kdot bridge insp report 4/10/1987 HORACE B. EDWARDS, Secretary of Tl'lnlPortatlon MIKE HAYDEN. Gov.-nor .... ~~\__IR4~ .~~~" <>=i~~~~' 4.1 . ~ :x:- ~...'\~..'.~. .~. ""'....,. ::::!....., />. ,..,ar J2>' "':',f',j~'~ ~,~'= J KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DOCKING STATE OFFICE BUILDING - TOPEKA, KANSAS 88812-1588 (813) 288 - 358& April HI, 1987 Mr. Dean Boyer Ci ty Engineer City~. Bldg. - 300 W. Ash Box 736 Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Boyer: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has become more concerned with compliance with the two year bridge'rein~pection requirements and is monitoring this requirement closely. The FHWA has informed our office that federal highway funding will be withheld fran cities and counties that are not in compliance wi th this two year inspection frequency. Our records indicate that the bridge inventory report for your City is due in our office by July 1987. Receipt of your current inventory report by this date will keep your City in canpliance with the two year reinspection requirement. Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter. Sincerely, I RAYMOND E. OLSON, P. E. Chief of Rural & Urban Development ..) , ~)'. ' ~:J ;""_i.. L,~~~' /'" /. y,lft-r.. BRUCE H. FILIPPI, P. E. Assistant Bridge Engineer REO:BF:dd Enclosure