lambertz co. 6/13/1975DEAN BOYER, P. E. CITY ENGINEER BUILDING OFFICIAL Mr. Vern Lambertz Lambertz Company 812 North Waco Wichita, Kansas 67203 Dear Mr. Lambertz: CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 600 WEST ASH STREET P.0. Box 7+6 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 June 13, 1975 D. W. BASSETT ASST. CITY ENGINEER RON TREMBLAY DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL At the request of Mr. Richard Worrel, we wish to submit the following comments on an approximate ten (10) acre tract in the southeast corner of Section 26, Township 14 South, Range 3 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian in the City of.Salina, Saline County, Kansas. This property is owned by Willard L. 6ettle, Jr. and is located on the northwest corner of Magnolia Road and South Ninth Street. The above tract of land should be of sufficient size to accommodate a septic tank and lateral field for sanitary disposal of domestic waste water. This method of disposal would be allowed, but the plans for the system will have to be approved by both the City Engineers office and the City -County Health Department. The approval of such a system would in no way eliminate or reduce the property owners liability for benefit district assessments when sanitary sewer lines are extended. Permanent access to this property will be a frontage road accessible at the intersection of Saturn Avenue with South Ninth Street and/or an entrance on the north side of Magnolia Road at the same locations as the entrances on the south side of Magnolia Road. Temporary ingress only from the southbound lane of South Ninth Street may be allowed if the frontage road is not in existence at the time of development. Construction in the frontage road right-of-way shall comply with street construction standards of the City of Salina and such construction shall be supervised by the City's Engineering Department. Very truly yours, can Boyer DB:MKP CC: Mr. Richard Worrel Mr. Keith Rawlings MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES