... O AREA. SO. IN. --- --- --- --- R......................... ....................... Y UNITWEIGHT.PCF ------ .............. I .............. --- ............. --- .............. .............. .............. D .......................... .. MAXIMUMLOAD.KG 33,500 34,600 ............... 44,400 ......�:.... 45,600 .............. .............. .............. ......... COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. PSI ............. 2,610 2,700 3,46 ,560 .............. T ............................. ......................................... .... ...... ..... .............. A TYPEOFFRACTURE' CM CM DM CM REMARKS: LOCATION OF POUR: Basement Floor & Footln S SPECIFICATIONS STRENGTH REQUIREMENT @ 2B DAYS. PSI 3 , DD SLUMP. IN 4 AIR % CEMENT. FINE AGG.. COURSE AGG.. WATER. ADMIXTURE OZS. TYPE Lam• LBS. LBS. GALS. BATCH DATA 6 Sk 27% PSI -N TIME TIME COMPANY TRUCK TICKET NO. LOADED UNLOADED TRANSPORT DATA Salina Concrete Products, Inc. 52 Load #4 9:30 AM FIELD SLUMP. IN AIR.% TEMP.'F WATER ADDED, GALS. TESTED BY BEFORE TEST AFTER TEST TEST DATA 3 55 D. D. Ayers YY•f OF RIAC�YwC C{O•KK: P0IA/LOMAI: �MMGUTAe: YYOIITAe; MAfAOIOATI. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO 2 - Loux Development 2 - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. •nnarn•cruwc cco.•cu:aa•cw•i:.Nwrcuuw; Wr TAR•.•owee•n. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO' 2 -Jim Loux 2 - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. �_r - .,._.,. PROJECT: asement Wall CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS L TION: AND GEOLOGISTS 139 South Fourth Street 1309-11-13-15 McAdams Road, Salina, Kansas Salim, Kansas 87101 CONT ACTOR: v (919) 827-9381 Jim Loux CONCRETE TEST REPORT JOBNO.: 5FS12 FD FIELONUMBER ............ . ......................................... E A .............................. .. DATE CAST 20 Sept 20 Sept 20 Se.pt ...... ................ Sept 20 ...... 20 Sept A ................................ AGE WHEN TESTED, DAYS 26 26 Spare D LABORATORY NUMBER C406 A C406 B .............. C406 C .............. C406 D ... . C406 E...... _ L .....:............. ......... DATE RECEIVED .............. 21 Sept 21 Sept 21 Sept 21 Sept.... 21. Sept._. A......................... ........................... ......... B DATE TESTED 27 Sept 27 Sept 18 Oct .... Oct ..18......... ........... ........... .................................. .. ...........-18.-Oct .. R WEIGHT, LBS. 27.56 27.43 T DIMENSIONS, IN. -__ ............. _-- .............. .............. ....... Q ............................. AREA, SO. IN. __- --- .......... ........... R......................... ........... ............................. ........... Y UNITWEIGHT.PCF --_ --- .............. ............. ........... D MAxIMUMLOAD,KG ............. 34,600 ..... .... 34,200 ............... ........ A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. PSI 2,70 2,67 .............. T ............................. ........... ...................... .............. .............. A TYPE OF FRACTURE' CM CM REMARKS: LOCATION OF POUR: Basement Walls in Faith Addition SPECIFICATIONS STRENGTH REOUIREMENT@28 DAYS. PSI 3,000 SLUMP,IN 4" AIR% CEMENT, FINE AGG.. COURSE AGG., WATER, ADMIXTURE BATCH LBS. LBS. LBS. GALS. 025. TYPE 6 Sk 27% PSI -N DATA TIME TIME COMPANY TRUCK TICKET NO. LOADED UNLOADED TRANSPORT DATA Salina Concrete Products, Inc. 3:22 PM WATER ADDED, GALS. TESTED BY BEFORE TEST AFTER TEST FIELD SLUMP, IN AIR,% TEMP,•F +3 90 12 D. D. Ayers TEST DATA •nnarn•cruwc cco.•cu:aa•cw•i:.Nwrcuuw; Wr TAR•.•owee•n. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO' 2 -Jim Loux 2 - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. �_r - .,._.,. '"n OF NIACTY E: C.0 KM:6MAG AI:�~10 ": Wr TAN: &AG KGAFE. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO2 2 - Loux Development - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT: • Basement Floor &Footings . CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS LOCATION: AND GEOLOGISTS _ 139Soli81Fourth Slroet 1319 McAdams Salina, Kansas Selina. Kansas 87101 CONTRACTOR: (919) 827-9081 Jim Loux CONCRETE TEST REPORT JOB NO.: 5FS12 FD FIELD NUMBER............. ........................... . ....... ...... E A ........................................... DATE CAST 18 Sept 18 Sept 18 Sept 18 Sept 18 Sept ..... ........... ................................. .................................................. D A AGE WHEN TESTED. DAYS 28 28 Spare LABORATORY NUMBER C393 A .............. C393 B .............. C393 C .... .......... C393. D,._.. C393.E._. . .... .............. L ............................ DATE RECEIVED 19 Sept 19 Sept19 Sept 19 Set 19 Se t., P.. A...........................................................................P... B DATE TESTED 25 Sept 25 Sept 16 Oct 16 Oct ......................... ........... ........... ....... ....... ........... R WEIGHT. LBS. 27.79 27.87 .. A T DIMENSIONS. IN. --- ............. --- .............. ................ .............. .............. 0 ............................. AREA. SO. IN. --- --- R......................... ........... ............................ ........... .......... Y UNITWEIGHT.PCF --- ...... .................. --- .... ............. .............. .............. .............. D .......................... .. MAxIMUMLOAD.KG 33,500 34,600 ............. .............. . ,,,,,,,,,,,,, „_,,,,,,,,,,, COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. PSI ,61 CL,/Ul) T ............................. .._ .................... ....... .. .... .............. .............. .............. A TYPE OF FRACTURE' CM CM REMARKS: LOCATION OF POUR: Basement Floor & Footings SPECIFICATIONS STRENGTH REOUIREMENT @ 28 DAYS. PSI,DD SLUMP. IN 4 AIR % GG_ 'WATER, _ ADMIXTURE OZS. TYPE BATCH GALS. DATA PSI -N TIME TIME TRUCK TICKET NO. LOADED UNLOADED TRANSPORT DATA 52 Load #4 9:30 AM FIELD SLUMP.ORE WATER ADDED. GALS. TESTED BY TEST AFTER TEST TEST DATA 3=5 D. D. Ayers '"n OF NIACTY E: C.0 KM:6MAG AI:�~10 ": Wr TAN: &AG KGAFE. ORIGINAL: FILE COPIES TO2 2 - Loux Development - City Engineer REVIEWED BY. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. C-) C) 0 D C'1 —I C) Z m cn m a 0 �I IF+ Ol py m N m to �o � mm C+ D 1 L-• v 31 n --4 pi 1 'C� Iu m o d ' N ND (y yl IAN ---h+ ry i N 3 v I m S -�19w m i O m t+ CD N O N N T N N n ~ O. Q ~ crD C* = lCDCLo f I r i I Q I ! f o I CD iCD = I i o a !I N O X a =. ru CT (CD i I Z J j I I N tG Z 9 d l l l (D N I 7 o N p p Z n o _ C.) o i ! !m I Rat ]Zvl y N V ~ Kit i ! I 1 LiH I I I to ao = • I ID 0 a e T e I m r I y 1 cn I y y 'ri N 9 p I a � I ; N C-) C) 0 D C'1 —I C) Z m cn m a 0 �I O D n C) z m cn m 0 N �Ni � r O l0 Z fD t0 C 3 t N 3 ml m m C vI� v .� o- ilo- W a W ~ O� ND mm 7 N O F I 4t,4�-lA; ; m co r i l m v m s T m O (n O 9 j -h O co O N T m m n (n CD -~ 0 3 ~ co c CD `t N = �E o m a I I 7 c} 2 I I c'F J B ' n O I j j rD ti I I o a --. z o, a M 7C m N i y M I I � i x i p � N I> O O I. i N l0 a+ S ca. ro V G I I � � 'BOO m p -i I I I W O . m j V n_y_ v� M- N N y y I j t COV I I , I Cf r; I a I o H r w co I o• 2 I P y I O CL I a 9 O G Cx Cx I ac N n i rn i I ac m' S I I i N O D n C) z m cn m 0 1 ' .S)kh1NA CONCRETE.PRODUCTS,'Inc... Phone 827-7281 : SALINA, KANSAS 1100;W. Ash St. 1'YatP % DELIVER RECEIPT Load No.