k-143 lights request 7/2/1987iv STATE OF KANSAS KANSAS DEPART.IliNT OF TRANSPORTATION P. O. Box 857 Salina, KS 67402-0857 Iloracr B. Edwards dike Miyden Srrretory of Transporfatio❑ July 2, 1987 Governor of Kamyas File: 2705-85 K-143 - Saline County Salina, Kansas Highway Permit No. 2-6670 K Gas S vice P. O. B 889 Tope , ansas 66601 Gentlemen: We are enclosing approved copy of Highway Permit No. 2-6670, to install four (4) street lights on K-143 in Salina, Kansas. Please contact Irvin D. Spillman, Area Superintendent at Ellsworth, prior to starting work under this permit and also upori'completion of same. Sincerely, R. L. ANDERSON, P.E. District Engineer KENNETH BETTENBROCK District Office Coordinator :pm Enc. cc: Irvin D. Spillman, Area Superintendent Randy H. West, P.E., Area Engineer Kansas Department of Transportation P. O. Box 147 Ellsworth, KS 67439-0147 City of Salina City Engineer's Office P. O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 jGn -Const./MeinM-=6670 Permit No Y er KANSAS DEPAR ENT OF TRANSPORTATION ���� 3 `RU OF TRAFFIC ENGIIt�^; tyfietjufi 3fia )Ngjfiteltanpt Renta -Area .Saline city .�BRQVED Y: GHWA PERMIT AGREEMENT co. USE F RIGHT OF WAY State Highway C& DATE_ City Conn. Lank ❑ City THIS AGREEMENT, a an wean the Secretary of Transportation of the State of Renee, hereinafter referred to as the "Secretary" and 01' Ass rts 917 996-6= 4118 FAMM AMI VoGe 41M 41419 , (Name o/ Firm or Individual) (TeL No.) _ +ereineRer referred to as the "Petitioner" and the City of. (Street) (City) , hereinafter referred to as the "City". (Il Not Applicable, Enter N/A) WHEREAS, the Secretary has jurisdiction over highway right-of-ways within the State Highway System of Kansas, and WHEREAS, the Secretary (and City) believe it is Iu the interest of the Citizens of the State of Kansas to permit certain work or projects to be performed upon Highway right-of-ways, and WHEREAS, the Petitioner requests permission and authority from the Secretary (and City) to perform certain work, described as follows: Install tow (4) street 11a t s en 1-19.1 in SoUssg, loans Said work Is located on public right-of-way in. upon or along State Highway RoutF I43 Reference Point (or City Connecting Link Route on St.) In 8eaj!Twp. 41 Rmp3W . S&U= County, 1/41 Meer 110326 (direction) from 1-70 41allnn (City or Jet.), and WHEREAS, the Secretary has delegated full and complete authority to the District Engineers of the Eames Department of Transportation (KDOT) to execute Highway Permit Agreements, hereinafter calmed to as "Permits," for and on the Secretary's behalf. NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the permission granted hereunder by the Secretary (and City) to utilize Highway rigbt-o(-ways in the roamer described above, the following terns and conditions are mutually agreed to by the Petitioner, the Secretary (and the City). 1.0 PLANS: Petitioner than furnish five (8) sets of comprehensive plane or sketches, 8W' x 11" or larger, of the proposed work. 1.1 Plane for utility Installations must include a description of the vice, type, and method of Installation for the proposed lacfnties to be located within highway right-of-ways. and adequate sketches to indicate the location of the proposed Installation with respect to the traveled way of the highway, the tl864of-way lines and, when applicable, the control o/ sweet tines. 1.2 Plane for driveways must include a plan layout sketch or drawing for theproposed installation, and a description of the location o/ the driveway, surfacing material. and Provisions for drainage structures. 1.8 An accurate ""As Built" Construction Plan shell be provided for deviation from the approved Llan. 2.0 MATERIAL AND METHODS: All requests to perform work in, upon or alone Highway right-of-ways must be approved by the Dir trot Engineer (and City). In Cities the Petitioner will obtain additional Permits, as required by the City. 2.1 The Petitioner than furnish all material, do all work and pay all costs for the work described on this Permit. 2.2 Ali utility installations shall comply with the conditions and requirements of the KDOT Utility Accommodation Policy, oncent edition, and all ddveway Installations shall comply with the conditions and requirements of the KDOT "Driveway Policy", current edition,(and City standards when they exceed those of the KDOT). 2.3 Drainage structure requirements shall be determined by the Petitioner, but said requirements are subject to review and approval by the District Engineer (and City). 2.4 Commercial driveways shall be surfaced with concrete or asphalt as specified by the ROOT (and City). 2.5 An material and construction methods used on work within the limits of the right-of-way shall be equal to or better than that required by the "Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction," current edition. 3.0 INITIATION AND COMPLETION OF WORK: Petitioner agrees to notify the District Engineer (and City) or their duly authodaed representative before work Is Initiated and again when the work is completed. 3.1 An approved sighed copy o/ this Permit shell be on the Intention before a2d during the period my work L performed. 