federal aid system map urban area boundary 3/15/1983 I. , JOHN B. KEMP, Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor J :" KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OFFICE BUILDING-TOPEKA. KANSAS 66612 ..,.' ~' March 15, 1983 Federal Aid Urban System Urban Area Boundary (UAB) City of Salina 'Saline County RECEIVED MAR 1 7 1983 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Mr. Rufus Nye City Manager P. O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mr. Nye: Enclosed are copies of Federal Aid Systems map and The Federal Ald Systems map Urban Area Boundary (UAB). sent to the County. Please review the Urban Area Boundary Federal Aid System and Functional Classification of the streets within your City. the Functional Classification map, traffic county map for your City. shows the current and proposed A copy of this material is being If you have any comments or revisions, please mark them on the Systems map and return it to this office or if you are in agreement with everything, notify us by letter. Very truly yours, RAYMOND E. OLSON, P. E. Chief of Rural and Urban Development ,- " BY: j'~ /J. Gtd;Zuv Robert G. Cutter, P. E..--€tt -fA Urban Area Engineer or61r- REO:RGC:1kb EncIs. /- Z- 9~ - 31fJ~ / 1------ I I ... I 'J:. 1 I W I '" I ---- I I n I 0 I 1 I ;"T, I Gl I fTl 1 1 1 I I I ... ~n f\,;. '" ... " - '" ... ~. - ..:..., " .... To '" D '" ... ;: '" "" '" .... .r. -" -.J ~ ... ('S " .", ------------- '" " r " :;:3: n OJ> r , ~ - 2.Z ,:, --1,:-> .0-:> ,0 ~n ;/'1 ^ ''T1 :r: 1> VI '-;-::' '" .... .... <: " -< c.'1 ;l) .:> ." v <:. "" -< :> .... .... :> ... ::> ~ J; '" .... :P <.' " ... .::; .~ ..; ~ .... '0 '" C' " .... .)0 C ... 1 I I I I I zx. ,-= ..... ~ -'-i ::> ::> '" -------------- if; .... ,. I I I I I I I I I --------------1 I I I I n :r !'Tl ':J ^ J"'T: fT1 --------- --------------- 1) '" 1) .... rr1 I <II n ::: .... .... (1) :::;.." >"J .;,;: C ~r :-;r x- cn n :"!1 "" .... ;'! Z Z - > r o .... .... .~ ::: - G) ~ r ,.,. z: <:) ~ .... "" .... 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(" F' f' r: ~; f,' r C' f: ~;. ~:. . - ----------, - ._~ ....-~ -~ ~ """ <eITY OF SALINA ".~ ,..:. ...~.--~, . .;1$. DEAN BOVER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING oePARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 AREA CODE 913 827.9481 DONALD E. HOFF. P. E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER April 18, 1983 Mr. Raymond E. Olson, P.E. Chief of Rural and Urban Development Kansas Department of Transportation State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 Re: Urban Area Boundary Map Federal Aid Urban System Map Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is a revised Functional Classification map and a revised Federal Aid Urban System map for the City of Salina. These revisions are based on current planning and engineering studies accepted by our City Commission. If you have any comments concerning these revisions as shown on the two (2)' maps, please contact us. Sincerely, j) / __~1 Don Hof , P. . - DH:as Enclosures (3) MEMBER. . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES. NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES .. . ..-"j . , COUNTY ENGINEER WESLEY N. MOORE, P.E. SALINE COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 823-2327 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 April 18, 1983 Mr. Raymond E. Olson, P.E. Chief, Rural and Urban Development Kansas Department of Transportation 8th Floor - state Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed please find the approved "revised" proposed Urban Area Boundary for Saline County and the City of Salina along with a revised map showing the revised UAB. In addition, enclosed please find "REQUEST FOR SECONDARY ROAD DESIGNATION", D.O.T. Form No. 1301, requesting FAS designation for the described portion of Markley Road from Magnolia Road North to the City Limits, the request is for FAU designation from the City Limits North to Crawford Street. Thank you for your help and consideration in making this re- vision. Very truly yours, ~~7t~ Wesley N. Moore, P.E. SALINE COUNTY ENGINEE~ pa encl. cc: Board of County Commissioners, Saline County, Kansas yMr. Don Hoff, Salina City Engineer's Office file __r"li , ... REQUEST FOR SECONDARY ROAD DESIGNATION and/or FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Two copies to Secretary of Transportation Needed copies for County Saline County Date April 18, 1983 WHEREAS: The Secretary of Transportation acting by and through the Department of Transportation of the State of Kansas. known as the SECRETARY. has been designated as agent for Saline County under an agreement dated June 11. . 19.1l.... and. WHEREAS: Certain principal feeder roads or streets in said County are considered as eligible for inclusion in the Secondary Road System. and. WHEREAS: It is necessary that Secondary Road designations be made by the Counties with the concurrence of the SECRETARY and approval of the Federal Highway Admin- istration. in compliance with the State and Federal Laws pertaining thereto. I . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: By the Board of County Commissioners of said County that the SECRETARY be and is hereby requested to submit for Secondary Road Desig- nation the road or roads described as follows: Beginning'1.5 miles East of Ohio Street on Magnolia Road (FAS 2041), thence North and Northeasterly on a proposed FAS Route 0.7 mile to Salina City limits, thence contiriuing due North in Salina City limits on a proposed FAil Route 1.3 miles and terminating 1.6 miles East of Ohio Street (FAIl 4841) on Crawford Street (FAil 4816). In addition. the Board of County Commissioners of said County hereby reaffirms the previously approved Functional Classifications of the remainder of the County roads and streets. (Enclose.map with requested revisions or additions indicated in color). Adopted this L!i.. day of A.j>r': / Recommended for Approval: . 1983... 5;"", //",rQ , Kansas THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~lMISSIONERS ~~~~~i~" , nn1S E. rlso~ ~h/~~b~ / Y . Al~, "<1' Member Dan S. Geis ~hA~ ~ ;;?'/~ unty Engineer Wesley N. MJore, P.E. Attest: Co t C Shirley Jacques Rev. 12-82 ",I"'''''", ""'~'L COIJ ..... ~..' v'......... J\t,. '4J,. ~fII: ~ .' ", J-...."" I CtJ.,. ", \ ~ : . ~ I : COUNTY .~ 'a :: rb:J :: : : : : ~ ~ CLERK : : ~ " .. i ~ . . e,... ~ _""If " bo':- ......u."" I, " c.."l;...... "'4 ....... ,,\-...... ""'irE OF ",~"", .""......... D.O.T. FORH NO. 1301 .-,.,-' . ,-.. I, APPROVAL l The proposed Urban Area Boundary and any changes in functional classification and federal-aid systems delineated on the enclosed map and the re-affirmation of a complete functional classification and Federal-Aid system for Saline County are hereby approved. RECOMMEND FOR APPROVAL: ~~:;4, ~ Cou y Engineer 4- -~#- Bs Date) ,. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~~~i&M/ Chtl. ma I Jd~-