� 2 Delivered ton .&- 4 dress 3 / fy 1' QU DESCRIPTION;- PRICE: AMOUNT QU1►;d Cu. Yds. Sks. Sand Concrete @ Cu. Yds. Sks. Rock Concrete @J ��„ $ j p5%!• x Cu.'Yds .':Sks. Sand Concrete @ Cu. Yds.,'; S165. Rock Concrete @ ✓ 7l $ • /- F a t j Gallons Water dded on Job 7o Cal. Chlor, A. E. ( Hot Water ( ) TAX Cal. Chic ; A E. ( Hot Water Time aTtived'at,jobZ�L Time left job. —45 Minutes Free Unloading Time .Allowed- 'TOTAL I 'PURCHASER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OR PROPERTY DAMAGE CAUSED .BY SELLER'S TRUCK "EN DELIVERY I' MADE BEYOND STREET CURB LINE. Truck N4 Signature e :b Person celvu)g Body `^^t•" •'" I id I m I °il on^m..i dei .m n..,n. it ' —NO CREDIT ALLOWED FOT,CONCRETE RETURNED— s^maios slFali .^ducibsric. 41N'A_ CONCRETE Phone•8'27.7281,'t SALINA, KA -Mite LIVERY/ZEi Delivered to ��a!r� ✓fm &_1 1 ^,- Address In OV0,CT$,'Inc.. (1100 W Ash St r T' ?,goad, No — j 'PURCRASER WAIVES ALLCLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OR PR PERTY DAMAGE CAUSED BY. SELLER'S TBUCfl WHENDELIVERYIS M1 E B$YOND STREET CURB LINE ' Truck N � Body un wiWIroh ( uus) '' Signatures ofPers�mg ,, —NO CREDIT ALLOWED FOR •CON CRETE RETURNED '� wos YksE u a^st c QU1►;d ';pESCRf u PRICE . ' "AMOUNT x Cu.'Yds .':Sks. Sand Concrete @ Cu. Yds.,'; S165. Rock Concrete @ ✓ 7l $ • /- F a t � j I '7 Gallons Water .9dded on Job Cal. Chic ; A E. ( Hot Water .Time aY I ed at job. Time left job. ` 45 Free Unloading Tme. Allowed— TMXT. 1 j 'PURCRASER WAIVES ALLCLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OR PR PERTY DAMAGE CAUSED BY. SELLER'S TBUCfl WHENDELIVERYIS M1 E B$YOND STREET CURB LINE ' Truck N � Body un wiWIroh ( uus) '' Signatures ofPers�mg ,, —NO CREDIT ALLOWED FOR •CON CRETE RETURNED '� wos YksE u a^st c CONCRETE PRODUCTS, Inc. Phone 827-7241 SALINA,'KANSAS : 1100 W. Ash St. 0 7�D LIVERY MCEIPT Load No. Dellypred to - Address QUAN. DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT ' Cu. Yds. Sks. Sand Concrete @ — Cu. Yds.' Sks. Rock Concrete @ ;`PSj-gid J . Gallons Water Added on job, s .-Chlor.. A. E. (') Hot` Water '( ) TAX ` 'me arrived at job. `- Time left job. 1 1 ---45 Minutes Free Unloading Time-A'*'owed— "TOTAL - II PURCHASER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR PERSONALOR P$DPERTY DAMAGE CAUSED` BY S/!Ey�L�ER SjT�R�U :K� WHEND 1� RT l�5(/��1ADE BEYOND STREET CURB LINE. -T �' at a of Peas ecelvin r AoWd W We s)8n r� mnwa n. ,.nw,a n,��. it .. —NO CRED ALLOW ED� FOR CONCRETE RETURNED— r^^runs J i and u nmic SALINA CONCRETE PIR0DUCTS, Inc. (Phone 827.7281 '_SALINA,.KANSAS 1100 W. Ash St. I ate �_ ' 7 DELIVERY/1lECEIPT Load No. -- Delivered toT ,,kddress / 3 QUAN. DESCRIPTION <,' PRICE AMOUNT Cu. Yds. Sks. Sand Concrete — Cu. Yds. �p ';- . Sics. -Rock. QDncrete @ .2 7 !" $ $ .. Gallons Water A ded on job fi al. lor. A. E. ( � `Hot r ( ) TAX ` .Time arrived job. Time left job. =45 Mi -11M Free Unloading -ime A1lowed— :'TOTAL .. ' `:� PURCHASER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OR tUPnRT: VAIY UL wku BY SELLER'S TRUCK WHEN DELIVERY I E H>:Y 'STREI CURB LINE. —NO CREDIT, ALLOWED FOR (PNCRETE RETURNED— r .t XD Truck No Body roma with f dh (moat) m! ..ms .bona be ..nwd bean.! I mmu{u dkJ „a u music I t i -Date` `:Delivered to : Address } i a QUASI• DESCRIPTION - "k�+%:.. - PRICE _. AMOUNT - Cu. Yds. Sks. Sand Concrete'@ Trtl'ck - Cu. Yds. �. Sks. Rock Ctlncrete @J 7f Signature Person Rece' .,Body ,., of me-+hould W . Wrd bmute't —NO CREDIT ALLO\ FOR CONCRETE RETURNED— - $ rte. . ['t Gallons Water Added 'on Job % Cal. Chlor. A. E. ( ) Hot Water ( ) TAX _411Gallons Water Added' on Job i t_� dTime arrived at job., gT Time left job. —45 Minures Free UNoaJ ng Time Allowed— TOTAL al. Chlor. A. E. ( ) Hot'Water (" ). TAX - Time arrived at'job. .i -'D Time left job.. ' —45 Minutes Frre Unloading Time Allowed— TOTAL' - x PURCHASES WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OA PRY7PEFITY DAMAGE CAUSEDh" BY SELLER'S TRUCK WHEN DELIVEnY_5'WDE BEYOND STREET CURB LINE - Cu. Yds. Sks. Sand Concrete @ Trtl'ck - roma with ndn I m oHtl ten -- Signature Person Rece' .,Body ,., of me-+hould W . Wrd bmute't —NO CREDIT ALLO\ FOR CONCRETE RETURNED— - wnsaim,.IW i md'" nuuic. * --S'JFk'b1NA CONCRETE PRODUCTS, Inc. Phone 827.7 1 - SALINA; KANSAS - 1100 W. Ash St. Dat DEL�VERY RE IPT Load No. Delivered to 40 A Address / Imo' J" QUAN. DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT - Cu. Yds. Sks. Sand Concrete @ $ - r Cu. Yds: Sks. Rock Concrete @ 92 7' y i $ PS — Al rte. Gallons Water Added 'on Job % Cal. Chlor. A. E. ( ) Hot Water ( ) TAX i t_� dTime arrived at job., gT Time left job. —45 Minures Free UNoaJ ng Time Allowed— TOTAL PURCHASER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR Pt" OR PROPERTY DAMAGE CAUSED BY SELLER'S TRU ` HEN DELIVERY IS �E HEYO#D STREET CURB LINE. ): Truck No� Boa, roma with f.n (mous) w Signature of Pefson Rec0ofirg me would he ..Ohara nec.mr it : - ` —NO CREDIT ALL D FOR CONCRETE RETURNED ,. "'un. dl W, iypA.u. nuuin. . ,,... rt' �WA'UMA CONCRETE PRODUCTS, Inc. Phone 827-72SALINA; XANSAS 1100 W. Ash St. DatP' 7 - � —,¢ DEj.IVFRY RECEI Load No. ____, Delivered to ✓n, -45 Mingres Free Unloadin Time Allowed— sc cls JUD. PURCHASER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OA PROPERTY DA TOTAL CLU BY SELLER'S TRUCK Wj�FjH DELIVERY IS MADE BEyOHD STAEET CURB LINE. —NO, CREDIT ALLOWED RETURNED— Thick No--_')& ' 1s y romw with ftmh (moist) rom ame shomld he amided ", is m YkAi wd is mmth wYt �. ;5 1 A ONCRETj6 PRODUCTS, Inc. a „ Qhene'V27 1I S>° INA, KANSAS 1100 W. Ash St., i D _ DE�.IV£RY IjCEIPT Load No. 1 „ Delivered to —/ y� 4 AAess hoz _ .'s" _"'T�;•__ . `f 1 QUAN, DESCRI TION `PRICE AMOUNT''-> Cu. Yds. Sks.:Sand Concrete @ IF Cu. Yds. Sks. Rock Concrete @� . $ h Gallons Water Added on Job 7o Cal. Chlor. A. E. ( )� Hot Water ( ) TAX a i Time arrived at job._ Time left job, —45 Minutes Free UnlmJmg Time AEowed— tI'0'1•ALL . I CHASER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OR PROPERTY DAMAGE CAUSED 1; SELLER'S TRUCK WHEN DELIVERY IS DE BET611k§TREET CURB LINE. Sitgnature of�erson ReceiO j' - rt) —NO CREDIT ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE RETURNED- Truck No Body roost with frmh (moist) ro ome shooW b mmWM bmme it ronmrm anuli mw is..it. , ° S�iLIN Date+ I . Delivered to .Address CONCRETE PRODUCTS,. Inc. SALINA, KANSAS 1100 W. Ash St. >` +� DELIVERY iiCEIPT Load No. QUAN.. DESCRIPTION �T-.. ems- PRICE AMOUNT i Cu. Yds. .Sks. Sand C3nc"rete @ -; .. X Cu. Yds. Sks. Rock Coticrete @ a ; % s f_ Body om e t with Imh (noun) oon. i —NO CREDIT ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE RETURNED— - oo ud.t eaili end is uuu&. - _ ,42 Gallons Water Added on Job %p Cal. Chlor. A. E. ( ) Hot Water ( ) TAX IV! Time arrived at job. i4 Time _llo Ti— left job. —45 Minutes Free Unload�i,,{{�g Time Allowed— TOTAL lona Water Added on Job - e '7o Cal. Chlor. A. E. ( Hot; ter ( ) TAX- ./� 2 ;1 ,..,. " Time arrived at.. job. ime left job. .. . . —45 Minures Fsee Unloa ng Lme Albwe'd— TOTAL 1 4 ` DESCRIPTION PRICE POACHASER WAIVES ALL CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL OR PoPiERTY DAMAGE CAUSED i BY SELLER'S TAUC WHEN DELIVERY I MADE BEYOND STREET CURB LINE. $ ., Truck -ado. �. Signature of Perso eceiving Body om e t with Imh (noun) oon. en ne should x ,.biaed bmnte it —NO CREDIT ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE RETURNED— - oo ud.t eaili end is uuu&. - _ ,42 Gallons Water Added on Job %p Cal. Chlor. A. E. ( ) Hot Water ( ) TAX SALINA CONCRETE PRODUCTS; Inc. Phone 827-7281 SALINA; KANSAS 1100 W. Ash St. Date- 'd Y` DELIVER7[ RECE T Load No. Delivered to l^ 4 -to .....� +: Address 1. QUO.. ` DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT i Cu. Yds. Sks. Sand Concrete @ $ - Cu. Yds. Cd Sks. Rock Concrete @ 7`, Y.. C, r $ 7S1 ,42 Gallons Water Added on Job %p Cal. Chlor. A. E. ( ) Hot Water ( ) TAX IV! Time arrived at job. i4 Time _llo Ti— left job. —45 Minutes Free Unload�i,,{{�g Time Allowed— TOTAL - " r V nt.Mnnn W AlvLl Au. \.l.nnnu l Vn rnnOVnAL Un Y11VYI:MIY UAMA(iE GAUSF.1) BY:SELLER'S TR�UC� WHEN DELIVERY IS MADE BEYOND STREET CURB LINE. —NO CREDIT ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE RETURNED— Truck No.— Body cont. with hwh (uout) am. crew should be avoidd bruute it uouuu .Boli end it umsit. Donnie D. Marrs, AIA Architect, P.A. 1929 South Ohio • Salina, Kansas 67401 • 9131823-6002 August 13, 1984 Mr. Don Hoff, P.E. Assistant City Engineer City of Salina 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 RE: LOUX 4-PLEX FOUNDATION DESIGN McADAMS ROAD Dear Mr. Hoff: This letter transmits the REVISED 4-plex foundation drawings, specifications, and design calculations for the above referred project, for your review and approval. These 4-plexs are being proposed to be located on McAdams Road in the Faith Addition, within the 500' to 1000' limits of the flood control dike in the Meyer Addition in east Salina. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, CONSULTING ARCHITECT Donnie D. Marrs, AIA cc: Jim Loux 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 2 3 RETAINING WALL DESIGN TASKER LOUX SOIL Wf - #/C.F. 122.00 122.00 WATER Wf - #/C.F. 62.40 62.40 DEBTH OF SOIL - FT. 7.00 3.00 DEBTH OF WATER - FT. 5.00 1.50 COEF. ACTIVE EARTH PRESURE 0.33 0.33 FOOTING LENGTH - FT. 5.00 2.50 TOE LENGTH - FT. 3.00 1.50 FOOTING DEBTH - FT. 1.00 1.00 TOTAL WALL HEIGHT - FT. 8.00 4.00 WALL THICKNESS - FT. 0.67 0.67 d REINF. FOOTING - IN. 9.00 9.00 d REINF.WALL - IN. 6.54 6.54 GIVEN fs - psi. 20000.00 20000.00 GIVEN f'c - psi 3000.00 3000.00 GIVEN j = 0.87 0.87 SOIL LOAD ON WALL #/S.F. 178.86 89.89 WATER LOAD ON WALL #/S.F. 312.00 93.60 TRIANGLE LOAD ON WALL #/L.F. 1406.01 205.04 M3 ENT ARM BASE OF WALL -FT. 2.33 1.00 ND ENT ARM BASE OF FOOTING FT. 3.33 2.00 hU ENT AT BASE OF WALL K -FT 3.28 0.21' AREA OF FOOTING - S.F. 5.00 2.50 SECTION MODULUS FOOTING -FT3 4.17 1.04 M]dENT BASE OF FOOTING K -FT 4.69 0.41 TOTAL VERT LOAD ON FOOTING K 2.28 1.05 SOIL BEARING TOE FOOTING K/S.F 1.58 0.81 STABILITY -0.67 0.03 MOMENT ACTING ON FOOTING K -FT 4.94 0.64 AREA STEEL IN FOOTING -IN2 0.38 0.05 AREA STEEL IN LOWER WALL IN2 0.35 0.02 AREA STEEL 1N UPPER WALL IN2 0.11 0.01 HORZ REINFORCING IN2 0.24 0.24 81-21s4- SPECIFICATION FOR JOB 8416, AND JOB 8419 8/84 SECTION 02200 - EARTHWORK Satisfactor somaterials are defined as those complying with A M D 23 solil c assi ication groups GW, GP, GM, SM, SW and SP. Unsatiactory soil materials are defined as those complying with AS D sf7 sot1 c assification groups GC, SC, ML, MH, CL, CH, OL, OH and PT. Excavation: Rerhove and stockpile material encountered to obtain required subgrade