e. iron st bridge repair report 11/81978 12/6/1978STRUCTURES, BRIDGES, BUILDINGS, CIVIL, HIGHWAYS November 8, 1978 Mr. Dean Boyer Salina City Engineer City -County Building 300 West Ash P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Deant STREETS, DRAINAGE, WATER, SEWAGE, WELDING, INDUSTRIAL It was a pleasure meeting in your office last week, discussing some of the engineering needs of Salina. As I mentioned to you, I am no longer associated with Wilson & Company, and have formed a consulting firm called Mid -Continent Engineers which will be serving clients in Central Kansas, including cities, counties, the Kansas Department of Transportation, and others desiring structural expertise and civil designs. Our experience in design (over 20 years) will provide economical con- struction and efficient engineering. We will be working very closely with other public agencies in order to secure federal funding and other assis- tance for our clients. Dean, you are reminded of the condition of the bridges within the City Limits of Salina and on the Urban System. I'm thinking primarily of the East Iron Bridge and the Iron Street Bridge over the Smoky Hill Channel and River. Both of these, being on the Urban System, are eligible for 8020 funding for bridge replacement or repair. A considerable amount of repair work has been done each year on the East Iron Deck. In order for these bridges to be eligible for Federal Funding, for either replacement or repair, they must be inspected by a professional engi- neer. We would suggest that the decks be drilled and samples taken at vari- ous depths in order to determine the infiltration of chlorides. We under- stand the East Iron Bridge has a metal formed deck in place, which actually promotes the deterioration of the deck, in that it detains moisture and salt solutions. We suggest inspection and application for Federal Funding under the new 1978 Transportation Program, synopsis attached. This is a great oppor- tunity for the City of Salina to make use of Federal Funds. MID-CONTINENT ENGINEERS Phone: 913-825-8383 • P. O. Box 1744 • Salina, Kanas 67401 Mr. Dean Boyer Salina City Engineer November 8, 1978 Thanks for meeting with us. We hope to be of assistance to the City of Salina. If you need additional information, please advise. Sincerely, MID-CONTINENT ENGINEERS Dale L.Martinitz� Encl. cc: Mr. Norris D. Olsen, City Manager Salina City Commissioners Mr. Jack Weisgerber (Mayor) Mr. Keith Duckers Mr. Dan Geis Mrs. Karen Graves Mr. Gerald Simpson DLMtnlm \ lSTREETS.`` BRIDGES, BUILDINGS, WATER, HIGHWAYS WELDING, December 6, Mr. Dean Boyer, Salina City Engineer City -County Building, 300 West Ash P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 REFERENCE: East Iron Bridge over Smoky Hill Channel Dear Deans Rehabilitation and Repairs Please refer to our November 8, 1978 letter which introduced Mid - Continent Engineers, and also mentioned the need for repairs of the above referenced structure. The new Surface Transportation Act provides federal funding for bridges which require either total replacement, or rehabilitation and repair. The East Iron Bridge would be eligible for repair funds if it is shown the sufficiency rating is between 50 and 80 percent. With a sufficiency rating of 50% and, lower, it would be eligible for total replacement. Of course we know this is not necessary. In order to show the need for these federal funds, it is neces- sary to inspect and test the subject structure. This testing would involve chain dragging, chloride sampling, and resistivity potentiome- ter readings. This information indicates the deterioration to date, and also the future deterioration expected in the next few years. After completion of testing, we would then appraise the bridge and determine the sufficiency rating and subsequent eligibility for federal funding. Also at that time, with these test results, a study would be made to decide either to repair or replace the deck. The Kan- sas Department of Transportation (KDOT) would review all tests to de- termine and approve the final decision. The repair construction or total replacement of the deck would be at the 8020 participation ratio, i.e., the City of Salina would be paying 20% and the remaining 80% would be federal funded. The bridge's present worth in new condition is estimated at $650, MO. Our cursory review of the deck and other items needing repair indicates a repair cost of approximately $98,000. The other alternative is the total replacement of the deck and repair of other minor items at an ap- proximate cost of $180,000. MID-CONTINENT ENGINEERS Phone: 913-825-8383 9 P. O. Box 1744 • Salina, Kanas 67401 r Mr. Dean Boyer December 6,_1998 We foresee this project in three phasesi PHASE I) initial inspection, sampling, testing, ap- praisal, and application for federal funding. PHASE II) preparation of plans and specifications for repair construction. PHASE III) inspection of repair construction, either by the KDOT, the City of Salina, or by the Consultant as arranged by the KDOT. This is arranged at the discre- tion of the KDOT to coincide with their construction schedule and manpower needs. Estimated Consultant costs are as followsi PHASE I) inspection, sampling, testing, appraisal, and application for federal funding - $10,000. PHASE II) preparation of plans and specifications for repair construction - $8,000. (This amount depends on what deficiencies are discovered in Phase I. PHASE III) Construction inspection as negotiated. Mid -Continent Engineers appreciates your consideration by review- ing this information and placing it on the commission agenda. We are available to discuss this before the commission at your convenience. If you need other information, please advise. DIM i nlm - 2 - Sincerely, MID-CON�TI�NENT ENGINEERS Dale L. Marti