3.2 An work, including right-of-way restoration, shall be completed withiny(Lcdmder days of APPROVAL DATE, otherwise all rights granted the Petitioner under this Permit are rescinded, If work has not been started within the completion that, this Permit becomes null and void. 4.0 INSPECTION: The Petitioner will be responsible for supervising construction to insure compliance with KDOT (and City) policies and standard& 3.0 ACCEPTANCE: (Check One) KDOTH; City ❑; will be responsible ?or intermittent inspection and find acceptance of the work. 8.0 OBSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC: Petitioner agrees that highway(and connecting nnk)traffic will be free of Interference union meeifi- cally provided for as a part of this Permit. Traffic protection shall be in accordance with the "Manuel on UnHorm Traffic Control Devices," current edition. Rev. 11.83 D.O.T. Form No. 304 7.0 R)OHT-OF-WAY: Except for authorized than{es, Petitioner agreeson sand right-of-way to a condition equal to or better than existed prior to approval of the work described on this Permit. ' 7.1 Any sod, shrubs or trees destroyed by this work shell bdirected by the District Engineer (and City). `• 7.2 The rigbbof-way shall be kept free from parkin{, advectany ether commercial activity. 8.0 MAINTENANCE: All utility Installations shall be maintaineo h4 maintained by -the Owner. 9.0 BOND: (check either 9.1, 8.2 or 9.8)9.1 ❑ A check, or other suitable bond, in the amount o} i made payable to theKansas Department of Trwportation shall be deposited with this Permit to guarantee satisfactory.9.2 A standing bond has been filed with the KDOT Flerew o} Management Services m the =ouptRl.. KDOT Reference No, -1018 Bond Issuey- Cn 04760577 9.8 ❑ No Bond Required. (Bonding Company) 8.4 Petitioner agrees, that H a check or bond is filed pursuant to paragraph 9.1 or 9.2., said check or bond win be forfeited or called If Petitioner fans or refuses to perform the work required under this Permit to the satisfaction of the Dlrtriet,Enghteer (and City). 9.5 The District Engineer (and City) agrees that upon satisfactory compliance with all conditions of this Permit, said check or bond will be released. 10.0 LIABILITY: The Petitioner, his successor, or assigns, shall assume all risk and liability for accidents and damages that may occur to persons or property on account of this work, and shall indemnify and hold the Secretary harmless from any and all costs, liabilities, expenass, salts, judgements, or damages to persons or property or claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of or In connection with this Permit, or the operation and Performance thereunder by the Petitioner, their agents, employees, or subcontractors. 11.0 INSURANCE: The Petitioner shall provide Insurance and dull furnish a Certificate of Insurance indicating the following coverage: a. Comprehensive Liability: Bodily injury and property damage for which the Contractor is responsible with limits of $250,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence. Is. Workman's Compensations: $300,000 to cover claims of the Contractor and the contractor's employees. 11.1 13 Check if no liability insurance required. 11.2 Insurance as herein required shell be mamtdned in tome nntil final release of the Petitioner by the District Engineer (and City). The insurance document shall include a clause requiring the insuror to notify the Secretary ten (10) days in advance of any cancellation or change in insurance coutracts. 12.0 HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS AND/OR MAINTENANCE: in the event the Secretary deems it necessary or proper to make any ah teration or Improvement along or upon the highway right•of�way which Is the subject of this Permit, the Petitioner agrees to hold the Secretary harmless for any and all damage or injury to said Petitioner's facilities, whether finished orunfinshed, as well as damage or Injury to Petitioner's equipment, materials, employees, agents or contractees. The Petitioner further agrees that the work approved on this permit will be conducted in such a manner as not to interfere with construction or other work being performed by the KDOT (or City) or its contractors In the vicinity of the Petitioner's work or project. 12.1 The Petitioner agrees, that within a reasonable time after receiving written notice from the Secretary that Petitionses facilities ere in conflict with ROOT new construction or major maintenance operations, to alter, change location or move their construction work or facil. ities without cod or expense to the Secretary. It is further agreed that written notice will not be required for KDOT normal maintenance such as sign installation or replacement, cleaning existing ditches and channels, etc... whether planned or not. 18.0 SNOW REMOVAL: The Petitioner understands and agrees that the KDOT (or qty) .does not assume my responsibility for the re- moval or clearance of mow, se or sleet, or the opening of windrows of such material, upon any portion of any driveway along any mute cow end by this Permit even though mow. Ice or sleet, is deposited or windrowed by authorized representatives engaged in normal winter mdnte- nance operations. Thin Permit is hereby accepted and is provisions agreed to by the parties hereto. APPROVED: CITY OF Salina -�-(when applicable) --�0 Mayor Eyal gyr City Engr. Don Hoff, City Eng neer City Clerk PETITIONER: KPL Can Snyvi _(firmOnsme) J.V. Eakins OOwner D Agent 0 Lessee O Contractor Director of Distribution Engineering & operation 818 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kansas 66612 Address RECOMMENDEDBZZ,.� - , 'e /k�J D Area Engr. rea Supt. D Utility Coord. PERMIT APPROVAL DATE: JUL 21987 SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE STATE OF KANSAS : II O ao ONONd10 I ovoO l 0-100 1 fA C m x F— W T -r r W m O p Z m m m O O r0 m z D— yr Q d V) 41 � m � n r C) D r ; O 0 E; m n fA C m � A a C W T -r r W OdO�I d3n�n� , �o n m Z G) Z m m 2 G)