elevations. Unauthorized excavation (removal of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations may be filled with lean concrete. Stockpile excavated materials where directed, until required for ac f i t and f i'l 1. Excavate for structure to elevations and dimensions shown, extending excavation a sufficient distance to permit placing and removal of other work and for inspection. Trim bottom to required lines and grades to provide solid base to receive concrete. Excavations less than 30 -inch depth may have vertical side slopes without sheeting and bracing. Excavations 2.5 feet to 12 feet shall have sloped 1V to 1H from the bottom of the—excavation. Backfill and Fill: Place and compact acceptable soil material in layers to required elevations. Use soil material taken from the original excavation free of rock or gravel, debris, vegetable matter, waste,.and frozen materials. Backfill excavations as promptly as work permits. Place backfill materials in layers not more than. 6" in loose depth in a manner that will prevent segregation, compacting each layer to required maximum density. Compaction shall be performed by the use of approved platform vibratory compactor or other approved roller equipment. if the desired density is not achieved by the method specified, the layer thickness shall be reduced. It may be necessary that the material be wetted to facilitate compaction. The amount of water addedshall be that required to induce the specified moisture content as required to obtain the specified compaction requirements. Water may be applied with power spray, hose, jet, or other approved equipment which will uniformly wet material as it is being vibrated, and so that erosion or ponding does not occur. Do not place materials on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain ice or frost. Com action: Compact each layer of backfill soil materials from the ottom of the excavation to elevation 1226.0' to 90% of maximum dry density. EARTHWORK 02200 - 1 'SPECIFICATION FOR JOB 8416, AND JOB 8419 :" Soil Testin Service: Employ acceptable testing laboratory to per orm materia s evaluation, and testing of back fill material lifts. Sufficient tests shall be taken of the in-place backfill material to assure the required densities are met. Copies of test results shall be reported in writing to Architect, Contractor and Engineering Department of City of Salina. Remove and re lace fill material which do not meet compaction or p acing requirements as irecte END OF SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK 02200 - 2 SPECIFICATION FOR JOB 8416, AND JOB 8419 8/84 SECTION 03010 - CONCRETE Codes and Standards: ACI 301 "'Specifications for Structural Concrete ui ings': ACI 318," Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete": comply with applicable provisions except as otherwise indicated. Concrete TestingService: Employ acceptable testing laboratory to perm materials evaluation, testing of concrete mixes, and placed material. Quality Control: Perform sampling and testing during concrete p ace- mT ent, as follows: Sl�umpp: ASTM C 143, one test for each load at point of id'scRarge. Maximum slum shall not exceet four inches (4"). Hm ressive Strength: ASTM C 39, one set for each day concrete p ace specimens tested at 7 days, 2 specimens tested at 28 days, and one retained for later testing if required. Minimum compressive strength shall not be less than 3,000 psi at 28 days. Test results will be reported in writing to Architect, Contractor an ngineering Department of City of Salina. Mix Proportions and Design: Proportion mixes by either laboratory trial batt or ieid experience method complying with ACI 301. Mix desi ns may be adjusted when material characteristics, job con itions, weather, test results or other circumstances warrant. Do not use revised concrete mixes until submitted to and accepted by Architect, and Engineering Department of City of Salina. Minimum cement ratio shall not be less than 6 sacks per cubic yard. Use air -enter in admixture in all concrete, providing not less than nor more t an entrained air for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing, and from 2% to 4% for other concrete. Concrete Materials: Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type as required. Are tes: ASTM C 33, except local aggregates of proven ura iaity may be used when acceptable to Architect. Water: Clean, drinkable. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260. Water -Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494. Only use admixtures which have been teste and in mix designs, unless otherwise acceptable. CONCRETE 03010 - 1 5PEC1F1CAT1ON.FOR JOB 8416, AND JOB 8419 8/84 Related Materials: Waterstops: Flat dumbbell or centerbulb type, minimum 6" tall, continous without any joints, of either rubber (CRD C 513) or PVC (CRD C 572). Moisture Barrier: Clear 8 -mils thick polyethylene; po yet y ene-coate barrier paper; 1/8" thick asphalt core membrane sheet. Membrane -Forming curing Compound: ASTM C 309, Type 1. Form Materials: Provide form materials with sufficient stability to withstand pressure of p ace concrete without bow or deflection. Exposed Concrete Surfaces: conditions. Reinforcing Materials: Deformed Reinforcing Bars: indicated. Suitable material to suit project ASTM A 615, Grade 40 unless otherwise Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185. Forming and Placing Concrete: Ready -Mix Concrete: ASTM C 94. Formwork: Construct so that concrete members and structures are of correct size, shape, alignment, elevation and position. Clean and adjust forms prior to concrete placement. Apply form release agents or wet forms, as required. Retighten forms during concrete placement if required to eliminate mortar leaks. Reinforcement: Position, support and secure reinforcement against isp acement. Locate and support with metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers and hangers, as required. Set wire ties so ends are directed into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable, lapping at least one mes . oints: Provide construction, isolation, and control joints as in icated or required. Locate construction joints so as to not impair strength and appearance of structure. Place isolation and control joints in slabs-on-groundto stabilize differential settlement and random cracking. Installation of Embedded Items: Set and build into work anchorage CONCRETE 03010 - 2 SPECIFICATION FOR JOB 8416, AND JOB 8419 VM devices and other embedded items required for other work that is attached to, or supported by cast -in-place concrete. Use setting diagrams, templates and instructions provided by others for locating and setting. Concrete Placement: Comply with ACI, placing concrete in a continuous operation within planned ,joints or sections. Do not begin placement until work of other trades affecting concrete is completed. Consolidate placed concrete using mechanical vibrating equipment wit'S handrodding and tamping, so that concrete is worked around reinforcement and other embedded items and into forms. Protect concrete from physical damage or reduced strength due to weal er extremes during mixing, placement and curing. In cold weather comply with ACI 318. In hot weather comply with ACI 318. Concrete Finishes: Exposed -to -view Surfaces: Provide a smooth finish for exposed concrete surfaces and surfaces that are to be covered with a coating or covering material applied directly to concrete. Remove fins and projections, patch defective" areas with cement grot, and rub smooth. SlabTrowel Finish: Apply trowel finish to monolithic slab sur aces t at are exposed -to -view or are to be covered with resilient flooring, paint or other thinfilm coating. Consolidate concrete surfaces by finish troweling, free of trowel marks, uniform in texture and appearance. Curing: Begin initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared rf om exposed surfaces. Continue curing by use of moisture - retaining cover or membrane -forming curing compound. Provide protections as required to prevent damage to exposed concrete surfaces. END OF SECTION 03010 CONCRETE 03010 - 3 CITY OF SALINA 51 +' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET DONALD E. HOFF. P. E. DEAN BOYER. P. E. P. O. BOX 746 ASST. CITY ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER SALINA, KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913827-9481 D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER August 7, 1984 Mr. Donnie D. Marrs, A.I.A. 1929 South Ohio Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Loux 4-Plex Foundation Design Replat of Faith Addition Dear Mr. Marrs: We have reviewed the revised foundation drawing (Sheet 2 of 3) and specifications (Sections 02200 & 03010) for the above referenced founda- tion design (Job 8419). The details and information shown on the drawing or outlined in the specifications appear to be in general conformance with our criteria for basement design for structures within the 500' to 1,000' zone of our Flood Control System dike. Construction of these three (3) four-plex structures on Lots 6, 7 & 8, Block 4, Replat of Faith Addition is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: (a) All construction shall be in strict accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. (b) The Contractor/Developer shall have a vertical control benchmark set on the building site by a registered sur- veyor or licensed engineer. This benchmark shall be accessible at all times. (c) The Contractor/Developer shall agree to abide by all in- spection procedures established by our department regard- ing reinforcing steel placement, concrete placement and MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Mr. Donnie D. Marrs August 7, 1984 Page 2 testing; soil compaction; and etc. A pre -construction conference will be scheduled by our office to outline these procedures prior to actual construction of these structures. If you have any questions concerning the above conditions, please contact me. Sincerely, =k Don Hoff, P.E. DH:mp cc: Jim Loux Ron Tremblay s CONCRETE • PRODUCTS, INC. 1100 WEST ASH ST. sal n a SALINA, KANSAS 67401 (SINCE 1913 7 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES Loux Development a Conemte oauaB REF: East McAdams Rd. PHONE AREA CODE NO. 913 827-7281 We propose to furnish concrete of a 3000 psi, 28 day strength with a water reducer, PSI -N.: To be 6 sk. per cubic yard - 27% crushed rock. Poured with approximately a 4" slump. Water cement ratio approx. .46. iteriBie Salina Concrete Produc s, Inc. ran ors s Frames Flavel Simcox r noon, Riwr,l.a Exec. Vice Pres. Door Operators oe Bonding dation ao" Point .nor Fireplecea ie Fireplacw rplaosMurnsces .d St... t. .c.fFunn... oolln0. rt Doors